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Everything posted by Arkham

  1. Thanksk for the link Vega. At first I see a considerable price difference on some SV-51 =) Do you honestly think they will "reveal" their sources ? thanks everyone.. ?
  2. Ok guys I could really use your help here... Im trying to start a thing.. (business type of thing ^^) and I need to buy those yammies, hopefully with bulk discount.... besides HLJ, what are my options? should I give a try on those HK dealers (if someone knows any, of course)? thanks! ?
  3. Hi guys I was "away" for quite a few months... I was hoping someone could help me with this... I checked some prices on HLJ, and they are about 33% more expensive than the ones you can find on ebay (mostly from ppl in Hong Kong) Do they have some kind of BULK dealer on HKG? thanks... sl2 ?
  4. Valk are really nice... ... but its kind of "boring" displaying them on some crytal shrines.... .. put some background (and some not ) figures like destroids and enemy mechas must my opinion.. ? P.D.: Talking about milking the Regult.. how about a "shooted" Regult? With tampo of bullet holes or maybe even some fire and cracks in the hull.. just to add flavor to the scene ^^
  5. I´m sorry but... what show are you talking about?? ?
  6. Are they really that small?? I mean VF-1 vs YF-19 (or anything else for the matter) they don't even reach the shoulder (laser-head included) ?
  7. Just saw at HLJ..... Only "first version" of YF-19 (alone) available... Does Graham or anybody else knows if a new batch will be released? Thanks! ?
  8. Arkham

    -->Big<-- Toy Order

    "wholesale" that was the word I was looking for ^^ Thanks everybody... I´ll post some news asap ?
  9. Arkham

    -->Big<-- Toy Order

    Some sort of "no-"non-japanese" policy" ?? Well.. the goal is not buy retail..... do you know a "secondary wholesale" ? thanks again ?
  10. Arkham

    -->Big<-- Toy Order

    I tried contacting yamato at support@yamato-toys.com but I guess they didn´t understand english =/ (should I try spanish? ) Hope someone could help me (**cof cof Graham cof**) contacting the sales department (translators are welcome ) Thanks! ?
  11. Arkham

    -->Big<-- Toy Order

    Thanks for the replys guys... ... but... let me put it this way... all of the store you previously mentioned bought big volumes of yamato products and got a discount (I guess...) That´s the contact I´m looking for. Don´t want to buy a box of Valks, but a BOX of boxes =) Hope someone can help me ^^ ?
  12. Hi guys I was thinking on issuing a very big order of yamato products. Do you know who should I contact? Let me help others get their hands on some Valks ?
  13. Well this is a bit OFF Topic But I´ve been trying to contact Graham, but looks like the PMs are not going trough. Any way to contact you? Thx, and sorry for the "Non-Yamato-Suggestion" reply ?
  14. I really hope they reisue it.... I´m also having trouble trying to find it (with the Super/Striker Parts of course) ?
  15. Arkham

    Graham's Sig

    That´s another point for the Alpha/Beta Theory ?
  16. Arkham

    Graham's Sig

    Hmmm.. a bit "Off Topic" but... Anyone knows where is Graham, or when will he come back? ?
  17. OMFG.... can someone please try to do that on PhotoShop, Gimp or whatever? I would really love to see how that bird looks on Roy's colours.. ?
  18. omg.. I started readin with the thread in 2 pages... and everytime I moved to the next page, there were another one =) nice news btw... ?
  19. I don't have much time for comparisons (ok, I _have_ time, but just too lazy) is HLJ.com THE best place to buy Yamato stuff? (price, security, "support" a.k.a "faulty pieces") Thanks! ?
  20. BTW... was the Shin's VF-0A + Ghost Combo released? ?
  21. I'll play the "Hey! It's a chick" card once again ?
  22. .... also remember she's a chick ... and evil biotch but still.... ?
  23. Sweeeeeeeeet A few more and you will be able to make the old Macross Official Homepage Image =) ?
  24. My japanese is a bit rusty does it say it is a YAMATO PRODUCT!?!? ?
  25. I was born in 1978... and I suspect many of you too.... so no Star Wars and no Empire for me... but I _DO_ have memories of Return... I watched it in the same theater were I watched ---> Ishtar <---- God, I was just a kid and until today it still remains as the worst movie ever...... Anyway, me my brother and my cousin became big fans... you know, when you can "dub" the movie with your own voice (including sound efects) Fast forward to 1999... the teaser of Phantom Menace; two words:: Darth Maul long story short... both my cousin and my brother went to the premiere here in Chile "customized" as Jedis..... Me? I went as the New Sith: custom wardrobe, shaved head, 11 horns... you get the picture I'm at work right now... but I'll send you a few picks when I get home =) Good times... ?
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