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Everything posted by ghostryder

  1. I want it to look like this.... what the heck, in this scale too
  2. Just pull it out at 90 deg. firmly, but cautiously. Take Bruce Lee's 1" punch approach - lots of force over a short distance. You don't want to crack the surrounding plastic by wiggling too much. Just make sure your GF/wife isn't standing nearby when the leg comes free - WACK! FWIW, my Roy was a b1tch to pull the legs off, but my new Hikkie's legs weren't hard at all.
  3. No crooked skull? Okay, I'm 2 for 2 on crooked skulls on 1/48s, so I give up.
  4. Well maybe the bevels in the feet make it so you don't need them to angle... Somebody convince me that Yamato will be able to Tampo print 4 straight tailfin skulls, and they'll have my money.
  5. So.... uhhh....is BBTS the only place still taking preorders?
  6. GAWD, looks like the only gimmick this thing doesn't have over the 1/48 is the ability to angle the feet. How frackin' sweet does that thing look in those pics. I still like the 1/48 VF-1 better in fighter mode, but that VF-0 battroid is making my wallet cry...
  7. Looks like although the arms are more recessed than the VF-1, they are at an angle which points the front of the gun down and closer to the ground. Also, too me the plastic doesn't look much shinier than the yamato 1/60 plastic. I've yet to see ANY toy that has achieved the glassy smoothness and strength of the chunky monkeys.
  8. More gimmicks, more parts, and they want to recoupe costs for the mold (which will have less repaint variations than the VF-1). Plus, they know we are hungry for new Macross goodies and have money to spend. I don't see how the ABS plastic would be any better than the VF-1, which is already pretty good.
  9. The picture looks right... all you need to do is lift the shoulder plate up (away from the plane of the chest plate) as you swing the thing around to lock it into place. You shouldn't have to exert too much force. Hey, nobody's chimed in if they have the crooked skull or wobbly knees. DID I GET A DUD??!
  10. I found this on the forum, if you want to take a shot repairing the hip... QUOTE (to177 @ Apr 20 2004, 04:12 PM) I don't know if this have been discussed here already, but I'm gonna give it a shot. My vf-11b hip and leg part are broken off. Is there any solutions which I can do to fix it? It would be nice if we can still order parts from Yamato, but that doesn't seem like the case. Anyways, I've provided a pic of what I'm referring to. to177 There's lots of posts on the subject, and a search will find you the good details, but the long and the short of it is: 1) Open up the leg, so you can remove the hip peg. 2) Using a brass pin, and perhaps a pinvise (a small hand operated drill), drill a hole into the piece that's broken off. Glue the pin in place using either epoxy or superglue (your choice) 3) Make a corresponding hole in the proper place on the VF-11 (where the peg broke), and after test fitting and cutting of the brass pin, glue the broken hip piece back on. If you're using epoxy, it might not be a bad idea to let it ooze out a bit, you can sand the excess off later. 4) After the glue is good and dry (24 hours to be safe), put the whole thing back together again.
  11. Hikkie 1S reissue, stickered n' panel lined- Look! No more crooked skull! More simple mods - animation-correct red dot on head, and animation-error correct black heatshield
  12. An all-gray VF with no panel lines would kinda blow .. kind of like the first model kits I put together as a kid with no paint or decals.
  13. I'm I the only one who thinks a black-colored 4th generation fighter airframe with gigantic missile pods is not at all "stealthy"?
  14. Surpised they didn't do the Max 1A, if any DYRL 1A at all. Wait, I'm not surpirsed at all....they must be slapping 1A heads on all the Hikaru 1S reissues... yellowed plastic, and crooked skulls, and wobbly knees... Oh My!
  15. For the sake of coloration in battroid, I like the first F-14A scheme. Make the inside of the ventral leg fins darker gray as well. It pays homage to the hi-vis and transition schemes of the 70s/80s, but it's not your same old boring skull-1 stripe parttern. 1J head all the way! No airbursh smudge marks, please.
  16. I don't see any variation on the low-vis beyond a slight change in the gray of the plastic and maybe the head. It's not like they are gonna do an enigma scheme, and if they did, I'd worry about QC on the paint job. The original low-vis scheme is very forgiving in terms of paint QC. I agree it's good to make something like this available for those who missed out the first round, but it's borderline reaming those who bought the first low-vis for the LE tag. It's clear Yamato is trying to capitalize on the recent price inflation of once-discontinued models (Hikkie 1S, Low-vis), instead of improving QC and finishing off the canon shemes. This strategy will certainly maximize their profit margin in the short term...
  17. I don't see how there was more evidence for Kaifun+Minmay, vs. Hikaru+Minmay... or maybe I just didn't want to see the evidence
  18. No, he was sleeping on the couch the first night Minmay came over (an emotional wreck). The Xmas dinner was later. So, he didn't take advantage of her when she was vunerable, he waited for here wash his dishes, clean his place, and make him dinner - you notice that in DYRL, he bones Misa only after she shows her feminine domestic side. Growing up essentially an orphan, you can see how he would be attracted to women who can take care of him at the homefront. Not trying to say he was a stud, just getting facts straight
  19. Certainly you can't equate nice guy/bad luck with big hair in the 80s. Just look at these lady killers sporting Hikaru-sized hair dos... Ok, must purge hard drive now.
  20. AFAIK, I'm the only one who has posted a review, and I KNOW those who bought from Rob have theirs. COME ON GUYS, chime in and give Fortress_Maximus some hope for a perfect valk! ... or dash his dreams, just put him out of his misery.
  21. Yes, the rotating seat gimmick is confirmed. Graham 365656[/snapback] I missed this, is this going to be some ballast device to keep the cockpit level in all modes, or some manual rotation?
  22. This was after he started getting into directing - would Pam get engaged to Scott just because he was Chachi?? Either way - way to go Chachi...!
  23. Wasn't he 16 at the beginning of the show??? Shoot, over half the guys I knew in high school were more pathetic than he was. At least he eventually schlongs both girls in the end (Misa in DYRL and Minmay in SDF).
  24. Just to clarify, I thought this was this upcoming release was the 5th edition, or 4th REissue.
  25. Yeah, they need to fire that cock-eye mofo in charge of left tail fin Tampo Skull printing . As far as the semi-loose hips, I just pulled the legs off and tightened the screw that holds the ball-socket halves together - all is tight now. The wobbly knee ratchets - well, I fixed that but I won't get into details here. If someone wants, I can do a sketch and post on the toy mods section.
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