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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Are you going to use the "Peroxide Treatment" on your 171 EX? My second copy of VF-171EX Alto is slightly yellow and I'm not worried about it. Going to weather it and put it on display with the Amour Parts plus with the rest of my Macross collection when I get a proper shelf.
  2. @rdrunner - You're going to trying and get one before your trip or get one from Manda (if all else fails)?
  3. Now Amazon.JP is opening the doors and sending it to Canada (for those that want one)..
  4. It's also blocking shipments to Canada as well.. I guess that some of us have to wait when it's officially released to the outside.. I bet Manda will have a listing for it at a possible 3k yen markup when they get some stocks in.
  5. Guess what Show Z. has in stock now (if anyone has seen his website)?? KO Yamato Valk stand for $74.00 USD. The problem is that I don't see the attachments that are offered in the original Yamato release [total of 7 assorted clips for the Q-Rau, 1/48, 1/60, 1/72 in flight/battroid mode, and two for the YF-21]. https://showzstore.com/valkyrie-factory-vf-1-60-1-48-macross-display-stand-arcadia-compatible_p1146.html
  6. Actually went Boxing Day Shopping after seeing deals online. Star Ace's 1/6th Katniess and IDW's TPB The Red Star for a total of $194 CDN (not including taxes). Dealbreaker: Katness was 50% off and it has a flexible heavy duty arm to put into insane archery poses.
  7. I honestly don't know what the KO company (possibly BB7/YM) are using which molds to be exact. * rdrunner made a post on Oct. 28th about the KO company might use 95% of the molds and the other 5% was made up. * I asked about the KO Valk and the official GBP armour if they where compatible on the 31st, rdrunner replied that they where not on Nov. 4th. * dewpoint, noel, ignacio and rdrunner posted on Nov. 5th. It's your call guys.. Edit: On a tangent, I just turfed my KO YM-03 MP Screamer and keeping the parts that I can salvage from the complete teardown as I got the official MP Screamer (Long Life Logo) second hand. The next in line is KO Ratchet when I get the official version (possibly Long Life Logo as well) sometime next month.
  8. borgified

    Macross figures

    I believe that these are the official Banpresto EXQ Sheryl Nome Version 2 pics and found them after digging through the web. From Dengeki Hobby webpage: https://hobby.dengeki.com/reviews/672161/ Here are all the pics on the site itself. Edit: It's a reasonable representation of Sheryl Nome IMHO. Note that these are different from Noel's post a few pages back.
  9. Yes it is. DNA Designs Arashi (Banzai-tron) - A remake on their not-Bludgeon. Here's Ben's review.
  10. Maybe it's a possible way of protecting yourself to avoid IP and copyright theft? Recently LEGO made a C&D lawsuit against Lepin (A KO Lego manufacturer in China) due to the fact that they where bootlegging the original LEGO ideas and products that was offered on the market. Also a KO company sent a lawsuit against another KO company that was making the same product for a different market.* * I think that this was briefly mentioned on the Net - TFW2005 forums I believe. There's a YouTube documentary on IP thief. I haven't really looked around recently - basically different ideas between the States and East Asian markets due to laws and control.
  11. As a gearhead by trade, I had to sell off my toolbox ($3,000 worth of mechanics tools) for my move back to YVR from YYZ and missed doing simple repairs on my car. I borrowed tools when needed and it doesn't feel right when there is a lack of proper tools around for the job therefore you have to improvise along the way. Managed to get a starter set for $180 CND (not including taxes) and a 3rd party TF got delivered this morning.
  12. borgified

    Macross figures

    As per Cartman's famous quote on South Park goes... "You bastard!" Can you post pics and your thoughts upon receiving it @Lolicon if possible? I'll poke around on the web and YouTube for reviews. I have a feeling that you'll beat me to it.
  13. The Postal Strike is now over and according to this: http://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/canada-post-restores-all-service-guarantees/ar-BBReSBy?li=AAggXBV&ocid=DELLDHP Everything is back to normal except for the Vancouver sorting facility as it's catching up on the piled up packages that was stored in the trailers during the strike. I have a package from Hong Kong on the way and it won't be delivered till the first or second week of the New Year and hopefully it will get by customs with no issues. As for the DX missile sets, not going to get it as I'm waiting for the Supers and the hands for the eventual Strike release for Roy upon release.
  14. borgified

    Macross figures

    The EXQ Sheryl Nome Sitting Version is out and no pics of it hasn't been officially surfaced yet (except for the ones that @no3Ljm has posted awhile back). EXQ Sheryl Nome V.2 has been sold out on Manda for 1.5k yen. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1102655332&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en NY has it for 2k yen. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/26978-macross-f-exq-figure-sheryl-nome-ver2.html
  15. For those who still want a Messer (non movie version). Amiami has one used copy (Item A/Box B). Price: 20k yen https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-027032-R
  16. Check your inbox..
  17. SS Magnus doesn't look too good IMHO. From Toyark. http://news.toyark.com/2018/12/18/aquaman-movie-1-6-scale-aquaman-figure-by-hot-toys-327281 Plus Threezero's 1/6 GOT Drogon preview. http://news.toyark.com/2018/12/18/game-of-thrones-drogon-figure-preview-by-threezero-327313
  18. Looks at my copy of the 262 Hs.. The knees are ratcheted , the joints are die cast. Some of the Masterpiece TFs have racheted legs (like MP-10, MP-13 and various others. Don't know about the upcoming MP-44 V.3 Prime). I'll see if I can get a copy of the YF-30 and leave it in valk mode (no promises thought), although seeing the flaws now being present really sidelines it. 32k yen now is still a chunk of change for a 8 year old valk.
  19. Now this version comes with the Flash Freeze Zero Effect? I have the first version of Kiryu and seems like the V.2 versions of the kiju gets the effect/additional parts which didn't come on the first round.
  20. Its gone.. Someone must have been waiting the valk that badly. It was a packaging issue that got the busted head laser not a design flaw.
  21. Ha ha… Does anyone want to ship an actual Arcadia VF-1s Hikaru to Ben in the U.K. so he can make a further in depth review?
  22. Jungle had a Chronos for 28k yen six months ago and before the web ordering remake happened (still doing a make over) it creeped up to 34k yen. If the website gets back up and running it might creep up to 36k+ yen.
  23. Another review done by BensKOllectables and was originally posted by @VF-Zer0S.
  24. Anyone want a Chronos?? Amiami has one right now at 34k yen however its listed as Item A/Box C (meaning the box is clearly damaged). https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-005738-R Edit: There are some units that are also available at FromJapan (proxy) at buy it now from 43k yen [the lowest] up to 56,420 yen..
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