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Everything posted by thegunny

  1. Only if the copyright owners insist otherwise they couldn't give a sh1t. Banning things does not make them money
  2. If you do a search I'm pretty sure you'll find what you're after as this has been discussed a few times in the past.
  3. That's about all a house is worth in the US at moment anyway In Aus we like to sell people the Sydney Harbour bridge
  4. What Are you sick or somehthing, a one line post
  5. Absolutely, couldn't agree more.
  6. I'd say the only "cock pit" around here is your house
  7. I reckon it looks pretty ordinary Certainly wouldn't pay 15540Y for it.
  8. WTF are you talking about. What series? At least there is an attempt at punctuation this time
  9. Hmm, interesting so in your ideal world people are not allowed to buy and sell model kits for a profit So where are you going to buy your models from, as I'm sure the various retailers are not going go "Oh here comes Chas we better sell him our models at a loss otherwise we'll be branded scum of the earth speculators" And just for the record I collect far more models than I make with an emphasise on short run resin kits that will, over time be worth far more than I paid for them. Eventually they will be sold (nothing lasts forever) and with the money I make I'll be sure to have an extra cray or two as I'm feeding off the bottom.
  10. I think some trannies can be quite interesting
  11. Lovely theory that, but once you get out into the real world it's just that theory. As long as the item lasts past warranty and the stock holders wallets are nice and fat most places couldn't care less. I soon had all the fluffy goodness that I learnt at uni flushed out once I was at the coal face. Anyway back on topic. Firstly, VFTF1 do you ever give a short answer although at least you use sentences. You must a dedicated student of Tolstoy. Secondly, +1 for the punctuation. shadow strikers it's not hard to use the shift, caps and . , ? keys. Go on give it a try, you'll be amazed, people just might take time to read what you've got to say and even understand it
  12. If anyone is interested cdJapan have Tereus on sale for 7543 yen cdJapan Tereus
  13. Hey it's only money and remember one of the most important things: He who dies with the most toys wins!
  14. The pdf. Don't think there ever was a preview.
  15. Yes and there's not that much difference. Edit: just did a back to back page comparison and the only difference between the original and V2 is pg 92. The original had a picture of the cover of the Introductory Box Set (25th Anniversary Edition) which shows a Warhammer getting hammered and V2 has a picture of the forthcoming Clan Expansion Box Set which shows a Mad Dog dishing out a bit of pain. ALL other pics of the so called unseens ARE still there.
  16. I'll go for one, always room for one more box of resin bits Wouldn't sweat the V1 owners feeling miffed. Improvement is a fact of life. You don't see car makers holding back on improvements just because it might upset the owners of last years model.
  17. Found this on sankaku complex
  18. I have a copy of DRYL Perfect Edition that's virginal (mainly due to the fact I don't have an LD player ). Being in Australia makes it a bit difficult as I'm a bit reluctant to loan it OS but if someone here has the required equipment to do the copy I'm sure we can come to some arrangements. Edit: Inserted pic to verify the LD is CAV
  19. I didn't question Justicar's abilities nor do I give a rats arse about the toy and I'm sure most other serious modellers don't either, all I wanted to know is it ever going to happen. Justicar has given his reasons although I'm not sure where the pulling a fast one came from unless there were behind the scenes carryings on. It is good to know that he hasn't completely abandoned the idea and once your economy climbs out of the toilet hopefully it will get off the ground.
  20. No it wouldn't. Keep the CGI crap in the bottom drawer where it belongs and don't de-face a classic old school anime with it. As was mentioned earlier remakes are only for those that have no creative ability and 99.99% of the time THEY SUCK!
  21. Is this project shaking hands with the Titanic or is it just floating off shore waiting for the tide to come in
  22. Sorry don't have a PSP but I'd sure like some MUF
  23. Here's a link to a site that may be able answer a few of the questions asked. Retr0Bright
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