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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. wwwmwww

    1/48 lineup

    Who's William? I'm Carl. And no... none of the "w" in "wwwmwww" are short for William either. For those of you that are wondering it's short for Wiki Waki Wahoo Meets Weed Wacker Woman. The story behind that is a rather long one and this isn't probably the best place for it. And no... none of them are built. At some point in time I'll likely make a recast of each to build. At $500+ each these originals are worth too much to build. Carl
  2. wwwmwww

    1/48 lineup

    Actually this makes the 3rd thread I've posted that picture in. It was taken for this thread: Mmm Good..., That's Macross, Mospeada, and Megazone And I posted it for the second time on page 16 of this thread: YAHOO AUCTIONS - JAPAN, Interesting Items - Put them here After seeing this thread I just couldn't help myself and had to post it again. Carl
  3. wwwmwww

    1/48 lineup

    Here are mine... Carl
  4. What lego theme park is this thing going to? Seriously... that thing looks to be atleast 6 feet long. He's got to have a direct source of legos as I doubt that was built from breaking other kits apart.
  5. Ok... so I now know what it is. I'm still curious how it ended up on the main page here. Shawn usually pulls stuff from posts here or he has in the past and I just didn't see a post about this pic. If no one here knows I'll have to ask Shawn the next time I talk to him but I'm not even sure he's the only one that could have changed it. Thanks guys... Carl
  6. I just noticed the picture on the main page has been changed and I expected to see a post where it came from here but I don't. So where did it come from? It's very nice and I'm curious. Thanks, Carl
  7. To whom? Anyone have an email address for the guy that made this? If he's selling instructions I'd love to atleast ask how much they are. Thanks, Carl
  8. Have you got a link to a picture? I'm interested. Thanks, Carl
  9. My jaw is on the floor.... I'm too stunned to know what else to say. Carl
  10. All I get is "We're sorry, but this page is currently unavailable for viewing." Am I doing something wrong? Carl
  11. Never has a picture made me want to shove my hand through the monitor and grab something and run off screaming "Mine... Mine... Mine..." as much as this one does. Drool............. When is this coming out? Anyone know? I won't feel right until I have one of those in my arms. LOL!!! (Its more one of those evil laughs then one of the funny kind.) Off to lay down for a while... Carl P.S. Just noticed the sign even says "PHOTO" and still its hard to find a good picture of it.
  12. It sure looks like it. I've just done some searching and found this pic taken at the 2002 Wonderfest. I assume its the same kit. Still not sure how much it was or where to get one. Gnollman is this the same kit you almost bought? Do you remember how much it was? Thanks, Carl
  13. Kewl... My wife is about as big a Farscape fan as they come. I should try and track this kit down for her. Anyone know how to contact the people that were offering it at Wonderfest? Thanks, Carl
  14. wwwmwww

    My collection

    Add me to this list of people interested in a non-eBay source for this wall scroll. Thanks... Carl
  15. I'm in awe. Like always. I'm curious if you have any interest in doing a VB-6. I know you've done resin kits before but I wasn't sure if you had any interest in this particular subject. Carl
  16. You are both slow... I spotted it a few days ago and PM'd Lo-pan about it in case he was hoping this auction wouldn't have too high a profile. Oh well... I tried. Carl
  17. Yes... its: http://www.246.ne.jp/~tanmen/ Its on this list: http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Spade/...e/jp/eitem.html But I can't recall at the moment if its a kit he's ever finished or not. Before you go much farther I'd suggest you read this: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=477&st=0 I've bought from Tanmen before and I've always received what I ordered but he was rather slow and he just seems to be getting slower. Just my 2 cents... Carl
  18. Very cool Grayson. I don't think I've seen this box before. Do you know if there is anything in this kit that isn't in this one? Thanks, Carl
  19. Could someone scan and post this pic. I don't believe I've seen it before and I'd really like to. Thanks, Carl
  20. Man... go to Germany for just one week and look what you miss. Carl
  21. Looking good... even from an internet cafe in Germanz (I mean Germany) at the moment. It would be nice to actuallz (actually) know some German but I'm getting bz (arg... anyone know why the German's don't know where the y key should be placed on a keyboard?) It look me a while to email the wife to let her know I made it here ok because there is no @ key anywhere to be seen on the keyboard. Keep up the great work Ken. I'll be back in the states in a week probably having to relearn to type again. Carl
  22. If that can of worms is still open put me down for 3 and a Tread... come on... a Legioss that nice MUST have a Tread to go with it and a couple 1/32 ride armors in the different modes would be nice too. Carl
  23. That is very sad news. The owner was a very nice guy. I talked to him many times on the phone and he was always helpful and very friendly. Carl
  24. Oh.. you've seen pictures of my kits here before. Half (well maybe not that much) of the models section here at Macross World is stocked with pictures of my kits. You just haven't seen many of my kits built. I'm not sure when I'll have time to get to building. I tend to think of it as planning for retirement. Anyways when I get time to get my own web page up and going I'll be sure to post alot more in the way of pictures. Carl
  25. Who says it has to be built to be displayed? I need the lauch vehicle box to sit next to my booster box which will in turn sit next to my 1/72 Hasegawa VF-1 line of boxes.
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