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Everything posted by CrazyDude

  1. I love those guys. As for being a member of SG & SGI, don't prevent me from enjoying various stuff. I was raised as a Lutherian protestant. We are just your average people and very different since we split from Nichiren Shochu. Don't worry I don't do shakubuku.
  2. For antibiotictab. I use music, light, MA and incence to cope with me depression. Let me know if you want more details. I am also Soka Gakkai.
  3. Who cares, we can still post wip and finished builds. A search will bring them up. Mods got a good reason for it and they make the decisions here and NOT the posters who get their knickers in a knot when things don't go their way.
  4. Another passed away artist, he used to team up with Billy Connoly(love and met him at a wedding). This song hits true for anyone trying to make it away from home.
  5. Yep. Gary Moore one of the best Soul and Blues Guitarists, RIP. Featured by a Japanese skater at the last Olympics. Better video both are now jamming above.
  6. Mike Oldfield the creator of New Age music, also famous for a certain horror movie soundtrack.
  7. Gasaraki: Got a 1/8 sculpt of her on the horse, this is a once of by a well known sculptor.
  8. Pet Shop Boys meet Evangelion: Jean Michel Jarre meets anime: Enjoy.
  9. I would enjoy WWE more if it wasn't so obviously faked and arranged. Been a wrestling fan for close to 40yrs and it is faked globally.
  10. This month Haul part Duix. Still unpacking digi camera and setting up new USB Drive. EVA-01 comes with Frame(Stand) and extra Weapons, extra head and stands 25cm tall. EVA-05 is same size with a wingspan of 50cm, 2 heads. Will be started soon. There are 2 kits released for the EVA-01, mine is the rarer one. Also ordered the extra decal set.
  11. I really enjoyed the story, helped by an expert on Victorian times.
  12. What episode? Been running for some time. Rewatching 'Victorian Romance Emma' as my gf never seen it, personally prefer the manga. Different story lines.
  13. One for the old foggies here. Bit down I got pressured to attend a wedding next weekend in Osaka by my gf's family. Grrrr. Hate them travel plus hotel and 30,000+yen for the couple and a boring time and formalities in return.
  14. Tried contacting bandai directly? They don't read forums more true for non-japanese ones. Bandai no longer has a US division as they got a distribution agreement with Mattel now. Also Macross is not their property like gundam, etc.
  15. SAL stands for Surface air Luggage. Bassically it goes Surface to an International Airport, where it gets shipped when it fits into the airmail container, arrives at an international airport from there it is again surface to destination. Fast if shipper and destination are close to an international hub like tokyo-los Angeles. EMS is Express Mail Service and has a higher priority than AirMail, hence it usually gets to the destination within 2-5 days, including customs as the details are on the EMS form. HTH.
  16. Totally forgot a classic, Einsamer Hirte or Lonely Sheppard. This is the original Tarantino loves it, no one knows who wrote it.
  17. 12 girls band is 'new age' as much as 'enyia' below is them doing a song by Kitaro.
  18. Vanessa Mae is a babe and can play, great on classic too:
  19. Another fav soundtrack they cover is 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull' by Neil Diamond, fond memories of watching that movie with family and school teachers, still got the LP. And also fond of 'Crazy Ken Band', Gary Moore and Donovan's soundtrack of Brother Sun and Sister Moon. For good lyrics I like Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam. My taste is all over the show and ages/genres.
  20. They do a lot of covers helps me relax and cope with my depression. Funny no mention of 'Bridge over troubled waters'. Heavy into new age music like kitaro, 12 girls band and Enigma(Sandra/Arabesque and hubby Michael Cretu).
  21. You will need to check tracking with your local PO service. Japan of course can't track outside it's borders. Tracking also depends on what your local PO provides, some countries are well known to provide NO tracking and have a high ratio of lost parcels. SAL usually provides little to no tracking hence why most people recommend EMS as it is faster than Airmail has tracking and insurance. Granted declaring parcels below value means also less protection and if discovered ...
  22. Sarah Brightman in the biggest church of my hometown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNoDQpK3ZeU&feature=youtube_gdata_player Gregorian(Masters of Chant) and Amelia Brightman at a castle close to where I grew up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmQXas3NxME&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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