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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. Part of the reason the section with the joint is so long is so I can bend it. I am working on some revisions that may alleviate your concerns about fragility.The confusion about the elbow is understandable. I can only have one side of the acrylic laser etched from my current vendor. I will hopefully be able to laser etch both sides of the elbows when I have my own laser. As to your ps, contract work has picked up in a good way recently. I can get to those adapters this week, most likely.
  2. If you put the arm on the inside of the elbow, it should be centered much better. Also, have the elbow extend out the other side. I'll say it again, even though you reiterated it, the beta is not a replacement for the alpha. Customization in the base surface and a cleaner look overall. Alpha is still the beast when your want to put more than one figure together on a stand. Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.
  3. Sorry, I meant knuckle, not elbow .
  4. Awesome display, Edi! I like to have two points of contact on the larger Lego models. I add a dual arm or knuckle to achieve the extra connection point.
  5. Always nice to see those 2 together. Great setup!
  6. Busted, I appreciate the feedback, and am glad you are enjoying your stands! I do agree that the beta stands are less willing to be abused by weight than the alpha. I see the beta being used to show off 1-2 figures on a custom etched base, whereas the alpha remains an everything and the kitchen sink on top option. I actually have 2x4 brick adapters. That is the size I started with. I can send some along on your next order, if you'd like, or for the cost of shipping. I found that 8 studs wasn't enough for me to feel that the model was secure, but I am willing to let you try them out.
  7. YetiStand Beta is up for sale on the webstore. I only have 8 samples on hand. If you do purchase one, please give me feedback. Any and all is always appreciated. http://www.yetistand.com/product/yetistand-beta-limited-availability
  8. Awesome! They go well together.
  9. The downfall of this thing is that it is priced comparably to other high-end Macross toys whislt lacking anything resembling a high-end figure. If it was hovering around $100 I probably would not have canceled my pre-order months ago. For me, the money is spent better elsewhere. As cool as it is that someone came out with a Macross II valk, I can wait for bargin bins, or another companies take on it. Too expensive for how lackluster it is.
  10. Hey, they are just as awesome as the day you bought them. Beta does not diminish Alpha. Just a different option. Feel free to buy more, though .
  11. I had been using the ocean dry transfers but reprolabels new 3d decals are actually pretty sweet. They've been sending sames of them along with orders recently.
  12. Thanks for the link! This is a mean looking armor set.
  13. Received two more of the Gravity Builder figures form Generations Toys yesterday. I haven't been able to put Mixer or Navvy down. Back and forth between all modes multiple times. Navvy is a bit more novel as I had already seen a billion pics/videos of Mixer, but they are both great. Great leg/foot design on Navvy. Can't wait for the rest of these guys!
  14. It could be done! Great pics, as always! Still holding out for a 25g re-issue, but with Delta on the way I am doubtful.
  15. Ha, I hear you. Just tabulating how many known variants there are. This may be a run where I don't pokemon the whole lot. First time I tried to do that was with Frontier, and I am still missing a 25G.
  16. so..... $900ish for all of the variants? Not to mention the 262....
  17. Hey, guys. Getting things shipped from here to there is a big part of this hobby. Shipping from USPS has been going up a steady tick, seemingly every month, and I am curious for those of you who live outside of the USA when you order toys/collectibles/items from USA how do you get it shipped? Does it seem overly expensive?
  18. Longest single frame I have ever rendered took over 30 hours. It can get pretty time consuming.
  19. Rearranged 2 of my wall mounts. I think they came out nice.
  20. I know there are some issues with Win 10 now and some applications, but they are by in large minor compared to the long term benefits with going onto the most current os. Also, about monitors, I don't want to come across as elitist, but for any sort of computer work that requires a workflow, the task is only going to benefit from more desktop space, and/or higher resolutions. Once I had 2, I couldn't go back to 1. Once I had 3, I couldn't go back to 2. It is something to consider. I just grabbed a screenshot of a recent project I was working on. Storyboard on the left, and After Effects on the right 2. It may seem premium, but it is a life saver for staying focused, and having everything on hand. If you are considering spending more money on components take a look at adding a second monitor, or upgrade your current one to a larger, higher res screen. Speaking of just modeling, consider having your second display to show reference material, or tutorials for what you are currently working on.
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