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Everything posted by Opus

  1. Yeah, I've seen that... A little strange if you ask me. You think that's strange... there's a guy on this boards that worships Arnold. Pretty much won't watch anything that doesn't have Arnold in it. He even said he'll take a bullet for Arnold... I'll take a bullet for him... as long as it wasn't from a gun! Weird! RAWR! A taste of your own. HAHA!
  2. Vostok 7 Is Vostok trying to tell us he is actually a she (as in a female porn star) ... Nah, he's just a fluffer still trying to break int the biz.
  3. Oh come on now, you just don't like the Oak. I like the Oak just fine. I just don't want to see him make bad movies. It seems to me that the more you expand on a theme, especially sci-fi the more convoluted and and stupid the story becomes. T3 is a good example of this. The action was good but the story was lame. They need to move on to new subjects.
  4. They're not getting my money. That's for shure.
  5. If it's nicotine try soking it in oxyclean or something similar that might work. If the yellowing is caused be plastic deterioration you're pretty much screwed. I'd say leave it as it is and learn to love your imperfect child.
  6. I agree, berets look whack... not to mention that it's not really practical in the field... so wearing it with your BDU seems solely for aesthetic purposes. I like the boonie cover the best. Our standard covers also looked sharp. I don't like the boonies that much. The brim always seems to be in the way. I preferred the standard fatigue hat sometimes referred to as a ranger cap. My fav knife is an Ontario aviator's suvival kinfe. I took it to Iraq with me and I sent it back over there with my brother. Those things are indestructable.
  7. OK it's time for another ex-grunt's opinion. When I first saw the new uniform I was very against it. As I've had time to get used to it I see that my only objections are aesthetic. This thing was designed by soldiers who know what they want and need. I like the new pocket positions. As for the velcro and zippers I don't see that as a problem they don't make that much noise and it's way better than having buttons digging into you under your armor. As for the mismatching vests and insignia, I'm sure once these unis go into production those will become available in the same pattern just like the Marine's stuff. The only thing I really object to now is the high collar. It looks uncomfotable as hell. They should have used a design that could have been left open without looking sloppy. On the subject of berets. I was a Ranger and I still think berets are fruity looking no matter how much of a badass the wearer is. Another thing. I could never understand why they don't make military kneepads more like skateboarding pads with the stretchy sleeve thing on the back. I guess it's too practical.
  8. I don't care if you play with it or not. If your a grown man spending almost 200$ on a toy for yourself, you might just be a little eccentric(<--That's the artsy word for geek). Or you may not give a crap what other people think about you.
  9. A little strategically placed two-sided tape will take care of that. As for the other's 1/48 concerns don't ham-fist it and it'll be fine.
  10. Serves em right for not talking to you anymore.
  11. Another congratulations. Just don't call him J.J. or he'll grow up to be a redneck.
  12. I know that Nazis suck but I hate to things destroyed. Mabe you could give them to a museum or something. We have a holocaust museum here in Richmond. Maybe they'd want the stuff. They certaily wouldn't glorify it. Now on to the good stuff. My latest aquisition, a pre-Great War infantry sword from the Grand Dutchy of Baden.
  13. Nah, that was Zorg. Jean Baptist Emanuel Zorg to be exact.
  14. HLJ has them on sale for about $4US a pop. They're cheap crap but fun to play with. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist.cgi?Ser...ry=SciOth&Dis=2 (they're halfway down the page listed as "other co.") edit: link was screwy
  15. I really don't think Yamato cares what we think it's worth. We are outside of thier market. The price will be set by what the Japanese consumer is willing to pay.
  16. that's a Dougram mech isn't it? Yep, but it's a Bigfoot not a Blockhead.
  17. I heard that it will come bundled with Duke Nukem Forever.
  18. Opus

    1/60 Gbp

    What...make it wear a skirt? (kilt) Never call the Scottish scotch. It's a good way to get hurt. Unless you like that sort of stuff.
  19. Opus

    My Q-rau exploded

    Just do it the American way. Keep complaining until they're so sick of your whining that they give you what ever you want. And you wonder why the world hates us?
  20. According to this convertor http://users2.ev1.net/~jimbobwan/scalcalc.htm and the numbers provided by Pat S the battloid should be 15.91cm (about 6 3/8in).
  21. Lamborghini probably wouldn't give out a liscence. Just like VW.
  22. By chance, you wouldn't happen to know which Wal-Marts in North Carolina...? Go here: http://www.2005boards.com/ and look through the sightings! section.
  23. Hells heah! Snake Eyes was from the streets, yo!
  24. I've realized that I'm not really very aware of who directs movies so I went through my DVD collection and the name that popped up most often was John Landis. Obviously I'm partial to silly movies. Also, I'm torn on wether or not Tobe Hooper is a hack or not. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is in my top 3 favorites category but everything he's done since has been crap.
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