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Everything posted by ghostryder

  1. Looks like they just repainted a TV Hikkie 1J for the stealth, and used the pilot as-is. Pretty sure they would use a different pilot for the production model.
  2. Why would Yamato show these color variants just for the heck of it, if they weren't similar to what they were planning for production? I don't go to these events, so maybe this is normal practice?
  3. I hope.. how hard would it be to change to plastic color and get different paints? Yamato, give us a 1J or 1S head on that low-vis!!!!
  4. The stealth isn't so bad... not sure what else people were expecting. I think it's better than all black, but it would have been better if both fuselage halves were black. That low-vis would have been MUCH better if they would have done a sky/cloud blue-gray scheme .
  5. That's cool, I see alot of elements from this that went in to the Zero. Imagine if they had more time before "Boobytrap" to put all the xperimental technology from the Zero plus reaction engines into a production VF, it could have looked like this.
  6. Wow, the SH takes 20 sec to recover energy, and that's prob with no tanks or weapons. How applicable is the cobra in real-life multi-bogie dogfights? Looks cool when it's 1-on-1, but I can't imagine a 20-sec break being a good thing. I've only seen M0 once and don't remember what they were doing at the time, but why wouldn't Nora, being a more experienced VF pilot, just slow down, transform, and blow Shin out of the sky (again)?
  7. Haven't seen that... is that supposed to simulate opponents flying Su-30 variants?
  8. I'm pretty anal-retentive about this stuff, so I'll let people make their own conclusion. They could have made the legs skinnier to reduce the stubby fighter profile, but then the shoulders would be hanging below the legs and people would be screaming "Hey, Yamato didn't get rid of that hanging-scrotum-sack-lookin'- shoulder-in-fighter-mode problem!" I still think overall they did a great job.
  9. From the Toy page: "While the length of the VF-0S Fighter mode is similar or slightly longer than the 1/48 VF-1, the 1/60 VF-0S Battroid height should be ever so slightly shorter (about 1cm)." I'm pretty sure it will be heavier than the 1/48 with the added diecast metal. Quoted shipping weight at Toy-wave is 2 kg vs. 1.3 kg for the 1/48 ... this could be speculation on their part, though.
  10. I voted GBP side pieces, but really the last 3 items would be cool (metal BP8).
  11. That's a tough call... I've always felt if you took the zero and swap in the wings and wing glove/fuselage of the VF-1 (basically keep the zero's nose, lerxes, arms, legs, and tail assembly), you'd have the utlimate swing-wing valk.
  12. What consistently bugs me are those giant cylinders on the top of the fuselage. It just looks like it'd create a lot of unnecessary drag, and wears away at whatever's left of the airworthiness of the design. It just looks so chunky. 370318[/snapback] Dorsal conformal tanks don't hurt the F-16 Block 60's performance too much... and you gotta admit the zero's tanks look better than the viper's. As far pre-reaction power mecha go, I think the SV-51 is much sleeker and mean looking, but who knows how feasible an SV-51 toy would be with it's spindly limbs and wings.
  13. I'm not sure if that was an intentional feature to give it a more "perceived" stealthy look, or if it was an attempt to give it more wing area w/out compromising the wing pivot for folding in battroid mode. It definitely gives the zero a unique look - something that had to grow on me, but I think it's cool now.
  14. I vote we use the He-Minmay pic as the new splash page image...
  15. I didn't know Matchbox made a He-man in drag action figure
  16. It's amazing how much better this 1/100 looks compared to the MPC. I venture to say that the nose sculpt looks even better than the yamato 1/60. The 1As and 1Js will be nice. Why has it taken toy companies so long to come up with an cheap VF-1 toy with a good-looking sculpt?? It's a 1/4-century old design for crissakes.
  17. edit - oops, the ventral fin numbers are stickers. Hey, I just noticed that with the nose and ventral fin numbers Tampo printed, almost all the other stickers can be obtained from the Takatoy 1/48 sheet, unless the scale difference is too drastic. I'm not sure the nose needed to be so short and stubby for the pitot tube or swing bar receptacle. I'm sure it was done to make the battroid more proportional. One minor thing that irks me. I do think that the cockpit/nose section overalll is closer to lineart than the 1/48's bulbous canopy - another feature that was not necessary and could have been easily corrected.
  18. I would love to see a finished product top shot, and compare it to the Hase model. I think Yamato got really close in the proportions, but maybe the nosecone is a bit too short/stubby?
  19. There's also Samurai-Monkey. He's ordering another shipment when they are released, but he usually receives them and ships fast. Rob, at Samurai-monkey.com. $160 shipped to the 'States. Git yer hot VF-0! 368818[/snapback]
  20. I've always thought of the Legioss as a heavy-armed close air support fighter, like a Harrier meets Warthog (wouldn't that be bad-ass!). I think they should have sculpted the wings and nose a little differently to emphasize this. As is, the Legioss rules amongst the genre of brick-like transforming mecha that would never fly in real life (like all the Orguss mecha). The Valkyrie (and its VF derivatives) is just a beautifully conceived design that makes you believe tranforming planes can happen.. almost. I'd put my money on the Legioss in a close-to-ground battle, but the Valkyrie could just outrun it. In space, it's all about who's the better pilot and who has the most missiles/bigger gun .
  21. www.myheritage.com I'll just give the highlights Barack Obama - 52% I kid you not, I look JUST like this guy... except I'm Asian and not a US Senator Clark Gable - 46% Kobe Bryant - 45%
  22. Jeez, Graham, are you marketing this thing for Yamato??? Awsome huge pics, I must get one now
  23. Love SDF and DYRL, of course DYRL wouldn't have had the same impact if i hadn't watched SDF first. M+ and M0 didn't do anything for me, but I dont' watch much anime to begin with, beyond the classics. M+ was corny, and M0 just failed to realize it's full potential. Most of the mecha design are cool, but their coolness was augmented by the superior animation and choregraphed fight scenes. Imagine these new mecha done by Animefriend!
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