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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Yeah, I don't know about those tonfas. I don't care who you are, if hit with enought force, those are gonna slice into your forearms, how useful is that? I can accept staff type sabers and would even like to see something akin to eskrima stick sabers but tonfas? Please
  2. sucks that the 6 inch titanium line is getting cancelled. now I gotta hunt down the War Withing Prime Megatron 2pack, how long has that one been out?
  3. Nice links everyone, God, I'm such a child of the 80s . They don't make intro themes (cartoon or live-action shows) like they used to . I gotta make an mp3 outta the cartoon compilation and slip it onto my mixes. Best part IMHO, Don Cheadle getting his ass handed to him in the Sidekicks pilot (he's the gang leader threatening the old man).
  4. New season of Dogfights started last Friday. I'm pretty burnt on the WW2 stuff (it was about Kamikazes) but I'm looking forward to the shows about the Israeli Air Force (I think from watching the commercials).
  5. Here's an article from Gamasutra Katamari Team Dissolved.
  6. Here's an article on IGN Katamari Cancelled on PS3. Looks like the game creator just didn't want to make anymore, turn it into a franchise.
  7. Hama is currently doing a Stormshadow mini. Apparently he's with G.I.Joe right now but on leave or something like that. Also, G.I.Joe just started their big event WW3. Looked interesting. I don't follow the G.I.Joe comic books but I was tempted to get the issue because the cover was the entire Joe team standing of the steps of the Capitol I think. Pretty much every character (including William "Fridgerator" Perry ). WW3 Cover
  8. It was a group of Jedi (about 8 or so I think) that accomplished that feat of pushing about 12 or so ISDs out of the system. But in that instance they were on top of the stone temple on Yavin 4, which were built by Exar Kun to harness or channel the Force and the Jedi focused their power through Dorsk 81, who died after accomplishing the task. That being said, I always thought that it was a matter of concentration or lack of distractions. In the video, the character seems to by fully engrossed in the act of bringing down the star destroyer. This I find plausible because he is channeling all his power into doing that. Now if he was doing that while also fighting off stormtroopers at the same time, I would have a problem with that. JsARCLIGHT, I totally agree with your statement.
  9. anyone here pick up the new They Might Be Giants CD? The album was produced by the Dust Brothers, so that perked my interest in the album.
  10. Nice to see, I've been thinking about picking up some revoltechs for a while now. The fastpacks seal the deal for me. Here's hoping they'll make Q-raus and Regults and possibly do Destroids some Mac+ valks as well.
  11. Just got back. For the most part I liked it. The funny parts were funny and had me laughing out load. The little homages to the G1 cartoon were a neat nod to fans . Action scenes were cool to watch, but hard to follow. Between the camera shaking and cuts, I couldn't really tell wtf was going on, who's fighting who. I thought the Bumblebee Barracade car chase scene was going to be badass (a la Bullitt or Ronin)but it started and ended in like 2 seconds, what the hell . Nice setup for the sequel though, next movie better give me more balls to the walls robot action Oh, and Megan Fox was smokin hot. I recommend Transformers fans to at least go see the movie once.
  12. Nice, I've been there opening night since I first heard about this. Only gripe, should've been President Rainier Wolfcastle, not Schwarzenegger
  13. Pretty cool, action scenes were alright, fit with the flow of the games and such. Hopefully the battle scenes will improve as the series goes on. I want to see Dante pull some nice wall running and gunning moves and all the crazy stuff you could pull in the games. Also curious as to if the series follows game continuity or is its own thing.
  14. nice work, I thought that was an actual plastic model for a second
  15. just recently re-read Jade Phoenix Trilogy and in that battle, his final battle, he had assistance from his commanding officer flying overhead at high altitude, basically telling him which direction to adjust his mech and where to shoot.
  16. couple more Yamato 1/60 Valks VF-1J Arii models Various Macross Arii Models Macross Hasegawa Models if you've seen these already, then take the post down mods. Posted cuz I didn't find anything when I searched for toy commercials.
  17. Found this while checking out Macross music videos on youtube: Macross Toy TV commercial Its of the old 80s Takatou (sp?) toys.
  18. oh god, cars like that should get t-boned just for having idiotic, pointless mods like that.
  19. would've been nice to see a show focus on a single clone trooper unit or Republic Commando unit, get a different, fresh perspective on the war. Maybe even follow the of the 501st Legion, "Vader's Fist".
  20. Nice trailer. I've been meaning to pick up and read this series for a while now. Need to get this one and Stardust out of the way before the movies come out.
  21. Hmm, interesting. Definately bloody as hell, though it looks to me like it'll be more along the lines of Rambo III over the top action than Rambo First Blood (which I just watched on TV, better than I remember).
  22. I read that Fearless was supposed to be his last "period-piece" martial arts movie, that he'll still be making "modern" martial arts films like War and Unleashed. After seeing this trailer for Warlords thought, I'm not so sure.
  23. I read in Wizard or somewhere about how they recently finished filming the destruction of the Tumbler in this movie, so I wonder if ol Bats will be acquiring a new vehicle for this movie or what. I really like Eckhart as Harvey Dent and I'm curious to see if it'll be green hair, white skin Joker throughout the film, or if we'll see a transformation (cold-blooded serial killer to homicidal maniac cold blooded serial killer). Also I would like some more detecting on Batman's part. Some new gadgets won't hurt either (just nothing too or convenient).
  24. anyone looking for a good Star Wars story, check out the Star Wars Legacy graphic novel that's supposed to come out May 2. It's set 150+ after the Battle of Yavin and the story revolves around a descendant of Luke Skywalker, Cade Skywalker, who gave up being a Jedi and using the Force after the Sith destroyed the Jedi Order. The Sith are led by Darth Krayt, who defied Sith teachings and revoked the "Rule of Two". The New Empire is also a player, led by Emperor Roan Fel (I assume he's a descendant Baron Fel from Rogue Squadron) who have their own group of Force-users, the Imperial Knights. They are loyal first to the Emperor, not the Jedi Order or the Force, and use identical grey-bladed lightsabers.
  25. Interesting. I see that it's in the Timm-verse animation style. I wonder if it'll be tied into that universe (Doomsday escapes from the Phantom Zone somehow). Though AFAIK these DC DVD movies are supposed to follow the comics more closely (Lois looks different in the trailer that she does in Adv of Superman and Justice League). Looking forward to this plus the Teen Titans one based on the Judas Contract storyarc.
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