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Everything posted by ghostryder

  1. Hmmm... I thought I sent these pics to you once, but here they are again. A 1/48 1A head would look just right, i think.
  2. Yeah, I never dug the look of the 1/48 UUM-7 missile pods on a non-fast-pack valk (how do they fly in the air with those things?). These are a bit small, but more pleasing to the eye, to me anyways.
  3. The gun handle only clips to one arm, so it wouldn't do anything. See this pic? A peg in the inner leg fits into the black hole (for both arms). Two smaller pegs on the opposite outer arm fit into the two smaller white holes shown here. Arms should not sag unevenly or loosly in fighter mode if you fit these 6 points.
  4. R_Deckard, nice Roy shots. That Megatron brings back memories. I have neither a GBP, nor a good carmera,... nor any opportunity to take pictures in decent daylight, so here's another ho-hum DYRL valk shot ... Max before his duel with Mirya.
  5. No, but I've done a 1/48 1S head on a 1/55 (but you knew that already ). I imagine a 1/48 1A head would look about right, but a 1/60 1A head would be too small.
  6. I sort of knew the premise of the story, so not a spoiler for me. On that note, I finished the series, and have a few of WTFs: When Kei and Olsen arrive at the special point, it's at a point in space-time where the time bomb had been detonated, and thus a null-space (like the eye of a hurricane). To me, it seems like the younger Kei/Olsen were not necessarily the ones who were around when the bomb was set off, but represent an alternate path after the bomb was set off. In the series, we see the path where Kei and Olsen are hurled into the future 10 years apart, whereas the younger pair represent a path where they were sent right back to where they were when the bomb went off, only later in the day. That's why the Broncos appear out of nowhere. So I'm wondering if there are a bunch of other alternate Kei/Olsen pairs that got sent God-knows-where after the bomb went off. Would they represent/explain all the alternate realities we see at the end? Still doesn't explain how these two particular Kei/Olsen pairs stabilized all the realties by killing each other off. I'm still unsure if these two were meant to be immune from the effects of the bomb and all the interweaving af parallel universes - that's the only way I can explain the Kei w/ a tentacle at the end, unless Mimsy was sporting a 3rd one All in all, I like the "anything is possible" warm and fuzzy feeling at the end.
  7. I think the VF-0 design fits the timeline just fine. The VF-1, although dated, is a classic design that shouldn't be updated (you basically get an "updated look" VF-1 with the Vf-0 anyways). That's how we first saw it, and that's how I'd like it to remain. I'd rather have Kawomari spend his time working w/ Yamato create the perfect 1/60 Mac+ toy line.
  8. Since they aren't doing any more canon schemes, how about something that would match the SDF timeline better - maybe a post-rain of death /love drifts away cannon fodder? You know, a modified Desert Storm sceme that's the color of scorched soil with little craters here and there .
  9. Yeah, I notice the metal swingbar is about 1/2 the width of the 1/48 swing bar . Everything else looks like it would be as durable as the 1/48. I could have lived without the quasi rotating cockpit gimmick, but as long as it isn't fragile, I'll give Yamato props for trying.
  10. I think a camo similar to the european forest camo (or whatever it's called) would have looked better in all modes for the LV2. It's only 2-tone (gray and dark green), but it's a pretty bad-ass scheme. I think the early Strike Eagles and some B-52Hs sport this camo, but here's Tornado GR4, just to show the scheme on a swing-wing jet.
  11. If you have the arms locked together with the dual tabs near the wrists, and both arms locked to the tabs on each leg, the arms should not be loose in fighter mode. However, they will still stick out like this:
  12. I think that episode was "Goodbye Girl." It was the first appearance of the "Booby Duck" super pack. One of my favorites as well.
  13. Even though I didn't like the episode, "Private Time" had the best quality animation for Misa
  14. I'm about the watch Ep. 35, so this is all good to absorb as a primer, before I watch, get confused by the subs, and go WTF????!!!!!!
  15. What? who has these on pre-order? 373131[/snapback] Samurai Monkey
  16. So, that's another good reason to keep a stockpile of 200 proof Everclear around the house
  17. It's Roy in there, that's probably why... 372676[/snapback] Anyone ever measure a 1/48 pilot? I think the guy is about 1.3" (minus the extra height of the helmet), making him about 5'-3"??? So if the 1/60 Roy is about the same size, that would make the 1/60 Roy 6'-6" - still too small !
  18. Off topic, but what are those in your avatar? It know I've seen those before as a kid...
  19. Dude, that melon would never look good in fighter mode. I'll give it the Yamato 1/60 VF-1S treatment.
  20. I agree, jungle camo doesn't suit the battle role of a Valkyrie (a Legioss, yes). If it were a special forces model, then put a 1J or 1S head on it, and give it a bayonet
  21. Dude, sorry about your dog, but let's not re-seed any old misconceptions about the 1/60 VF-0S. It transforms like a 1/48, despite its scale, so it will likely play and display as well as a 1/48. Both the VF-0 and VF-1 had rotating cockpits inthe anime. How else would the pilot be able to drive the battroid effectively? The point everyone is making is that you are getting a 1/48-sized and constructed toy with MORE gimmicks to better simulate the anime mecha. That's why it costs a little more than the 1/48.
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