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Posts posted by thegunny

  1. I know that they were available in Mech Commander 2. I don't remember what variant letter they were given in the game. I assumed the were actual variants from Battletech. Guess I was wrong.

    Still would have loved to have equipped a Bushwacker like that in MW4.

    Thanks. MechCommander 2 didn't have variants as such apart from some of the personalised mechs that some of the characters had and some of the elite units you ran into from time to time. As long as you had the space and the heat sinks you could pretty much slap whatever you wanted on the mechs which isn't bad in a way but it's still nice to struggle with a traditional load out one and a while instead of having all the bells and whistles.

    I used to love having all the mechs armed with Clan ERPPC's and firing them all at once at some poor unsuspecting light mech. 99% of the time it just turned into a hole in the ground instantly and if you crank up the sound, that crackling zap of 15+ PPCs was fantastic :lol:

  2. My biggest problem with the MW4 weapon slot system, was that it prevented some official variants, like a PPC carrying Bushwacker.

    Interested to know what variant that was as it doesn't show up in any of the record sheets or TRO's I've got or HMP.

    Some out of cockpit action such as anti-mech infantry A-la Ramage's squads from Grey Death Legion would be nice as would vehicles such as hovers & armour.

    I'm glad it's in 1st person as I really hated the 3rd person games on (po)X-box.

  3. Whats to say they wont have the Clans show up a little early.

    But they did ;)

    Wolf's Dragoons anyone?

    At around the time the game is set they are working for the FWL but had just finished working for the Davions a few years earlier, so a bit of Star League/Clantech might show up in the Davion forces.

  4. Just hope the game is more accurate to the date they show at the start than the intro clip is.

    Atlas - C is a 3060 era mech and Warhammers or any other mech for that matter don't have recon probes.

    The pulse laser comment before would only be applicable if they decide to use Star League designs as IS mechs didn't start using them again until after 3050.

    Another point of fluff vs game play would be the targeting of individual areas as suggested by the comments of why didn't they shoot them in the legs. Targeting computers did not become available until after 3050 (except for some Star League variants) so accurately hitting a specfic location on the move would be more good luck than good shooting.

    Hopefully not too much fluff will be lost to game play but I doubt it as they will want to attract as wide an audiance as possible and for that fluff needs to suffer :rolleyes:

    Whilst it's nice to be able to customise your mech you have to remember that IS mechs of this era are of fixed desighns and not omni-mechs but I would say that's one area that will not stay fluffy as they've done the customising thing in Mech 3 & 4.

    Bit of a bummer it's X-Box exclusive :( . Let's hope they see reason and make it available for real PC's.

  5. Doesn't the original creator Jordan Weisman (sp?) have the rights to the video game part (mechwarrior). Not sure about the board game (battletech) side though, I think that belongs to InMediaRes. Who really knows because in true Land of The Free style it's hidden under a million different names :rolleyes:

  6. ^there are plenty of american remakes that are classics. samurai 7/magnificent 7 and infernal affairs/the departed are examples (i haven't seen the departed, samurai 7 or magnificent 7 but i'm going off of other people's reviews of them). i'm more into getting americans to watch more subtitled movies.

    i remember when my friend told me that point of no return is a remake of la femme nikita. i've had point of no return on my "to watch" list for a while now (i have lots of movies on my "to watch" list that my parents didn't let me watch when i was younger). but after he told me that, i was like "i'd rather see the original. even if the remake is a really good movie, remakes are never better than the original". i saw the ring when it came and it is a good movie. but my japanese friend/tutor from college told me that it was a japanese movie. so i went out and bought a region-free dvd player and the u.k. release of the movie. the original is alot better than the american version (i saw the u.s. version first and i have no complaints about the movie).

    my mentality is to get ppl to quit complaining about subtitles and at least watch the original version once. i remember when me and my friends went to see crouching tiger hidden dragon, we didn't know that it was subtitled. all my friends did was complain about it being in chinese and saying that they gave up reading after 5 minutes. i read all the subtitles for the entire movie (this was my first time watching a subtitle movie and i was anti-subtitle or subtitle-phobic before this). reading a subtitled movie won't kill anybody.

    after this, i asked one of the ppl (who said that he gave up reading the subtitles of this movie) if foreigners watch american movies in theaters (i know that the dvd version gets dubbed) subbed or dubbed overseas (his parents are military and were stationed in europe and asia when he was younger). he said that they are subtitled, that he used to watch them all the time overseas in the theaters and that he ignored the subtitles since he obviously understands english. so, ppl in europe and asia have no problems watching a subtitled movies but americans act like they are going to die if they are forced to read a movie (my boss likes so say that they probably have poor reading skills. she also teaches at the local university here in town. she talks about students who she gave a reading test to so that she could help them improve their reading skills and pass her class; but that they really have no hope because they are at the reading level of a 5th grader or lower. no b.s.).

    so, it is nothing against against the remakes. it is more about ppl being more tolerant to foreign movies and releasing them on the big screen for us to watch; not always remaking the movie or dubbing the movie for us (they change the plot, character's lines, ect whenever it is dubbed. just watch ghost in the shell or kung fu hustle subbed and then dubbed and you'll see what i mean. akira is the same in the subbed and dubbed version). as i said, it's nothing against the remakes. some of us just want to see a foreign movie on a theater's big screen sometimes. the few that they do show are few and very far inbetween (and if you don't live in one of the top 5 major markets then they may decide to skip my city, which is in the top 10, not top 5).

    but i still stand by my nuclear bomb analogy. i hate it when hollywood takes a movie and "americanize" it for us. just educate ppl on other countries history and just don't focus on greek, roman, american history (and any history not involving these 3 parties is not important). korea borrowed the idea of american pie and they came up with sex is zero. but sex is zero is not an american pie remake (it may not be an american pie influenced movie but when my friend came home from his trip there and showed us the non-subtitled vcd, that is how he described the movie. good thing he translated the movie for us [he thought the he had bought the dvd version, not the vcd version]). also, my other friend showed me the korean movie city of violence and said that the idea came from kill bill (it even uses the same music from kill bill). but it is not a remake of kill bill, it is an original story. not everything that hollywood borrows from others has to be a remake (stars wars is a good example of lucus borrowing the idea of samurais, turning them into jedi and making an original movie. just look at yoda, he speaks in subject-object-verb sentence order [i think, i haven't seen the movie in awhile]).

    Not a big fan of capital letters eh? It's not hard, just hold down the shift key. I know you can do it because you use () quite a lot :p

  7. Battletech figures are approx 1/285, which is a rough standard for some sci-fi table top games.

    If you go for the "unseen" original figures you can cover quite a bit of the Macross world.

    Wasp is a VF1-S battroid

    Wasp LAM is a VF-1S gerwalk

    Stinger is a VF1-1A battroid

    Stinger LAM is a VF-1A gerwalk

    Crusader is a VF-1A GBP

    Phoenix Hawk is a VF1-S Super battroid

    Phoenix Hawk LAM is a VF-1? Strike gerwalk

    Rifleman is a Defender

    Archer is a Spartan

    Warhammer is a Tomahawk

    Clan Stone Rhino or Behemoth is a Monster (sort of)

    Marauder is a Glaug

    The LAMS can be easily converted to fighter mode by leaving off the legs. There are a few more that are loosely based on Valks but the above are pretty much direct copies. In the original advertising for them back in the early 80's they were even shown in Macross colours.

    The unseens are relatively easy to get hold of in both original and recast. The original Behemoth is probably the hardest with the Marauder next. If you decide to use them make sure they are the "unseen" (lawsuit) versions as the later ones had to be redesigned thanks to our favourite Robotech company.

  8. ahh the lameness begins. didn't sit by my computer all weekend and lose out on graug. please let us losers know when/if there will be more.



    If you're lucky you might be able to score the demo after all the smoke settles. I scored a Spartan & a Defender demo from John just recently with most of the hard work already done.

  9. Does an atomic digital watch not freeze in a time stopped room as well? Besides what Yuki did was already outside the laws of physics and relativity.

    Don't know about you but the last time I checked my atomic digital wrist watch the laws of relativity didn't really seem that important :blink: and Mikura is still hot no matter what laws are in place.

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