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Project Phoenix

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Posts posted by Project Phoenix

  1. You scored as Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda).

    The universe around you in complete anarchy, but you know just how to handle it. You have a clear head no matter how dire the situation around you may be and people have a tendency to come to you for help. Now if only the Magog would quit trying to lay eggs in your stomach.

    Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda)


    SG-1 (Stargate)


    Enterprise D (Star Trek)


    Serenity (Firefly)


    Babylon 5 (Babylon 5)


    Deep Space Nine (Star Trek)


    Bebop (Cowboy Bebop)


    Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)


    Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica)


    FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files)


    Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix)


    Moya (Farscape)


  2. As always, the main character is a kid (at least he doesn't look like a crybaby).


    Somebody should do an anime about mecha pilot's elderly days, his struggle against hurting back and shaking hands, falling asleep in cockpit in the middle of the battle. That would be so intense.


    They did. Zone of the Enders: Dolores, i.

    But James Links didn't fall asleep though. :)

  3. It says in kanji near the camo valk that it is a "reference item". Meaning it is not the final product.

    Also, the low-viz 2 is due in May while the stealth is April.

  4. Bingo! I knew it was you. :)

    I didn't join MRC but was lurking back in 1999. Then through blind chance and prodding I joined MRN(then later AMRN) for 3 years.

    That was an unforgettable experience. Both good and bad.

  5. Nice toy. At an affordable price too.

    I see that HG is involved too. Did somebody actually woke up over there and decided to release a decent Macross action toy and not market it as RoboCrap?

    All in all, it's a perfect gift for the hordes of cousins I have while I keep collecting 1/48s from Yamato. :p

  6. My sooper-sekrit source sez the new low-viz will definitely be a different version than the previously-released limited version.  Then again, nothing is for sure 'til you hold it in your hot lil' hands.  :D


    It better not melt in my hands or Yamato's gonna get my foot up their arse.


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