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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Yes, they only have Japnese customers and they get charged shipping.
  2. Nice 1/55s @sh9000! I'm not sure how many I have but it's my all time favorite toy, period. So, I should probably get some more someday. I still think we will get reissues at some point.
  3. https://showzstore.com/search/?Keyword=valkyrie+factory usually will have these things. Also ebay at some point but right now, that link provided earlier to that store on taobao is the only one I've seen that is offering preorders.
  4. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Do it! You won't regret it. I was initially going to pass on HMR altogether but then I got a Regult in my hands. After that, it was over and I've been all in since and also had to go back to get a couple I missed. There is no better Macross line ever for playability and displayability combined.
  5. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Another one converted! Wait until you get your hands on the Destroids and Enemy Mecha. As amazing as some of the transformable Valks are, I still think the other mecha are the stars of the line. They are excellent figures with so much personality and quality built into them.
  6. I went ahead and preordered the two 1As at Taobao. Will see how it goes. Can never have too many 1As, lol.
  7. Where are you guys getting calculations of $100+ for these 1As? I see 399 RMB with 50 RMB deposit. Even if it was 450 RMB, that's around $65 and s/h isn't going to be more than $40. Am I missing something?
  8. Good point! Hmmm... I’ll look at pricing and might bite either way. If Angel Bird and CF are around $75, I’ll bite for sure.
  9. Almost anything we're talking about is "easy" to get. If you are willing to pay any price. I'm just glad I got in with okiniland at the lower price. Thanks again @DYRL VF-1S!
  10. Haha, I totally get you in this! I can’t get rid of anything because It all sparks joy I ended up going the with the bigger house route but it’s still not enough and I need to put up multiple storage spaces.
  11. Yeah, Focker 1S order is going to SUCK!
  12. I still haven't been able to setup my collection room so here is what is supposed to be my Marvel only shelf with some little updates in it. So it's basically a miscellaneous shelf until I get everything else setup.
  13. Cool thanks! I should have acted faster but it seems times have definitely changed and there is urgency in placing TWE orders for Macross now. NY's stock seems to be down to 33 when I last checked.
  14. I got the message immediately when I entered the url for the item. I was unable to continue because they reached their allotted amount already.
  15. No problem! Sounds like everyone who wants it is good now. And there is always NY at a slight premium.
  16. My guess is what happened to me is not the norm or they wouldn’t be in business but I have heard similar stories about them. If you want to hedge your bets, try an order at okiniland too. Either way, hope it works out for you.
  17. I preordered a TWE through them a while back. After taking my money, they never delivered and never responded to me ever again. I waited two months after the item released to contact them about it and they just ignored me. They ignored disputed from PayPal too so in the end, I just got my money back and will never use them again. F them!
  18. Yeah, looks like FJ already reached their limit too. Okiniland it is!
  19. I’m surprised NY came out with such a high price. Not very typical for them and they lost my business on this one. For those that went with FJ, how much did it end up being? Thanks!
  20. The good thing is USD is strong against JPY again so we will have favorable rates right now. Even so, I'm going to try to hold out for a while and see...
  21. Yeah, I'm just going to wait for NY as usual. Cheapest and easiest for me. Plus, if all these people who say they are passing really do, it should be available for a long time and I can order about a month before release like I usually do for TWE items.
  22. Yeah, I'm not a big MB collector and ironically, I have the non-gundam releases like the Mazingers and Evas...and I love those. There is no way I'm going to collect a bunch of Gundam MBs though....unless they do G Gundam. Then I'm fv(ked! LOL!
  23. Only proxy I've used is FromJapan. They seem to be the easiest, with lowest, most straightforward fees of the ones I checked. But I'll most likely be ordering from NY since it should be cheaper and definitely easier to deal with.
  24. No problem! I'm glad I'm happy with the Metal Build EVAs for my Evangelion needs. Those figures are excellent all around and yes, I'm fine with the look even though they are not OG designs...to me, they look better and that's what matters. I ordered the Robot Damashii ones to have as somewhat in scale adversaries for my SHMA Godzilla figures and especially to go with Riobot NERV Anti-G.
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