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Everything posted by borgified

  1. 10K Yen more than the last listed price? That is seriously rolling into From Japan territory when the 31a got released. Just meandered into From Japan and the highest listed is at 130K yen while the lowest is 44K yen.
  2. Or just like when USS Discovery warps into another reality.
  3. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Aahh! That was when the DX VF-31J Kai and the HMR Nexx VF-2ss was shown. The VF-31J Kai was a hot release and the ones that couldn't get it, had to wait for the lottery option.. I have a feeling that the DX VF-1J will be shown and possibly with a new DX/HMR teased.
  4. borgified

    Macross figures

    Not quite a bump, however this quite interesting... From the May'n (The Galactic Fairy thread). I'm betting that there will be an interesting conversation with your sweetie if anyone decides to pic both up if it goes get made.
  5. I believe that there is still pre-orders up on Amazon Japan. As of any other Japanese Hobby stores, you can try looking it up; however, I have a feeling that the orders are closed. Maybe closer to release date, the availability might be still there (don't count on that though).
  6. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    If my memories serves me correctly, isn't there another Tamashii Display show sometime in the next few months (or is my memory totally out of wack)? I recall that @jeniusdid a list of the upcoming releases for the remaining year and with the LIl'Draken and the clip add on for the re-issue 31F for end of January/beginning of February of next year. I would like to see teasers for the upcoming HMR release (as for who knows what's next on the list, we don't know), as it's mostly likely that the year will end up with the DX VF-1J release.
  7. I'm in for another version of a 1/48 valk by Bandai as I have the Yammie Strike Hikaru already. No doubt that the Strike/Super parts will be offered down the road and the GBP for the VF-1J for those who are getting it.
  8. I'm way behind in giving you guys an update in regards to the upcoming (or about to be released) 1/6th figures as I am focusing to get my certificate in Property Management with other two courses to go. There has been various uploads of 1/6th figures done by Toys TV HK on their YouTube channel (in Cantonese) and I might suggest you to also take a peek in there along with other 1/6th reviewers on YouTube. I've been waiting for this one - Threezero's take on Agent Mulder from X-Files (going to get this after the HT ESB Fett if my funds don't run out that is). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOP09p1Xe7Y Edit: Two hours later.. I'll toss in Fwoosh's review also.
  9. Got it fulfilled by Amazon Japan. I believe that there are charges for International Shipping is listed on the sellers exact link (as their rate varies form seller to seller) and go for the Global Shipping Option to get to set out to where you are.
  10. The trifecta of MP Megs, Screamer and Soundwave are the main ones for the Destron shelf and toss in One Eye in there also. Just came in while making coffee this morning a hour ago from Amazon Japan .
  11. borgified

    Macross figures

    The other face will work out as well. Now we all know why Miria had to cut her hair to hip length, do to the fact that it can't all fit inside that helmet and even shorter in Macross 7.
  12. Yeah that one was at Rancho Obi wan and Steven Sansweet got it back. His friend did get caught after a few weeks of serious searching. I think that it was posted on various SW sites as well.
  13. @Slave IV: Speaking of safely laws, there was one with the original 3.75 inch Fett that was issued with the Rocket Firing backpack as I don't know if you read that one. The TT MP Grimmy has very sharp teeth and claws plus it can make your bleed if you did something dumb while the American release has duller claws and teeth.
  14. Not the "Real True" G1 version though. It's G1 Transformer re-issue Starscream version at Walmart. and has been spotted in one the Walmart shelves in the States. http://news.tfw2005.com/2018/09/19/g1-starscream-reissue-found-at-us-walmart-371990 There's the re-issue Devy, Bumble Bee and a bunch of other ones out already. The re-issue Hot Hod should be out soon [you can get the true G1 re-issue on Manda if you don't want to waste gas (different packaging though)].
  15. Anyone wants Arad's 31s? One up in Jungle - Grade B at 20.5k yen. http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=121&id=2457697 I could get it, however I'll be nice since I have gotten the Draken and my wallet needs to recover again. Mirage's 31c (pre-owned) is getting up to the 24k yen mark - https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-029195-R Hayate's 31J (plus the Supers) and Messer's 31F (pre-reissue) are also still there on Amiami (both valks are pre-owned).
  16. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks to a feline friend dropping a hint, Jenius' review of the HMR VT-1 is up. I know that this a touchy valk to a fair amount of people due to some reasons unknown, just take the review as it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jziC8QUdorQ Edit: I'm tossing in Knerdout's review on it also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN-Wiz7iLMs
  17. Didn't post this yesterday. My DX SV-262Hs arrived on Thursday and picked it up from the post office as no one was at home. Nothing was broken, however gold paint chips where present and the white paint on the wing tampograph was slightly peeled off. Edit: Very common mistake as I typed in Ha not Hs.
  18. I did a quick shot with my used 1/48 VF-1s Hikaru with the Strike and fast Pack combo and with THF's Dynastron (their version of not-MP Megs) for a comparison on a different forum. Note that I had to put the 1/48 Hikaru and the Fast/Strike Combo towards the back, due to being back heavy and the joints are loose. My 1/48 Hikaru is slightly yellowed if your wondering.
  19. Haul over two days. Jungle: Grade B - DX SV-262 Hs (Now for the hunt for the Lil'Draken add on) From my LCS: (1) With trade in credit - Fansproject Sigma L and the recent Old Man Logan TPB. Marvel comics is calling off Old Man Logan, Weapon X and a bunch of other covers from what I've learned. (2) 20% off from MRSP- Usagi Yojimbo: Book 32: Mysteries. Edit: It's Hs not Ha. I always get these mixed up..
  20. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Based on your reply back, is it theoretically possible that the N-ger is up next; however, I could be wrong in saying that.
  21. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    I trimmed your attached pic out of my reply to keep things simple @jvmacrossif that is what your asking (and I did see it).
  22. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    You mean Silvie's VF-2ss I take it? Yes it has been released and the most recent HMR was the VT-1 in which it got lost of flack here to a degree (the reasons why are up for debate for simplicity purposes). Here's @sh9000post to keep you up to speed. The question is.... Which HMR is next? The teased Phalanx, Tomahawk, N-ger and other offerings are available. Other that, Bandai hasn't mentioned a peep.
  23. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Don't forget that Bandai also has the DX YF-19 as well (to be released and the end of next week I believe). Once the VF-1 and the YF-19 is released, I'm sure that Bandai re-focus back in the HMR lineup.
  24. borgified

    Macross figures

    My theory on why Sheryl and Ranka are the more focused characters. It's been ten years since Frontier was on the airwaves plus a new single by May'n and Nakajima Megumi doing the vocals of their respected characters for the Anniversary (not to mention the chemistry between the two of them upon singing together). Even with the animated series plus the two movies, isn't fair that to say that Sheryl and Ranka are the two focused singers the the series and we get to see the evolution of them both from their start up as rookie signers to where they are in the series? Note: The Anniversary song is up on Youtube. Can't give you the direct link as I'm at work. If anyone can upload it, then you're free to do so, otherwise I'll do it later when I get home.
  25. borgified

    Macross figures

    From seti88's post on the DX YF-19 thread; here's the link for clearer pics of the Macross Figures, artwork, merchandise, other stuff and the DX YF-19. http://www.decultureshock.com/macross-macross-f-cafe-art-gallery/ * *Actually posted by Gwyn Campbell on the 6th of this month. Here are some pics from the actual event. Edit: There are three more pics of Sheryl and Ranka in which I didn't post, and you'll know what they are when you click on it.
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