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Posts posted by treatment

  1. Graham, thanks for the heads up on the Dengeki Hobby magazine. I hope it is as good an article as the VF-0 from a YF-19 was a few years ago.

    Have to cry foul on the Engage Planet Kiss DUM idea. It is too good an idea to get my money. The love child of a YF-19 and Ed-209 is a great idea.

    Yes, some flight sticks are that good. My Hotas cougar on PC is great for flying since it is fully programmable. Really wish that Hotas X on PS3 would work with the old Ace Combat games from the PS2. PS2 games on the retro-fully emulating PS3 don't recognize the Hotas X. Yet, I would rebuy the old AC titles for the PS3 not for the HD but Hotas compatibility and button reprograming if it was offered.



    This is the only way to fly when stuck on the ground.

    Very nice!

    Never seen any TM-HOTAS paired up with a laptop until your pics. I would get a 24"/27" monitor for it.

    To play Mechwarrior-games.

    Still, definitely would be awesome if AC supports that setup.

  2. I've always thought the fact that Milia's VF-22 is kinda pink was a "deterrent" to many buyers. (myself included). Yeah, it's anime-accurate/canon, but I think most people want RED Milia valks.

    possibly that and well, the (general lack of) QC on the Milia-22 could be another reason.

  3. I was referring to the local customers (i.e. the Japanese).

    We foreigners are not the targeted audience... I wonder what is the percentage we MWers (most of us are not living in Japan I believe) are representing.

    One has to love the toy twice as much to be willing to pay the hefty shipping to get it.

    P.S. Fortunately I live in a place that I don't need to pay shipping charges. Not for postal or courier at least.

    ah, i see.

    that would be a really interesting statistic if Graham can somehow finagle it from yammie-toys just how much us gaijins represent in terms of purchasing-stats.

    also, just how much exactly does Yammie-Toys market/advertise/availability wrt their macross-toys over there in japan? can't be just that they're all concentrated in akihabara only, right?

  4. It's a pity that the VF-11B/C do not sell well. It's the second best engineering effort I have seen in a valk (the best goes to the VF-19 Kai).

    It's not surprising though. Not everybody has taste. :rolleyes:

    uhh, maybe the fact that not everybody has money to willingly spare/spend on it given the crappy exchange-rate is more like it.

    not everyone's rich nor want to go and stay in credit-card hell forever.

    personally, i'm still hoping the VF-11B goes on a really good sale. like US$100 shipped. :D

    in the meantime, i rather get me an Onkyo-509/609 with my remaining funds instead...

  5. Had we gotten a G1-ish, logical leader with a cool voice in the movie, I'd agree. But we got a grunting brute with no characterization. He was a cyclops, and that was about the only thing in common with the original. (and he wasn't even purple)

    hey now!

    he did have his G1-voice when he uttered Prime's name in the 0.5secs alloted vocal-time he had.

    that's about it, tho. ^_^;

    and, oh yeah.

    the nearest Target and Wally's over here are just overflowing with Generations Kup now.

    still no Wreck-Gar or Warpath, tho.

  6. Bottom line, if Basara did eveything he did with a gunpod full of death, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    well, if he did it like the way Vash the Stampede did, maybe he'll be alot more likable and stuff.



  7. I know, I know...I use English "words" to convey "meaning," and I try to use them in a "commonly-accepted sense," which is generally found in a "dictionary." I'm so KA-RAAAAAAAAAZZZZY!!!

    Well, you know, there are several proper ways to use a term besides it's dictionary-meaning. It might actually even have different meaning based on context, usage and stuff.

    Like, you know, the term "kappa". or "Otaku". or whatever else japanese-terms that have multiple meanings and usage and stuff...

    You also said "definitive purpose," which is something more general, and fits Basara.

    "Definitive purpose" meaning "no other options left".

    You said "destroy" the enemy, but if you change it to "pacify" the enemy (in whatever way), doesn't that also fit Basara?

    "Pacify" fits only Basara, but not the other Macross-pilots. So the term fails for comparison's sake.

    Maybe if we're comparing Basara with the Macross-babes instead, it'll have a better chance for usage.

    Charging into the middle of a battle isn't "kamikaze" enough for you...? Really...?

    If it's the only viable option left, then yes it's a kamikaze.

    If there are actually other viable and available options left, then no. Definitely not a kamikaze. It'll just be a lazy usage of the kamikaze-term.

    Look...it's not that I don't UNDERSTAND you, it's that I don't AGREE with you.

    That's fine with me.

  8. So... There are literally no words I can use to continue this argument now. You got me, dude, you win. "You're thinking too much about the meaning of the words I am using." Hmm. I gotta tell you, that's original and foolproof. I'll have to try that next time I'm having a discussion with someone.

    you are willfully not reading the other part of my post?

    here's the pertinent section again:

    Read the listing again. The "kamikaze" death-dive and such refers to the last desperate no-other-options attack available to those Macross-pilots. Whether to rescue the lead-girl or destroy the enemy or both. That is quite clear on the listings I've made. Maybe you overlooked it?

    In contrast, Basara always have other available options. Yet, he decides not to use them every time and he just stupidly charge in the middle of the battles. That is just not heroic and I just cannot consider that a "kamikaze" something in the context similar to what the other macross-heroes did.

    The theme Renato opined was that those other Macross-pilots didn't do anything heroic more than Basara. I listed some of the stuff I remember as a rebuttal.

    Maybe you both consider Basara interjecting himself as a peacenik in the middle of a raging battle to sing a song as "heroic".

    I just don't. Especially in contrast to what the other Macross-pilots did do.

    That should be clear enough for the usage of the term "kamikaze".

    Well, I think I do, and so I understand the reasons why you do not like Basara. I do not share those reasons, and that's part of why I do like him.

    It's not that I dislike Basara at all. I think I mentioned that I actually like him better than Alto

    I'm just giving you some rebuttal for the "heroic" aspect of the other Macross-pilots to contrast with what you posted about them to compare to Basara.

  9. I tried, but you didn't accept it. That's why I failed.

    Shall I "try again" then, as the song goes?

    Here are the "rescues" I listed, in response to your statement that he never rescued any maiden in distress: I said episode 28 and you correctly pointed out that there was no heroic rescue in that episode. I was wrong. I apologize. I was thinking of the scene where Basara had lost his voice and stopped Mylene from being eaten by Glavil by holding his jaws open. That was not episode 28, I looked it up and it was actually 27, "Rainbow song energy". 28 was the one with the soundboosters, I don't remember that one so well. Anyway, I wanted to point out this scene at around 19:16 --


    OK. I also mentioned another one where he rescues Mylene and a bunch of other civilians in the episode where City 7 gets separated from Battle 7, which was either #12 or 13, again, I cannot remember which right now, I'M SORRY. But it's there. You made no response, other than "that's not heroic" -- though I'm not sure if you're referring specifically to the episode in question or not.

    Want another? Fine, what about the one in episode #11 "Minmay Video" where he rescues Mylene from the creepy date-rape guy, and a vampire, all at once? I got plenty more where that came from.

    I dunno, man, I've got rebuttals being thrown at you very which way, but I guess if you keep ignoring/brushing them off without much critique because the rescues were NOT SUICIDAL ENOUGH, then, I guess we're not speaking the same language, therefore I lose. I am willing to admit failure in this case. Shame we cannot seem to communicate.

    And I think you are talking about My Little Pony in a couple of posts. OK, that's nice, but shall we talk about Macross 7, please?

    :p Yeah, this seems to be a worrisome tendency in many fandoms.... :wacko:

    Try to read my post above you to hopefully make sense of what I was trying to convey to you.

  10. But I am...I'm saying none of the pilots you listed were kamikazes.

    And as Renato pointed out, if by "kamikaze" you mean (incorrectly), "flying into the face of danger with (as you put it) a 'definitive purpose,'" then yes, Basara belongs with them.

    The problem is that you're creating a reductive definition of a "Macross hero," which doesn't hold water...specifically, that they have to be flying out to rescue a woman.

    DYRL Hikaru doesn't fly against Bodolzaa to rescue a girl. Alto doesn't fly against Galaxy to rescue a girl (well...he does first, but not in the final, final battle). Hibiki doesn't fly against Igues to rescue Ishtar or Sylvie.

    It's more like you're saying, "What definition can I come up with more a Macross hero that excludes Basara?" and then working from there.

    I think you're just hung up on some dictionary-meaning.

    Read the listing again. The "kamikaze" death-dive and such refers to the last desperate no-other-options attack available to those Macross-pilots. Whether to rescue the lead-girl or destroy the enemy or both. That is quite clear on the listings I've made. Maybe you overlooked it?

    In contrast, Basara always have other available options. Yet, he decides not to use them every time and he just stupidly charge in the middle of the battles. That is just not heroic and I just cannot consider that a "kamikaze" something in the context similar to what the other macross-heroes did.

    The theme Renato opined was that those other Macross-pilots didn't do anything heroic more than Basara. I listed some of the stuff I remember as a rebuttal.

    Maybe you both consider Basara interjecting himself as a peacenik in the middle of a raging battle to sing a song as "heroic".

    I just don't. Especially in contrast to what the other Macross-pilots did do.

    Is that clear enough for you?

  11. There are few maidens in need of rescuing in Mac 7, I think Mylene is a very strong independent female character. Having said that, she was grabbed and almost eaten in episode 28. Basara rescued her. In episode 12 (or 13?) she was kidnapped. Basara rescued her. Watch the show, man.

    No, he did not destroy the enemy. That's kind of the point, actually -- to undermine the senseless mutual destructive cycle of battle...


    Maybe you should rewatch it and find out who actually was protecting Mylene in ep28.

    That said, not even sure why you're putting that type of "rescue" with the other known Macross-rescues. It was neither heroic nor intense like the other Macross-rescues.

    That kind of "rescuing" from M7 is just too juvenile to even consider.

    I mean, you know, Alto's rescue of Ranka in ep1 was just many many many much much much more awesome sauce in comparison. and i'm way way too neutral/borderline-dislike on both Alto and Frontier.

    I don't know what you are talking about in your last paragraph because of all the acronyms which I cannot really be bothered to look up right now, sorry.

    well, you should find out. maybe it's just not out in Japan, yet, but I don't think it's geoblocked.


    I tell you what.

    Basara got nothing against this fave circle-glasses-wearing extreme-peacenik character of mine. and he's not even a pony...:



  12. But Basara kamikazes into battle every episode...

    As I've listed, to be a Macross hero, the lead dude is supposed to rescue the maiden (Minmay/Misa/Sara/Ishtar/Myung) or destroy the enemy (Bodolza, Sharon) via kamikaze.

    Basara doesn't really do any of that. His repeated interjection are not even heroic in nature or definition. It's just selfish indulgence. Even with the battles in M7 that are all pretty much comically animated and choreographed in looping recycled stock-footages.

    In the end, what he does in M7 are all stuff designed to appeal to useless shenanigans. Twilight Sparkle and Pinky Pie and the rest of MLP:FIM crew does a much much better job of doing that and they're all ponies. :D

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