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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Windshield was solid as a rock on mine (but you'll have to forgive me for not deliberately wiggling it too much). I'm pretty certain it is much improved over the Stig and Ley models. The front end wasn't nearly as prone to being pulled apart but bike mode still leaves something to be desired with pegs not holding very well/being a bit too small. Full write up is here.
  2. Got my VR-41 post up after a nice little vacation in Seattle. I also snuck in a little comic of a drunk Yellow putting his Ride Armor on, killing his friends, and then speeding off. Morbid? Yes, but it was made mostly through coincidence. Anyway, check out this pose that was done without any trick photography or stands:
  3. Wow, that's a tricky sentence... "all" meaning "none'? Certainly "some" still are. I agree with Roger, movies don't get made over night... most don't get made quickly by any stretch. If this thing isn't filming in 2011 then I'll start wondering what happened.
  4. Not to brag or anything... but I actually own a VF-11B that hasn't broken at the hips and it's been handled a LOT. Either that or it broke and got fixed so well I'll never know it was broken...
  5. If it's a fast pack version you're in the clear... if it's a non fast pack version they had prolific issues with the hips breaking... Often times brand new toys, never opened, already have broken hips in the package.
  6. So will they do this with all the destroids? Should we always just wait for weathered versions if that's what we prefer?
  7. I wonder if there's any hope the Raus have been improved...
  8. What are we getting next year? Hikaru's bike. Mark my words (i'm cheating).
  9. I picked MacTV, it was a tough pick to choose it over DYRL but I really liked the character drama in MacTV and that gets diminished in DYRL. Second would obviously be DYRL and then I'd go Frontier for third if I could. The others are just the moles and flat skin between the tits and ass (meaning they help keep the beauty together but they're not somewhere you stop and stay at too long).
  10. Ruskii, I believe RT.com states that STig stands 7.5" tall without the armor, 8.5" for full armor height. I can only imagine why you want his bits under his clothes flesh colored... you must be thinking of one crazy custom.
  11. Best of luck to you and your dog. It's amazing how much pets can come to mean to us.
  12. These things definitely cost way too much to try to collect all of them (weathered, repaint). Oh well, I think it's cool we've got choices as the plain brown wasn't my favorite.
  13. I was wondering what happened to that prototype. Beagle actually showed off pics of it a long time ago but I guess they then shelved it while they tried to design a proper helmet-less head for Ray. Now we need close-ups of this head so we can argue over whether or not we think the RT MPC will come with a "Yune-ified" version.
  14. I can't comment if they got it exactly right but I'm fairly certain she still has her ride armor when Stig and crew find her. I believe she's zipping around on it filming the group's battle against the human-style Inbit when a shot down Inbit clips and kills her.
  15. Or Toynamis, Aoshimas, or Gakkens. I don't really follow your argument. You're okay with the CMs Legioss not much resembling lineart because it's so far from the lineart?
  16. This reminds me a lot of the bickering that went on when CMs confirmed that their Legioss toy was actually going to look only remotely like the Legioss from the anime. This VF-25 looks a WHOLE lot closer to the VF-25 in the show than CMs ever managed. Even with CMs giant leaping bounds of liberties taken plenty of people still love it because it's super durable and fun to handle.
  17. So CMs is going to release black repaints of Stig and Ley also? Man, CMs is making my life as a completist hard. I suspected the black camcorder version with the girl for sure (I'd be surprised if Mega House doesn't do her also... makes coming up with a Houquet mold a bit more profitable). EDIT - Ugh, first CMs call Yellow's bike "Blowsperior" and now they're calling Houquet "FUKE."
  18. Hikaru's VF-1A 1/60 version 2.0 is probably the best bet. The VF-1S 2.0 has had some reported broken shoulders but there's been less talk about that with Hikaru's 1A. That's the VF-1 and should be your first. Of that list my next favorite is the YF-21. If you can find a VF-0S with Ghost (the 0S doesn't come with Super/Strike parts) that'd also be cool but the 0S is less glorified in the Macross universe than the 19 or 21.
  19. Someone should put an LED behind the head. The dark red they used is too dark IMHO.
  20. Honestly... while much better than the Toynami in many respects... it's still a long way from really good.
  21. Send Overdrive an email. They're very friendly and the worst they can say is "no."
  22. My intakes have a bit of tartar on them but different lighting goes a long way in how well you can see it and I'm not sure how well it's going to show in pictures.
  23. Europe pledged 2.3Trillion into the market, that ought to boost everyone's spirits. Roger is right, Toys = crappy investments in the grander scheme of things. Sure, you might get some every now and then that pay off pretty well as an investment but the vast majority of the time you'd be way better off playing the market. That said, this has been a really bad couple weeks to prove that point. At least with a toy you'll always have the toy and the government can't buy it all up and take it away from you just so it can continue to exist. EDIT - maybe what's happening with LOS could affect numerous of our collectors. In the name of rabid speculation, it's quite possible that he had a business that depended on credit and he can no longer secure credit and is facing hard times.
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