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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Cool, I haven't really paid attention to any new Thunderbird media but that looks fun! I have a Diecast Thunderbird 2 and it was one of my favorite toys as a kid. Love all the built in gimmicks.
  2. Thanks! And I second the F-14 suggestion. Unless you don’t want to get sucked in because they are instantly addicting as soon as you have one in hand.
  3. Yeah, that was the first thing I noticed. Found the source of the weight after I opened one. those metal weights are a very nice touch!
  4. Yeah, it's pretty satisfying. The footprint can be even bigger if you add the extra support feet. I was thinking these were pretty expensive but having them in hand make me feel it was money well spent.
  5. Opened the stand and VE-1 together and will post thoughts here (@Saburo) So, the heft was from the metal weights that are installed and shown in the bottom. Really nice touch to make everything feel solid. Fit and finish of the stand and Valk are both superb. I didn't have the issue of backwards parts mentioned earlier on either of mine. I love the ample storage space that can hold all the extra parts that came with the valk (not sure if there is enough room for a whole missile set but it should be close). Ratcheted joints all around make it very secure for any pose and several options to set up the arm and base. The only thing I would ask for is a bit more articulation in the arm so you can lower the angle and keep the valk level at the same time but overall, it really is enough. I'm definitely good with just the two I got because I am only planning on using them to hold Valks in fighter mode like in the movie and it would be boring to have too many displayed like that. Whatever the case, great buy and well worth it for the look but Yetistands are still overall the king. The Valk is simply stunning. This is the first PF Valk I've opened and it really is the way they should all come. I don't mind not having PF but why not? The extra detail is definitely best suited for fighter mode, imo. I still get extreme satisfaction and joy with every Arcadia Valk I open as there is something about their feel that just suits these toys so perfectly.
  6. Yeah, I need the D and A for my collection.
  7. I'd love to see how that turns out!
  8. Got my Audi fix And this little guy it’s exactly as I remember it (yeah, not much going on to begin with to change) but one of my favorites and I got a discount since the package was opened. When I find my original, one of them will go to the kids.
  9. Hopefully I'll open them this week. Initial thought without opening is they are very hefty. Heavier than I thought they would be. This will give me a good reason to open PF VE-1!
  10. I thought about getting more but I only want so many Valks in launch position.
  11. Sweet! Need one more for Gerwalk mode
  12. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice sculpting @sh9000!
  13. Nice, hopefully I’ll have my Zero shelf ready soon too.
  14. Very nice and congrats @Saburo! It’s cool they included more plates and translucent ceiling but I really want those translucent wall dividers in the OG design. Either way, I’ll probably end up ordering at least one. Consider me enabled after just swearing off buying any more of these things.
  15. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Don’t want to take this much further where but just going to say I wish all these toys were cheaper but I don’t think greed has too much to do with Arcadia’s prices. More likely economies of scale for what amounts to a small boutique company doing this for the love compared to a multinational giant in Bandai.
  16. So these KO are PF? Hmmmm, I would have but on that eBay listing since it comes in at my magic number of under $100 but after reading the last couple posts, I think I’ll pass for now. PF Valks with super/Strike parts for under $100 will get me all in on them if it ever happens though.
  17. Right, the movies never touched that but thinking about it like you did, I came to that conclusion. It’s no matter, just thinking out loud mostly and wondering what other takes would be. The best response I’ve heard is the fact that everything a person had on them dusted along with them, which doesn’t make much sense to begin with since inanimate objects like clothes and weapons dusted even though they are not “life”. Given this, I’m just going to chalk the whole thing up to creative license and leave it at that.
  18. It seems like Bandai may have learned from this and now make a lot of head lasers removable and even sometimes include extras.
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