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Project Phoenix

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Posts posted by Project Phoenix

  1. Too bad Huckebein and Heartbreak One didn't have speaking roles. I was hoping at least the Raven was calling for help before I creamed Schwarze flight.

    Also, I hardly see any mention of Yuktobania's involvement in the war. Osea and Sapin are the only two allied nations seem to be active. Maybe the Yukes were in a different threater perhaps? It doesn't make sense since the Belkans wanted revenge on those two countries primarily in AC5.

  2. I just beat the game on all three Ace Styles. Got the X-02, Falken and Morgan in my hangar.

    IMO, the Morgan is way too maneuverable and when going against the various ace squadrons in the game, especially in The Gauntlet, it's almost unfair. The TLS is powerful against anything although I hardly use it.

  3. That girlfriend of yours needs to be put in her place.  What you do with your money isn't anyone's business but your own.  If and when you decide to spend any of your hard-earned money on her, she should thank the stars and be grateful.

    On that note, go out and buy all of the Macross stuff ya' want...


    Amen brotha! :lol:

  4. I haven't unlocked anything yet. That means I need Skull Leader's AC4 save. :p

    Actually, ACZ is more similar to AC4 than 5 IMO. The plot maybe tied to 5, the layout is more 4-ish. Still, I love the whole blend of 4 and 5. The cutscene is just icing on top. My favorite are the missions where there are a horde of SAMs and AA guns just waiting to gun you down. Plenty of killing to be made there. :lol:


    For those who have beaten it, does the second last mission feels like the Star Wars Death Star trench run?

    *End Spoilers*

  5. I just beat 5 minutes ago. Like mikeszekely said, it's a subtle blend of 4 and 5. I enjoy the storyline and also the cutscenes. Pretty nifty. :) Now I wonder how AC6 will be like. I hope they include an online VS mode.

    Skull Leader, we need a rematch! :lol:

  6. Sounds like Kevin and Tommy are promoting Horrortech extensively. They drew comparisons with Voltron and Samurai X.

    They are saying that Horrortech came to be a success because Horrortech = Macross + Southern Cross + Mospeada and that Horrortech is just the U.S. version of these anime. They present proof in the form of the DVD sales.

    The rest is just them defending legitimate editing of Macross and how Horrortech is as good as the original. I stop listening at this point. Bleh.

  7. *shrugs shoulders* Sure.  :)

    To those of you who can read toysdaily, could you guys translate and explain what are they saying in their forums?


    Part of them thinks its dope,

    a few are asking if the pricing will hit a thousand $HKD,

    some complain abt the chicken hands saying yamato makes 1st grade valks, but 9th grade hands,

    quite a portion sez that the valk is too plasticky for their liking.



    Thanks BlueMax, you're a gold. :)

    Looks like Yamato will always make chicken hands. Just wondering, does the release come with addtional fixed pose hands? I doubt there are but if there is it would be cool.

  8. If I'm not mistaken, those pics are from HK. Notice the black and chrome valk stands? They're not out yet so that means the VF-0S is neither. Let's keep waiting folks, knowing that HK already has the first batch. :)

  9. I would love to see a Lensman movie. The only two media made from E.E. Doc Smith's SF books were the Lensman anime movie and TV series. Smith disowned both and since then no one has attempted a remake.

    Did I mention there was a Hollywood attempt at making a Sailormoon Live Action movie? A little OT, just an interesting note.

  10. For those of you who are SRW fans, the TV series will premier this Fall and it will feature Ryusei of the SRX team as the protagonist.

    Also, the PS2 version of SRW Original Generation game is coming out sometime this year.

    If and only if Atlus follows through with their release of the two GBA SRW games will possibly we see a release of the PS2 version. But I highly doubt it.


    Linky 2

  11. yeah whatever....


    Glad you approve. :)

    Seriously, when Yamato says April, they probably meant they'll ship it on April 30 11:59pm. That means we'll probably see something after May 1.

    After all, they seem to change their friggin' minds every 5 minutes. Remember the 1/48 CF that was suppose to be a hobby show LE?

    Point is, keep those fingers crossed.

  12. Wow, I didn't even know Hayao had a son, much less one who was following in his footsteps.  This is wonderful news!  The trailer looks as marvelous as every other Ghibli film.


    I read that Hayao is pissed. He doesn't think his son is ready to direct but somehow the son got the job anyway. I heard he's so mad that the two are refusing to speak to each other. I think I read that in Anime Insider or something.


    Once they reconcile they can co-direct a killer Ghibli production about their story. :p


    I can see it coming. Ghibli Senki.

  13. They should panel line the thing and maybe weather it to make it look like it was fighting in the jungle. :D

    Instead of calling this the lv ver2 (sounds kinda boring) they should call it the camo low visilbility imo.


    I may be wrong but the kanji on all of the descriptions for LV2 did include the word 'camoflage type' in parentheses.

  14. I'd probably like it more if it was fully green with lighter green patches. That said, do you guys think it might look better if it was green with brown patches rather than brown with green patches?


    Zebra paint scheme. :p:lol::rolleyes:


    :lol: Woah, don't give yamato any crazy ideas~!


    Too late...the new LV3 (Zebra Scheme) has arrived. Way to go Project Phoenix.


    YAY!! I knew it would come true! Thank you! Thank you Yamato! :p:lol::rolleyes:

  15. I'd probably like it more if it was fully green with lighter green patches. That said, do you guys think it might look better if it was green with brown patches rather than brown with green patches?


    Zebra paint scheme. :p:lol::rolleyes:

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