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Posts posted by treatment

  1. OK let's.

    Hikaru: "OMIGOD two girls are in love with me and I can't decide, I hope that one of those girls can maneuver the SDF-1 skillfully enough to penetrate the alien fortress while the other one sings a song to confuse them into immobility while I plunge uselessly into the Earth. Hope they make a movie about me where I look cooler."

    Isamu: "Argh, this computer is in love with me, my ex-girlfriend is going out with my ex-best-friend whom for some reason we cannot remind is a rapist, maybe if I plunge uselessly into the ground my ex-girlfriend will revive me with her song so I can blow up the mainframe".

    Shin: "I *think* two girls are in love with me... Oh no, it's the anti-UN! Thank god Roy is here! OK, time to....PLUNGE USELESSLY INTO THE SEA! WHEEEE!"

    Alto: "OMIGOD two girls are in love with me. Er... I wish I was a pilot, for no reason. Oh, I am now, good. Doesn't matter, 'cos those two girls seem to be doing well in taking care of the alien threat by themselves. Ho-hum..."

    Hibiki: "I'm a conspiracy theorist".

    Somehow, I don't see a bunch of heroism or even usefulness coming from any male protagonist in this franchise, except for Basara.


    those were really funny stuff.

    until you blind yourself with your Basara-love.

    If you really wanna be serious about the hero-thing, tho, here's how you should do it:

    Hikaru (TV): kamikaze rescue of Misa in Alaska Base.

    Hikaru (DYRL): kamikaze assassination of Bodolza.

    Hibiki (II): kamikaze rescue (or kidnapping) of Ishtar. then Sylvie kamikaze rescues him. Oy, Vey!

    Isamu (Plus tv/movie): kamikaze death-dive to destroy Sharon.

    Shin: Kamikaze death-dive to spring Sara.


    Basara: Whale Bukake

    so, you know, there's that kamikaze-pattern among the lead-dudes of Macross-franchise.

    except for Basara. :D

    As to why I didn't include Alto. well, I got way too bored watching Frontier that I actually thought Basara was alot more interesting than him and the stupid shipping-wars by the Frontier-fans. ^_^;

  2. So again, what DVD can I purchase for money that won't look like I made it in my basement so I can give to my friends?

    I bolded the important parts.

    uhhm, how exactly do you think bootlegs are made of???

    that said, you can prolly get better macross-art on your own to silkscreen your own "basement-dvd". better quality translations, too.

    unless, of course, you and your friends are so much into spending/buying hk-engrish bootlegs...


  3. I don't see where my reply was in anyway unclear or difficult to understand, but let's try it this way:

    All official DYRL dvd editions (both remastered and not-remastered) are only playable by Region-2 dvd-players.

    The only dvd that will play on US-players are bootlegs of the fansubs.

  4. Isamu getting Lucy wasn't a challenge, and Myung was a forgone. As for Sharon, she didn't want to get wit him, she wanted to ram him into the ground.

    Basara on the other hand had Sivil cummin' just from the thought of him, and had she stayed in this dimension t hey'd totally be having flying singing guitar playing super babies. I'd also wager that he did get Rex, he's just to smooth to bother flaunting it.

    Max is OG sukube and got Milia, but Basara had the entire Chlore fleet soaking themselves. but was quickly p-whipped. Basara's pimp enough that he don't need those ho's, though if stupid freakin' Pedro hadn't inturrupted, he'd literally have been in Emilia's pants.

    Once again, the win goes to Basara.


    The only time Basara had some "cummin'" for him was when the space whale went bukake on his VF-19...

  5. LOL! But Isamu loves women and Basara loves...bioweapons?

    Yeah. Isamu luvs the boobies. There is no doubt.

    In contrast,

    Basara loves...something hard and something long. He loves playing with it, too. Alot. Basara also loves screaming. in a very girly-scream manner. Alot.


  6. As for hate, isamu is ;pretty much Basara without a guitar, get over it.

    that is just completely utter nonsense.

    I still can't find any hard evidence of this other dub. Not that I am doubting you, I just can't find any info on it, or clips.

    I think some member(s) here bought the old International Version, but I always thought they were the same Animaze-dub that MangaEnt used in the R1.

  7. I luv the Blade Runner collector's edition and I reckon that's how releases should be. That edition contains all the known official versions of the film. However, it seems like it's the biggest exception to this issue.

    Not really sure why Lucas don't want to include the theatrical originals (at very least, the original trilogy), alongside his new-and-improved versions. I mean, it prolly will give him even more profits and very much less rage directed at him and his shenanigans.


  8. Nice monotony break... um, clean version. :D.. and if I am guessing, that's a winamp skin, which skin is it?






    Sidepoint, I guess, that if anyone's gonna be posting to the desktop thread and show desktop, may aswell include a clean version of the wallpaper. Because so fay, there's been nearly a 99.64% request rate for cleans.

    well, it is a desktop-thread, not a wallpaper-thread. :D

    can't upload the skin, but you can try searching for "Desiree_Chang.wsz" for winamp2-versions and/or get the http://www.skinbase.org/rate.php?skins=17860 for the winamp3-version.

    anyway, i usually switch from anime to non-anime wallies every few months or so, hence the monotony-thingy.

    here's the clean version for my current non-anime wallie:


  9. hah! finally got Warpath from the nearest local Target ($12.49) today and he's just f*in AWESOME!

    They stock up on generations. Lots of Warpaths, WheelJacks, Kups and Scourges. There was also a single Thundercracker. They finally got rid of Skullgrin off their shelves! YAY!

    Guess I'm just missing Grapple and Windcharger.

    Oh, well. Hasbro should bring out a generations-class Blitzwing already! :D




  10. aside from Macross, my 80's collection are pretty much just:

    • Maison Ikkoku
    • anything based on Mitsuru Adachi manga
    • Kimagure Orange Road
    • Urusei Yatsura
    • bubblegum crisis/megazone/votoms/gundam/project a-ko/orguss/gunbuster (how can i forget listing GB???)
    • cream lemon :p

    outside of that listing, the rest of the 80's anime are meh. imho, of course. :D

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