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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Nice job! The urban neighborhood really throws it off in the photos . - MT
  2. They are great for pure black (clean anime style) lines. Just don't use them over some flat paints or clear coats, especially dull. I found out the hard way after going through two of them that the tips get permanently clogged and won't flow. Nope, solvents won't clear it out; it gets in the material. Use them before the clearcoat, but test to make sure it won't run (found that out the hard way too! - MT
  3. I'm still at work. I just got the servos in last week and I'm reworking the ramp. Both servos have been heavily modified like he first. I'll post pictures soon! - MT
  4. Good things come to those who wait! Still over two years working on the Daedalus! Looks like you got your money's worth (hopefully). - MT
  5. Both tanks look great guys. Both have great touches on the finishes. - MT
  6. Does this guy still have them? I found him looking for some other stuff. - MT
  7. That's an awesome idea! I just whish they were 1/200 like the new ones will be. I hope they make ALL the valks in the newer 1/200 collection for Yamato! - MT
  8. MechTech


    The standing figure does come with the model kit. If you don't buy one, you'll regret it! No polycaps, but good wholesome styrene goodness! Milia is proportionate to the toy, she should stand about as high as the top of the knee. I guess the whole toy is off!? - MT
  9. MechTech


    AcroRay is right. The sizes do vary in the show; that's why Kamjin can ride a monster. When the battle pods go on board the Daedalus, the Daedalus looks twice as big as what it should be. We all can name variances. After all, it's just an animated series - even if it's my all time favorite! - MT
  10. Sometimes the solution can be strong for the decal being used. Thin it with a little water (separate solution in a little cup). And what everyone else said too! I always put a puddle of water in the area and place the decal on top of it. I sponge out the water and no air usually gets inside as a result. The water also thins the solution some. Before all the water goes, I position it and give it a good press. If it's long, I use a rolling motion from one end to the other. Theposition holds and the water is driven out. Better success next time! Water slide decals are a pain sometimes! - MT
  11. MechTech


    Nausica, you are right; 1/60 should be 1/60. The Zentaedi, like us are different sized. Millia is female and shorter than a Zentraedi male, so there will be differences. Some manufacturers don't always get the scales right. All I really do is models and I see differences between manufacturers all the time. If you compare people to people, you're safer. I've seen differences between the Q-Rau in various line drawings. Those problems make scratch building a pain too! I don't have the toys (except a 1/60 VF-1s - I can't be ALL about models). Maybe someone here knows of an ongoing inconsistency... - MT
  12. I love the finish on there. I'm buying some alclad now! - MT
  13. The barrels don't taper, I'm not impressed. That sculpt has boxy fronts for the missiles too. Tapered, turned aluminum WITH rifling like the 1/25th models would be awesome (especially for us 1/200 scale owners). I've gotta build three. - MT
  14. Awesome work everybody. I stayed off line this weekend and look what I missed! The defender and background look great! Nice touch of "reality." - MT
  15. That conflicting line art thing drives me nuts! I have to go and look at it a few times before deciding in some cases. I've even gone to my wife and said, "what do you think." I don't envy you, but I know there's gonna be a lot of happy kit recipients out there. Making the world a better place, one model at a time . - MT
  16. Thanks for the link Guld. I keep checking and haven't seen it until today! - MT
  17. Those look great! I always did like those sculpts - even with the thick details. I bet you used Future on the canopies. Tell those guys standing around on the block to get back to work! - MT
  18. Thanks yui1107! I love the 723 paint design. - MT
  19. The good thing about black is that it hides the yellowed white . Looks good, especially for a first. - MT
  20. Thanks guys. Spares are good, I've reused several "failed" attempt assemblies. - MT
  21. I think the price sounds right for the item. It's 1/200 so I GOTTA order mine! - MT
  22. Pin vise, couldn't live without mine; either one! The valk looks great considering the subject. That kit is a pain to build and paint - especially in white. Great job! - MT
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