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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. I hate those evil Legioss Robos!!!!
  2. All updates and downloaded files should be on the memory card, which you need to format if you want to switch your account to one of a different country. No data apart from the game itself would be stored on the game cartridge
  3. Armored Valkyrie draft. Having lots of issues with the legs on this one
  4. SD VF-1S DYRL VF-1A (need to improve the proportions)
  5. So sad. I was lucky to watch her perform live once. Such a great artist, and so young. Terrible loss
  6. Sí. Hay algunas canciones buenas (se me pegaron jugando Uta Macross) y también me gustó el diseño de los Valks, pero aparte de eso... Nada rescatable. Pobre desarrollo de los personajes y el argumento, muy malo
  7. That's a great idea. I had trouble finding rhe right cover for some games. The funny thing is that in some cases the cover file is larger than the rom itself.
  8. Es que precisamente lo peor de Delta es la historia. A eso me refería. No me molesta Walküre, pero la historia fue demasiado pobre
  9. Interesting project. Looking forward to more updates on this
  10. Prefiero que se tomen su tiempo y hagan una buena serie, que ver otra Delta
  11. How do they capture the video without the game elements, such as the falling spheres?
  12. I've always wondered the same. What is the point of having transformable toys if you are never going to transform them?
  13. Awesome! Congratulations!
  14. They should release a set of just the pilots
  15. Is just that, for a matter of size, I've been focusing on 1/100 only. But, on the other hand, I could wait. It's not like these figures are going to sold out immediately. At least that's what I'm doing with the VF-1D
  16. At last a Ben Dixon VF-1A 1/100 toy. Even when I'm letting go of my Toynamis for the HMR line, I've lost all hope for this particular paint scheme to be released, so I may be investing on this one. And the standing pilot is a nice added feature. If it's ever released in HMR, I'll sell it, of course. Now I'll have to think what to do with the custom one I did.
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