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Everything posted by lancalot

  1. you might got the request for the RVF25 super parts? ..... you better check to make sure . if it is then that be great !! i want it asap
  2. yeah that right i used the tamiya red
  3. The YF29 alto with super pack this has to be one of my favorite fighter , it looks so good...
  4. i was eyeing that for a while as well david, nice buy ... is the canopy tinted?... that be so cool if it is...i love that feature ...
  5. Wow i didn't know that ... no wonder my v1 vf25f is all yellow when i put it away for a year ... lucky i got a tornado pack now to cover it up!~ orange heaps better then the pastel blue in macross 30 !
  6. a thin screw driver fit in , you need a good one to unscrew it a little diagonally ... just remember which screw goes where ok...they are different from one another ...slightly different heads... Planing to do a YF25 prophecy with nothung marking from macrossR... a bright orange fighter! lol
  7. it total of five screw to take apart.....
  8. LOL thanks man.... yeah as he got a similar head to a yf25 ...but a big mistake...he need so many coat of white it crazy!!
  9. the main screw is the one in the landing gear ....that take the bottom half off... there one behind the crotch piece ... but a lot of the other pieces are glue together
  10. that what im doing now wip pic ...planing a YF25 prophecy
  11. Hey there another aussie You dont trust paypal??... I mainly use them as they actually give you buyer protection ... so if anything goes wrong with the purchase you can put up a claim with them so you are more or less protected from scams etc.... Have you look at http://www.anime-export.com/product/16354 they are pretty good but you have to pay up front (which might be good if the Aus$ might drop heaps by then ).... i order a few stuff form amiami as well and they ok ....
  12. wow congrats man that hectic erikos.....
  13. ohh... up to 300g only ...so very light models kits ....very cool but
  14. that is awesome!! where can i get one of those stands!!
  15. yeah that right .... i thou the blue was just too plain for a hero fighter and also the exactly the same as the VF171 CF parts. Looks like a command fighter now you got very good eye there just love the tornado ...
  16. Most probably they make a white, black and yellow , skull 1 scheme like the 30th yf29 .... if any repaints for it ...as that is a tried and tested theme that will sell
  17. you read my mind TCracker!!was about to post this guy up .. ...Just repainted the missile pack red on this guy
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