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Posts posted by treatment

  1. You say tomatoes I say tomatoes. The ahhum, 'terminology' discussion is pretty irrelevant.


    Not only is the correct terminology is important, but also the implementation of that terminology is also significant. Just so that we all know what is actually being discussed and people don't get the wrong idea to get on a completely different tangent.

    It's all about some people being hardheaded and not showing ANY acknowledgement of constraints, the Hasbro people have to work with and consequently

    they make an apples to oranges comparison by saying 'VF designs are superior'.

    I think you're the only one being hardheaded here because you simply just got the wrong idea in the first place.

    I have said Leader class Jetfire and Starscream are compromised & fugly solutions, as toy interpretations of complex CGi designs.

    Voyager class ROTF Starscream and deluxe class DOTM Starscream are both fantastic toy jet Transformers. Heck, the former even features the sleek cap to hide robot parts (and the hands folded up in the original design, alas budget cuts cut that feature).

    People often just bash these movie TF toys, only for disliking the cgi robot mode design, plain and simple. And that's a crooked way to judge a toy on its own merits.

    All of which have nothing to do about wishing SS is more streamlined or making Jetfire's crap tolerable.

    On a sidenote : The beams on Masterpiece Starscream's hips ; now THAT is what people call 'kibble'. And that's why this prototype version is superior to the final product. Igear's KO's are employing the solution right now btw :


    See what you just wrote there?

    That's not the "kibble" being talked about.

    That's why you're in your own separate confused little world in this thread.

  2. i think knoted just like to justify his bizarre preference for kibbletastically fugly TFs by being delusional about the Valkyries' supposed "kibble"-ness.

    by moving his goalposts too much, i don't think he actually knows what "kibble" even means at this point anymore.

    that is, if he even knows what kibble means in the first place.

  3. My wife wanted to go to Target to buy plastic totes... I didn't want to, because I was just there buying a movie for my dad for his birthday, but I'm glad she talked me into it. Major jackpot. I scored Wheeljack, Thundercracker, Kup, and Warpath. Since I'd already collected the four War for Cybertron guys, Jazz, Tracks, and Laser Prime, I think (but correct me if I'm wrong) I'm just missing Perceptor and Wreck-Gar.

    EDIT: I forgot about, but do have, Dirge, Thunderwing, Darkmount/Staxus, Blurr, Scourge, and Peg/Drift. I did not forget Red Alert, Skullgrin or the fifth War for Cybertron guy (that'd be Cliffjumper). I didn't like WfC Bumblebee's mold, I don't (despite having Sideswipe and Sunstreaker) Red Alert's mold, and Skullgrin never made enough of an impact on me to buy his mold agian.

    Both Target and Wally's over here have been stocking up on those. Was surprised to see two WheelJacks last weekend.

    Except for WarPath.


    They are still stocking up on their favorite SkullGrin.

  4. I consider "off-white" to mean a warm-hued color, with beige/yellow undertones---the DYRL valks are not that. But regardless, the color of plastic Yamato uses for their DYRL releases has usually been called "very light grey" by MW's forum members to distinguish it from the true white used on their TV releases.

    Since I got both...

    The 1/60 v2 DYRL-valks Skull team are "off-white"/"dirty-white". Not grey nor light-grey nor very light-grey.

    The TV-valks are "bone-white"/"clean-white". I like to call 'em smudge-magnet, actually.

  5. HLJ Yamat Sale Got the email today. Some good Macross items on sale, and the Regult is in there, in case anyone was on the fence. Enjoy, and hope you all get something good.

    yeah, but, uhhh, the exchange-rate's already at the abysmal 79.03y and still going down even further...

  6. Saw it. The non-3D edition.

    Was so stoked when Shockwave actually

    spoke "Optimus..." in his classic G1-vocals in his first appearance at the Chernobyl scene. Sadly, only gurgling incoherent grunting afterwards in his Chicago scenes, tho.

    The downsides were:

    The Wreckers were meh. Q and Dino were meh.

    Of course, most of the humans were meh, but that's always been a given. Nevertheless, Dylan and Bruce were the only ones who had good acting chops and were really fun to watch.

    Megs was ok, but Bay totally punked his characterization again here as he did in ROTF.

    oh, and yeah. Bay's plot holes.


    The good stuff are:

    Thank diety the annoying ROTF-Twins weren't in it. Their replacements were funny and better.

    Ironhide to the rescue.

    Optimus' winged offensive.

    Optimus vs Shockwave.

    Optimus vs Sentinel.

    Optimus vs Megs.

    BBee vs Soundwave.

    Tentacle building.


    The stuff that could've been better:

    Optimus and wires. WTF?!

    Optimus vs Shockwave. Good and brutal, but Shocky was already gimped before the inevitable duel.

    Optimus vs Megs. Brutal but a bit too short.

    Ratchet and Sideswipe could've used more battle time.

    Overall, actually a pretty kewl movie to watch in the theater. At least, the non-3D version I saw.

  7. wally's got alot of both Shocky and SkyHammer voyager-class dotm-figures for $18.77 lately. I bought Shocky right away, but will get SkyHammer's next week, as he looks pretty kewl in his box.

    Anyway, a little disappointed with the Shocky-dotm. his cannon/mechteck can be put on his left arm, but Hasbro prolly deliberately made it insecure on it. The "hose" is a bit too short (when connected to his back) and the arm/shoulder are bizarro in design, which makes it challenging and limiting to properly pose Shocky's cannon pointing straight or up without the cannon being a rather ugly sideways contraption.

    His cyclops translucent-eye trick is very neat, however.

    anyway, here's his shot along with Alternator Shockwave:

    edit: added Shocky-dotm solo shot.



  8. I have to re-iterate my disapproval of Yamato's choice to replace the traditional ratchet joints in the ankles with die-cast ball joints.

    The ankles are getting looser now on mine and others' too.

    I really don't want this thing to become a floppy mess like the Bandais.


    didja tell them yamato-toys people about it?

    what's their reply?

  9. so, in addition to the toys poll-thread, here's where we break down your 1/60 collections inventory.

    note: the old 1/60 vf1-v1 line are totally disqualified. i just don't think you really want to dig 'em out anymore. :D

    other than that...

    the old yammie 1/100 vb-6 and Bandai VB-6 both are included to pad the destroids-line.

    the upcoming YF-29, VF-X, and AngelBirds are also included.

    the Q-Rau's are included! it's at the bottom due to the 20-choices limit.

    the VF-17 and Blazer VF-19 are not included, as they are prolly still on early CAD designs.

    apologies if I'd missed a particular 1/60.

    go Mecha Shiva!



    hmmm. what happened to the poll???

  10. just out of stats curiosity.

    you can list whatever you have only as long as it's been seen in any of the anime series. in whatever scale.

    so, stuff from games, manga, magazines, etc, that did not appear at all in any of the anime series are disqualified.

    of course, MII might be severely disadvantaged since it seems to only have one toy ever produced from it, but oh well. it's still included in the poll-choices.

    go team venture!


  11. What I was doing was transforming from fighter to battroid and when I was swinging thelegs down, the left leg dropped onto the table. I was not directly touching the left leg either. It was very weird.


    so it popped out of the peg by itself, right?

    sounds like it was somehow already rotating out and then just slid off the guide stubs by itself.

    not sure if it's normal, but just plug it back in. it should still be tight enough.

    anecdotally, both my Max and Milia popped their left legs out when I transformed them for the first time. as such, i thought i was the only one who seem to always start out pulling with the left leg unconsciously/subconsciously. :lol:

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