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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Wasn't sure where to post this as I'm showing off a T-shirt I had made recently and plugging the site that did the job. I got it done at this site Printfection.com. The image is printed on the shirt in the same manner as ink jet printing on paper works, or thats how I think the process works. All you have to do is go to the website and upload the image you'd like printed on the t-shirt and tweak the size and placement of the image. Best part is they have a deal going on right now where you can make a t-shirt for $2 plus shipping. Cheapest shipping option cost me $4.99, so my total for the t-shirt was $6.99 and it took about 10 days for me to receive my shirt. I only have my camera phone to take pictures, so you won't be able to see too much detail in the pictures, but I'm very satisfied with the job they did and for under $10, that's a deal.
  2. Nice, I was just about to ask if anyone had done up some wallpapers off the first episode of Macross Frontier. Thanks a million Zinjo!. Now how about some of the VF-25 in battroid and maybe the Hikaru type in gerwalk.
  3. I'd like to know if the 1/60 GBP armor will fit these new perfect transformation 1/60 valks, if so I'm sold and will finally have my GBP VF-1J (never did get around to getting that sucker in 1/48 scale). Also hoping for some Glaugs and Regulds, please Yamato.
  4. I'm hoping that the bike is like an escape pod type thing that pops out of the tumbler or something like that because the giant tires seem similar to the ones used on the tumbler (tear for the supposed destruction of the tumbler, I love that vehicle). Bats didn't anticipate the tumbler being destroyed and had no backup. That's what I think anyway.
  5. Just recently dled and watched episode 1 and I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Action was pretty cool, characters have potential. Loving the armored VF-25 (like the Stampede influence), hope to see the VF-171 start to hold its own as the shock of the new alien threat lessens and NUNS and SMS are able to refine and adapt. I am intrigued by these new mech-bug things, I hope they are some kind of different kind of alien instead of the typical humanoid types (space bugs, but each are individuals and not some kind of hive mind type thing). I like how the main baddie was Millia-esque being red colored and all. I hope that even if Alto and the Roy-esque character double team it, the red baddie escapes to fight another day. All the easter eggs and nods to previous shows was a nice touch. I especially liked the closing sequence with Megumi Nakajima singing Ai Oboete Imasuka and then at the end when they slip in Mari Iijimi for the final line. I also like how they recapped the episode and had the pictures go Mikimoto style, nice touch.
  6. The 5 minute preview was sweet. Dark Knight is shaping up to be very good. I like my Joker the way he seems to be portrayed here. Homicidal, maniacal with a touch of genius.
  7. Well shouldn't they, they are masked goons . Anyway, trailer looked cool, like the way Joker is being done, very excited for Dark Knight.
  8. One new vehicle that we know of Anyone know if the first six minutes of the movie that was previewed last week make its way online yet? I can't find anything. Oh, and that new poster is kick-ass.
  9. I'm hating myself for not picking up both the Galvatron and Optimus Prime Spotlights. I think I'll have to pick up both trades just so I can have the stories to reference.
  10. I agree that the pacing of the story is a bit slow, but it seems to be building into something grand and I'm just here along for the ride. Some of the Spotlights were good and some were whatever for me but I didn't start picking them up until the Soundwave issue. I did get a chance to read the first trade that collected the Spotlight issues, liked the Shockwave and Hot Rod stories but didn't care for the Nightbeat and Ultra Magnus ones.
  11. I'll have to see some more detailed pics, but they look pretty good so far. Bring on the Destroids Yamato!!!
  12. I had heard rumors that they were going to finish the rest of War Within, but I haven't seen anything confirmed from IDW. I too would also like to see toys of the IDW version of Transformers. I really like how Furman has set up the IDW Transformers universe.
  13. I knew there was something fishy with the strum bar when I was playing with it the other day. I thought it was either the angle I was in relation to the TV (old skool rear projection) or the batteries were starting to go (we played the heck out of it over Thanksgiving weekend). Guitar plays like GH, but I find it easier, probably because there isn't a background on the note bar which at times can mess me up in GH. The game is alot of fun with other peeps, me and my two cousins rocked out using everything and it was alot of fun. My only beef with Rock Band is that the number of available songs is quite low. Reviews have stated that fact and from playing career mode you do end up playing alot of songs over and over again. I'll be waiting to see what becomes available to download. Another possible complaint (mainly for the youngsters) is the song list skews towards more classic songs which I don't mind, but my cousins had no clue about some of the bands and songs. Another big plus is the use of original music and not covers (though GH is catching up in that regard).
  14. Also the Binaltech Smokescreen (Blue Rally Subaru WRX) got rereleased with shoulder cannon/launchers which someone here recast for those interested here. I remember I got two of them, they are different from the ones posted above. I want to say rohby did them but I just can't remember.
  15. I'll look for members here though I haven't seen it show up around here (Florida). I'm not interested in SS as I bought the Japanese MP SS and was disappointed with it and sold it. I'll let you guys know if I find one and will sell at cost plus shipping, no gouging here.
  16. All I have to say is if Bandai will give me some Joke Machines, that would be awesome, especially a JM VF-171 (closest thing to a JM VF-17 we'll ever officially get). I do have some trepedation with Bandai having the license, but we'll just have to wait and see. Also, I'd like to see some valks get taken out mid transformation, I don't think I've ever seen that in any Macross series. Always blowing up in fighter or battroid mode mostly.
  17. Okay, so I don't check this thread for about a week and everything comes out during my time away. Eh, no worries, everything looks pretty cool, looking forward to new Macross. The new valk design works for me, and the armored version looks pretty kick ass. Not too worried about the Space Monster thing either, who says they are all unintelligent hive minded beings. Maybe these "bugs" are intelligent and individual minded and we will see Ace Bug versus Human Ace VF pilot action anyway.
  18. Anyone here pick up the Darth Vader/Death Star Transfomer? I saw it at Target the other day a was pretty impressed. I haven't been impressed with any of the Star Wars Transformers, but this one looked pretty cool. Might pick one up for my cousin's birthday coming up at the end of the month. Darth Star
  19. I think I've decided to spring for the PS2 version of Rock Band as I've yet to go next gen on my gaming system, and keep plugging along with the PS2. And now hearing about the microphone can double as a tambourine or cow bell, SOLD! Needs more Cowbell
  20. Customers came in talking about the Wii, saying it stands for Where Is Is? I had a good laugh at that one.
  21. I'm meh on character figures. I want my Glaugs, Q-raus, Regulds (with the different missile pods), and Destroids. Oh and just got my VF-1S, pretty cool figure, still haven't messed around enough with it.
  22. The 2009 Vanderbrink Ferrari 599 GTO SCREAMS Corvette Stingray to me.
  23. Nice update, I'll be looking through them as time permits. Are the M&M VF-22s from Mac7 going to be added the site anytime soon? Just wondering. Nice work in the update though.
  24. It's nice to see a topic I started still going strong . I think it's worth watching to see Max and Millia in their Vf-22s near the end of the series. I've been thinking about watching Mac7 again. Actually, I might do the entire saga in chronological order (Macross Zero, SDF Macross, Macross Plus, Macross 7) since its been about 4-6 years since I've watched SDF Macross and Macross 7. Just a little refresher before Macross Fontier or whatever the new show is called comes out.
  25. I really think if everyone drove manual there would be less traffic accidents because you need to be totally focused on driving when using a stick and you can't do anything else while driving (talk on the cell, eat, etc). I'm leaning towards getting manual on my next car purchase because I think it'll be a useful skill to know.
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