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Project Phoenix

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Posts posted by Project Phoenix

  1. major announcement


    "If you want to see Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles release date, send One (1) dollar to:

    Harmony Gold

    7655 Sunset Blvd.

    Los Angeles, CA 90046"


    A dollar??! They gotta be friggin' kidding me! :D I'd pay Two (2) dollars to see HG's announcement they cancelled the whole thing. :p:lol::rolleyes:

  2. The Morgan to me is a pushover in all difficulties except Ace difficulty. After 2-3 times beating the game I kinda memorized his moves and reaction to my attacks. What used to be a chore became a yawning affair.

    Don't get me wrong, he is still a potent adversary. I rank Mobius 1 in The Gauntlet as the toughest enemy in the AC0. Keep in mind that I was flying a MiG-29 against them so my experience is different from others.

  3. This shows he has been reading MW despite what he claims. I think the pressure is building up on him. To save himself legal troubles(which I see forthcoming), he better just pay you and be done with it rather than giving lame excuses.

    Avoid dealing with him at all costs people.

  4. I also decided to go for the GBP armor sheet. It does not have all the markings but I think they are enough to decorate the GBP and the price will be cheaper.



    Looks great. But personally I'd rather have you make all the GPB stickers like on the Yamato sheet and pay a little more for them.

    Random thought-And I wonder if the upcoming LV GPB will have different colored stickers?


    Stop complaining and just buy it.


    He's not complaining. Be nice.

  5. The sharkface is cool! It would look damn nice on the LV2 that's coming out, making it look like a Vietnam era Phantom!

    I also dig the white UN Spacy kite symbol. Any chance you make one for the wing? The Stealth's tampo printed with regular colors so the matchup would be weird if I use the white version you made.

  6. Well, Bryan got almost $700 for the four 1/48 valks he sold earlier tonight on eBay; not to mention all the other stuff he's still got listed. So maybe, just maybe, you'll actually get your money soon, Fortress. If not, I say you track him down and beat his punk ass just on general principle.


    Man, this smells fishy to me. Obviously Bryan is avoiding you FortMax and for that I agree on Alien Scum's idea of tracking him down and open a can of pain on him.

    Cheaters never prosper.

  7. $86!!!! Damn that's lucky!!

    Got a link to the auction.


    It was a bit of luck. After buying the VF-0S and my wife getting a Super Stealth. This is the Macross Month.


    Sorry to burst your bubble but that's a CF, not a Low Viz. :unsure:

    But with that pricing, it's practically a steal.

  8. BTW, in Zero, in mission 13, Lying in Deceit, anyone else notice that that's the same area that's in Ace Combat 5's Closure mission?  If you fly to the second to northmost cluster of enemy targets, you can even see the entrance to the mines were the nukes were being stored.


    I thought so too. It's the same Waldreich Mountains if I'm not mistaken. I noticed that during the mission, the Belkan troops were really in a hurry to finish unloading 'something' and get the hell out since we're attacking. We all know that that something is. ;) The whole map and the airbase is basically the same.

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