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Project Phoenix

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Posts posted by Project Phoenix

  1. A (hopefully) full length TV show that centers around Ruysei gives me hope for a DX SRX toy in the same vein as last years Aquarion.  :rolleyes:


    Actually the TV series IS centered around Ryusei as he joins the SRX team. They are using the SRW OG's Ryusei route storyline. So rejoice. :)

    The OVA is set after the events in OG2.

  2. I'll leave the debate over the flaws of the CAD drawings vs. official lineart to you experts.

    I am just going to be happy when I get my hands on it the day it is released to the public for sale. That is to say with or without detachable nose gears/wings, I really don't care. I trust Yamato's design team enough to make the necessary changes, corrections, sacrifice to make it as 'perfect' as possible in either 3 modes. I believe Graham had seen the prototype in the flesh already and he had been letting out details as much as he could in subtle ways without breaking confidential agreements they imposed upon him. :) Therefore, I am going to trust Graham on this one and just be happy with it.

    Everyone knows there is no such thing as 'perfection' in making a transformable toy of such complexity like the YF-19. The 1/72 scale IMHO was marginally alright. I like it Fighter mode but none of the other. This new 1/60 scale will definitely be THE shiznit Excalibur that we've been waiting for.

    I will love it as it is as it will be a splendid toy, nothing more. :D

    By next year, I hope they will reuse the molds and make the VF-19F/S Blazer and the VF-19Kai Fire Valkyrie. It's not that hard to make IMO.

  3. I want a 1/60 19a ... with f/p :p

      1/48 someday...


    A'ite MW'ers get yer hands up and repeat after me.







    After sacrificing a goat to the cthulu plush toy, and my wish for a YF-19 remould was answered. Now i shall sacrifice my porn mags to the great cthulu for the VF-4.


    VF-4, VF-4, VF-4.


    I will sacrifice 100 otaku, who also happen to be virgins, to cthula for the VF-2.


    I will sacrifice 1000 Homotech Toynami MPCs to the great tentacled one. :D

    VF-4, VF-4, VF-4...

  4. It says it's coming out this winter. I hope the cost will be the same or in the neighbourhood of the VF-0S.

    As for the lower left pic, it said something about Hasegawa's new product coming out in the fall.

    But holy cow in downtown Delhi! No wonder Graham was being mysterious! He knew this was coming!  :D


    He's probably got the prototype sitting on his computer desk REEKING OF AWESOMENESS. :lol:


    Yeah, he's probably smelling the new valk while reading our drooling posts! :p

  5. It says it's coming out this winter. I hope the cost will be the same or in the neighbourhood of the VF-0S.

    As for the lower left pic, it said something about Hasegawa's new product coming out in the fall.

    But holy cow in downtown Delhi! No wonder Graham was being mysterious! He knew this was coming! :D

  6. I just finished building the two HGUC Hazel kits bought two weeks ago and are now waiting for the Hrududu add on to be shipped to my home. Hopefully by then I can complete the actual "final" form of the Hazels.

    I really dig these two kits. A little small, but they look cool in my book. I only wish they were bigger.

  7. Space Fight I'll second Galactic Heroes, but Vermillion is my favorite battle, probably followed by the Tiamat battle in the first episode.  Armlitzer is a definite third and Astarte fourth.

    Spoiler: At Vermillion we see that Yang is definitely the better tactition.

    (The whole thing is a spoiler) Yeah I know, but Vermillion is the "signature" battle of the series, its the climactic battle between the two leaders. Of course its great.

    Bucock at Mar Alldatta 2 is something different alltogether however.With a badly outnumber force he picks apart Reinhart's fleet in a battle he knows he's not going to win. And yet he still fights because of principle and honour, and knowing that makes his final speech all the more poignant and yet stirring moments in the whole series.

    I also liked any battle with Willibald Joachim von Merkatz... just because he was such a great tactician.


    I second that. The Battle at Starzone Doria is another classic as well.

  8. I had a VF-1S model once,

    And I built it over lunch.

    But one day a friend came over,

    After he left I couldn't it find it all over.

    One day I visited the same friend down the street,

    And saw that he had my valkyrie kit.

    I demanded he return it to me,

    He said I was lying and it was his.

    We got into a fight,

    But I beat his sorry ass outright.

    At the end of the day,

    When he couldn't find any alibi to say,

    He threw my Roy out the street,

    Where a passing car crushed it to bits.


  9. Yeah, can you post a pic of the box art?

    I'm curious to see what it looks like ....



    Here's some pics from yahoo jp auction:


    Schweeeet! I dig this camo any day!

    Finally a valk with a real world-ish paint job.

    "I love the smell of napalm in the morning." :D

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