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Project Phoenix

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Posts posted by Project Phoenix

  1. I dunno about you all but I came from robotech fan base.  Only recently say about (5 years ago) did I turn to Macross only to realized what BS  they put the stories together.  I would assume that most here on this site converted over to Macross from the Robotech. We have to admit that it was Robotech that got us started. 

    As for the toys, I have to admit I have buyer's remorse on the MPC Veritechs. I thought how cool it was till I got the MPC Rick (what a disappointment) but I still bought them (at a lesser price thanks to ebay) because the cool box and it wasnt that bad but still I wouldnt pay that MSRP price.  Anyways, I always thought the 1/60s were a step up. 1/48s are a major step up.  I sold most of my 1/60 extras and the rest are sitting in my office.  I have to admit the MPCs are pretty shoddy at best but IMHO, better than the bootlegs (contrary to popular opinion).  Now there was some hope for the MPC Alphas...  I have mixed feelings about it but no real buyer's remorse.  The Alphas were a step up from the MPC Veritechs despite the horror stories I hear about the MPC Alphas.  However, it is hopefult they will make an Beta that will fit the MPC Alpha... small hope. 

    Overall, Yamato is way better than Toynami. For now, just get the 1/48s and be done with it.


    Couldn't have said it better myself.

  2. EDIT: Wait wait wait. Pheonix, what the f*ck are you talking about? We're seeing still shots here. Why are we even talking about animation? So you don't like the designs. Sure, they're not my favorite either. Nowhere near as good as Mikimotos. A lot better than f*cking Naruto or One Piece, but definitely not Mikimoto-league.


    Those still shots are taken from the actual animation. The shots themselves doesn't impress at all. All it did was assure me that this attempt at milking money from unsuspecting folks will definitely end in failure. They could've done a lot better with today's animation technology is all that I'm saying.

    Storywise, I doubt it will be any better. All they're doing is trying to pin all 3 very different anime into what freakshow of an animation then labelling it as 'Original'. It's Sentinels all over again, this time with better looking babes in skin-tight suits with a fair amount of cleavage. I'm surprised they didn't include *gasp* Megazone 23. They could've introduced the military Garland and called it Cyclone Mk.2. Now THAT will be a hit with the Homotech fanboys.

    Macross was done back in the 80's with little budget. They were done by a bunch of college graduates with little or no experience in animation and they pulled it off. Compared to other contemporary anime titles at the time, of course they were not as good. But after that, with the advent of better technology in arts and sciences, they did better didn't they? Macross Plus, Macross 7 and Macross Zero remember? Hell, even DYRL was way better than the TV series.

    Here is my basic checklist as to why even Mospeada itself was better than HG's Homotech freakshow:

    1) Original character design (no reusing or basing off previous character designs from OTHER titles. ie. didn't change their clothes and call them Scott Bernard)

    2) Original plotline (the only other anime that features ragtag freedom fighters was Dorvack. Even that was executed differently)

    3) Original mecha design (besides the Legioss, the Tread and the Ride Armor is fairly original. The Garland was similar but still different)

    Mikimoto's design is a hell lot better than this or any of those over-commercialized stuff you mentioned above. It's a no-brainer.

  3. Basically, anyone who enjoys Macross should tread very softly when picking on new anime shows lest someone start posting screen pics from original Macross episodes.


    I disagree. That was back in the 80s and animation technology wasn't that great. This new production by the pirates at HG are using 21st Century techniques and this is the best they come up with.

  4. Toynami's Veritechs have a quality on par with a bootleg valk made from a backstreet alley workshop using leftover plastic parts but sold on premium pricing.

    Sell them to the rabid Homotech fans at jacked up prices and invest in REAL valks like the 1/48 line.


    Soooo mean! :)

    I was a homotech fan once, then I learned Macross was it! I guess that's how we all started at one point. Unless you lived in Japan or somewhere they played the original SDF Macross TV series.

    Back to the point! Sell them! Order a 1/48 right now! You wont be able to put it down for a couple of years!


    Sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings, I still feel cheated after all these years. Yes, I grew up watching the original Macross on TV. But I was too young to understand the plot. I only remembered the valks back then.

    Then in '88 I saw Row-boat-tech and thought it was Macross translated. It took me 5 years to realize I was duped by Uncle Macek and the Harmony Gold Bandits. By then, I've spent a small fortune buying their VHS release and crapzilla toys.

    I gave them away and return to the Light.

    The 1/48 is the ultimate toy for Macross. Unless they decided a 1/24 is better...

  5. Toynami's Veritechs have a quality on par with a bootleg valk made from a backstreet alley workshop using leftover plastic parts but sold on premium pricing.

    Sell them to the rabid Homotech fans at jacked up prices and invest in REAL valks like the 1/48 line.

  6. I'm at Space Paranoids. Pretty fun game. Liked the first, liked the second as well. The game is a little too easy IMO. I'll know when I try the Hard mode and have my ass handed over by Sephiroth. :D

    Kairi is definitely looking good this time. I agree with punching Aerith's VA. Mena Suvari was a lousy lousy choice.

    The new Drive and Combo system is fun. Although it can be very confusing since I'm flying across the screen in the speed of light and beating enemies up non-stop. If they slow it down a little I might be able to enjoy the eye candy these new designs the hype had built up.

    My only gripe: ugly keyblade designs. Here I was hoping they would remedy that. I guess one person's ugliness is another's beauty.

  7. It is my understanding that the movie set is not 1/1 scale. I read this from the official website couple of months ago.

    But the fact that they tried to build it as close as possible in size to the original Yamato makes this movie quite an expensive venture. Those pictures are really awesome by the way. Great job taking them! ;)

    As for the title of the movie, it is "Otoko tachi no Yamato".

    EDIT: The movie is already out and for fans of Takashi Sorimachi, he is in the movie as well playing a cook.

  8. I've always wanted a valk and a Legioss especially I first saw them on TV over 20 years ago.

    Like wolfx, I had a cousin who was a frackin' showoff, shaking a taka Hikaru 1J in front of my face but won't let me touch it. He was always the big mouth a-hole all through our childhood days. The joke's on him as he had to sell the taka when his dad lost his job to make ends meet.

    Over the years I dreamed of owning a true transformable valk. The closest I ever got was a bootleg 1/220 scale 1S from a vendor in Beijing. After that, it is a few Imai, Arii and Bandai model kits. Half of them are unbuilt and the other half was stolen.

    Now that I'm working, I could finally afford some of them. My dark age was a long and tough one.

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