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Posts posted by thegunny

  1. Welcome to the world of the HLJ ordering system.

    If you have various items in the one order that are not all available at the same time they DO NOT place the items they have on hold for you until the others are available. You have to keep checking your account all the time and tell them to ship all available items and yes if you are too slow doing this the item goes on back order.

    Use HW Japan. They are far better at handling this. When an item you ordered on a multiple order becomes available they WILL automatically hold it for you until the other items become available. They also seem to fill their backorders quicker that HLJ and a lot of the items that HLJ claim are discontinued are readily available from HW Japan. Their web site is a bit hard to handle at times but you can always research what you are after on other sites then order it from them.

    HW Japan are anything up to 30% cheaper than HLJ on day to day items (all Bandai items are at least 20% cheaper), their postage is ALWAYS cheaper, they use SAL Parcel Post (HLJ force you to use EMS if the items can't be sent SAL small packet as for some reason they will not use SAL Parcel), you have the option of EMS with HW Japan but SAL Parcel Post is traceable so why bother and as a cherry on the top they also give you reward points that you can use at any time for discount off any future orders.

  2. You know, I like P.P.C.'s does anyone else like P.P.C.'s???

    Nice try but you might as well forget it.

    This thread has been well and truly hijacked by the 6000 words of pointless dribble trogs that lurk in the shadows of the interzweb waiting for the slightest opportunity to unleash their mindnumbing dissertations on subjects that they somehow fell are related to the original topic.

    There's a picture in the original House Kurita book of a foot soldier sitting down enjoying a swig of saki. It's a wonder someone hasn't started musing over wether or not the saki is warm or cold, what type it is, wether the creases he gets in his pants from sitting down with get him into trouble when he goes on parade or if his saki breath will fog up the gun sight in battle <_<

    BTW isn't it just PPC not P.P.C. ;)

  3. In a few words; Robert Thurston.

    Check out The Legend of the Jade Phoenix 1, 2 & 3 and the follow up titles, I am Jade Falcon, Freebirth & Falcon Rising. The last 2 are part of the Twilight of the Clans series.

    The Jade Phoenix Trilogy follows the fortunes of a group of new Jade Falcon mechwarriors and the other 3 titles continue the stories of the lead characters from the Trilogy.

    Thurston has IMHO an easier to read style than some of the other authors, especially William Keith Jr who wrote most the Grey Death books who I feel has a tendency to ramble on with too much filler and not enough action.

  4. Ginrai, Gui & co, it's quite easy to start another thread to discuss your totally pointless (from a Battletech perspective) ramblings about who came first, the chicken or the egg starship trooper dissertation.

    This thread has been clogged up with way too much crap about law suits and other ramblings and whilst I'm sure you know a lot about the implications of starship troopers and other sci-fi writings in the big picture please take them else where.

  5. Yeah, those special finish coating is a pain to conceal. Though you must give credit to BanDai for trying to place most of the sure spots in hidden places.

    Your best bet is to mix that colour up! Although it is advertised as a titanium finish, it looks more like a metallic pearl gloss finish.

    Another idea it weather the gundam up and try and hide those un-coated parts with more weathering.

    Thanks for all the suggestions B))

    The weathering suggestion hit the nail right on the head, thanks Andy.

    I've got some of those Tamiya makeup set type weathering kits and one of them has silver in it and it seems to match almost perfectly.

    Going a bit OT but how the hell did this post end up in the Anime & Sci Fi forum when I posted it in the model forum :blink:

  6. The reason the Timber Wolf (Madcat) isn't in the intro book is that it is a Clan mech and the intro book only deals with Level 1 3025 Inner Sphere mechs. The Clan mechs don't feature until 3049/3050 with the exception of the odd bit of clantech in Wolf's Dragoons.

  7. It might be coincidental, but thats alot of the same kinda mechs done in an almost assembly line like production method to just be from some "collection" lot.

    Maybe but I've got a full Wolf's Dragoon Zeta Company (pre Misery) and apart from the single mech types it has 4 Annihilator, 7 Stalker, 5 Atlas, 4 Awesome, 3 Marauder II, 4 Imp & 3 Shogun mechs plus all up I have 614 IS mechs and 332 Clan mechs. There are a heap of multiple mech types in that lot. :p

  8. Rolling Thunder, a unit in Battletech uses a similar motif. Here's a scan. It might be a bit clearer as the image is almost full page in the book. It has the face of a banshee though but I'm sure a clever clogs at photoshop will be able to fix that :p

  9. I see them from time to time, are you interested in the Milky Doll figures that come with the kits? If not I'll get them for you at my cost if I can keep the figures.

    Thanks for the offer, please let me know if you do stumble across them.

    As far as the Milky Doll figures are concerned they are really what I'm after. I have no real interest in the VF-17 or VF-22 (apart from to make up the full set) and I think the battroid kits don't have the figures in them.

  10. Looking for the following Yellow Submarine kits from the Digital Mission VF-X series please.


    VF-17D Nightmare




    VF-4G Battroid


    VF-11B Battroid

    Only interested in originals, no recasts thanks.

  11. Sunrise doesn't have a leg to stand on? Are you just stupid or something?

    He said may, not doesn't (big difference) so are you blind or something!

    Gee it would be nice to have a thread, any thread where the "I know more about HG lawsuits (or insert any other japanese company's name) than you do" experts flooded the boards with speculative crap :p

  12. Someone pls explain this "unseen" means and how does it relate to canon?

    I'm guessing its the mechs contested by HG to be infringing their copyright and in canon they made the mechs rare or something?

    It hasn't affected canon in any way. The mechs are still usable in the game, it's only their images are not allowed to be used. The mechs are not rare. Originally they just re-published the TRO's with the offending mechs removed then they later redesigned the image which let to the god awful Project Phoenix mechs then in the Phoenix Upgrades TRO (I think) they just used blacked out silouettes when refering to the unseens.

    I think unseen comes from the fact you can still use the figures and specs but can't officially publish any images.

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