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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Haha, I’m not so sure about that!... Rinse and repeat that with 400% of the 99% of the people not happy with the way it looks mentioning that the DX looks better in Battroid and the Yamato looks better in Fighter. There, you just got caught up without having to read 17 pages of mostly the exact same comment over and over again. By the way, you’re a “starving artist” too? Way to go!
  2. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I love the dramatization going on with NY. You forgot to mention that they are “demanding” the money for the item that comes out next month........to be paid by next month. Some people could have great careers in news media.
  3. Well, you can afford to take risks with 6 extra ones lying around right?
  4. We’re looking at the makings of the next evolution of 3P companies! Thats awesome that your SSP set seems solid in fighter mode. The complaints about it were getting annoying, especially when it’s about something I don’t have but am waiting to get. Good thing for me is I prefer mostly Battroid and Gerwalk mode for DYRL SSP equipped Valks.
  5. If we are talking about a Valk made with forged automotive grade alloys, $600 sounds cheap! Where's the preorder button?!
  6. Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to it and any news but until we hear something new, there is not much else to talk about. Honestly, I keep coming back and reading this and every thread here mainly so I don't miss out on any Macross news and perhaps discuss a bit on topics I'm interested in. If there is nothing new to share or talk about, I'd rather save my time by not reading the same comments over and over, lol! Haha, I only mentioned GI Joe because it seems to be the hot topic in toy news right now but I'm with you on not needing another 6,000 versions of the same crap over and over along with seemingly lower and lower quality when I already got the best 35 years ago. I've been hoping the day would never come for 6" Joes simply because I don't want to deal with it but now that they are here, I'm going to want at least one (maybe two depending on the character) version of my favorites in 6" form. So...how about that ab joint gap and wrong calf parts on the new Thundercats prototypes? Lol, anyways, I hope the next time I need to read this thread, it's going to be about us prepping for the oncoming preorder madness battle!
  7. No one was pushed into store credit. Some people did not want to wait and demanded to cancel their non-cancelable order. Their option was to get credit or they could have taken it up with PayPal or their credit card companies to get a refund like you did on your other orders. If it were me, would have just sat back and waited and ended up with a 31A for about 20K shipped. As for the 1S, I’m pretty sure all preorders were fulfilled a while ago.
  8. Ok, now we’re starting to hear the same comments over and over again with no actual new news. Maybe we should wait for something or do we all need to chime in with the same observation first? How about we talk about that exciting announcement that official GI Joe 6” figures are finally coming?
  9. Yeah, all good and like I said, I totally respect your opinion and the way you stand behind it. Just another clarification...I don’t think anyone waited a year for their VF-1S since it hasn’t been a year yet. That was a one time case for the VF-31A which is a Valk people were paying $700+ for shortly after release and they still fulfilled all orders they took for under 18k yen.
  10. They will come through and you should be at ease that you got them at the just about the lowest price possible. I know you had issues with NY and that is all good, especially when you are one of the few who stand by your word of never using them again. However, you are a bit contradictory in your statements above. I know you probably had the 1S at NY at their marked up price and probably got it for a bit cheaper elsewhere but there is no markup on the SSP from original listing price. You can still order the SSP from NY now for 9200Y + shipping which is less than anywhere else I’ve seen. Even cheaper than using a proxy to buy direct from Bandai. Just pointing that out so there is no misinformation but if I’m wrong, please point me to where I can get SSP for less than NY.
  11. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The Messer reissue was technically a movie version where the first release was tv version.
  12. They are supposed to be made to order and only available directly through the Tamashii website for a set amount of time. The order period usually stays open for months. You need to use a proxy service to buy from the Tamashii web store or a select few retailers who will provide the service of securing them for you (mainly Nippon Yasan and Anime Export). TWE releases are preferable in that because of the set sale period, there is no preorder madness and you can just order casually within the time period. The only time in recent Macross releases there has been an exception is for the 31A, where orders closed earlier than expected but they were still open at least a month or more and the VF-1 SSP that ended in a day, which was a complete anomaly but they reopened for a later release within a few days and that is still available now through NY.
  13. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The Messer/Hayate 31F was rerelease with minor differences from the original release so it in effect, doubled the supply of 31Fs in the market so that is why the price has gone down on those. The 31E is the latest release so it usually takes a while before prices really climb. No doubt, just like in almost every case in the past, once these things run dry from direct retail and people sell out of moderately priced stock, the price will start to skyrocket.
  14. TV SDF-1 Without opening hatch that includes internal details of Destroids (removable minifigs preferably) would be a travesty.
  15. I think it would be a real di<K move if Bandai doesn’t at least release the Valks that go with the SSP inserts they included and made people jump through hoops to get. But yeah, it’s not unheard of. While 1A Max didn’t blow the shelves away, it still seems to have sold well enough that I think most retail stock is close to gone and that’s what Bandai cares about. I don’t need to remind everyone how much Max Valks jump in price once they sell out and it almost always has happened the same throughout the history of Max Valks. They my start off slower and then people who missed them and wait too long get bent over if they want it. It just reinforces that the margin between the most popular and least popular Valks is not that huge in the while scheme of things and the overall demand for any Macross product is quite low. The Sdf looks very similar at a glance but completely different when you really pay attention.
  16. While I think you are right about the non canon variants, I’m pretty sure we will see at least a bunch more canon versions including GBP from Bandai. As for tv sdf-1, I think it will require a lot of, if not completely new molds for Arcadia to do.
  17. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    OMG, I looked up Metabarons. Wow, those are some intricate photo realistic works. I think Metabarons just gave me a bloody nose, artistically >.< Yeah, it’s a pretty sweet book. Thanks again for sharing. I love seeing people’s art.
  18. Well, you could have saved about $25 at HLJ if you pay in Yen and you can still save $75 if you just order from NY.
  19. I see no problem here. I’ve considered getting some figures like this but even an uncontrollable hoarding collector like me had to draw the line somewhere. I have cracked on rare occasions like the SuperSonico AGP Ride Armor because transforming Bike Armor toys are nearly irresistible to me. I haven’t photoed it yet but for reference I have been getting other similar figures but of characters I am very familiar with because I’ve found there are so many figures like these, it’s pretty easy to find ones I like that are also of characters I like.
  20. Problem with that is while you are number crunching (which I also do), the item could be sold already. Another issue with having the same item available through multiple platforms.
  21. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for sharing! Really nice work. A lot of it reminds me of some European comic books I read like Metabarons.
  22. All your valk are belong to us!
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