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Project Phoenix

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Posts posted by Project Phoenix

  1. I really really hate myself now. I knew I shouldn't go digging but I just can't resist the temptation.

    As of right now, some of you might have already played and beaten the JP version of ACZ and know the plot and ending.

    I just want to say I curse my surfing habit right this moment for accidentally uncovering the plot twist from the game. Thanks to a certain underage gamer(judging from his post) in a game info site, he friggin' gave away the whole storyline without a spoiler alert and I walked right into it! I hate myself now. I don't know how am I going to enjoy the game next month.

    Excuse me while I go do a memory wipe. :(

  2. OUh! And skygirls is another doujin work realised into an OVA. I like those power-loader -like things. ;)

    Thanks for the link, ProjectPhoenix.


    Any relation to "Skydoll"?

    dont' take my comments earlier too harshly, i just get a little sick of the asian obbsessed here in the states. at this point, a fascination with asian stuff, primarily anime and cheap imitation katanas, and said junk being mistaken for true japanise culture is wearing a bit thin on me.

    obsessing over anime and nothing else brings you closer to japanise culture the way cowboy movies would bring you closer to american culture.

    I wish more anime nerds realised this.


    Unfortunately, a lot of anime fans are grossly uninformed about true Japanese culture. I give credit to my future wife who educated me in what is truly culture in Japan. Even before then, I have read about Japan in Time and Reader's Digest before the internet became commonplace.

    Hell, I used to have a housemate who swore that there are Gundams being built and housed within Mt. Fuji, waiting to unleash upon the world in World War 3.

    Yes, I am sick and tired of all these ugly nerds who paints a bad picture of us healthy otakus. It is those bad ones that make me feel ashamed to admit that I am an anime and manga fan at times. The kind of look my co-workers gave me when I told them is something I do not wish to repeat anytime soon.

  3. You're welcome.

    Guys, it's just another weird Japanese doujin phenomenon. Instead of scantily-clad girls with big guns or huge swords, they just put a girl wth mechanical parts together.

    wolfx is just admiring the interesting design of the figurines in an artistic context, not drooling over their little panties, nothing more.

    Let's get back on topic and not start a flame war or the mods will close shop.

  4. I beat the demo's 2nd mission with a Legacy Hornet using SAAMs. I only took one hit and that was from a Schnee.

    The 3 bars will slide accordingly depending on your actions during the mission. Again, depending on your ranking during post-mission debreifing, you will meet different Ace Squadrons. This means you need to replay the game several times in order to beat all of the aces and get their movies, schemes, planes, etc. If what all the online previews are correct, there will be 18 missions this time but with 3 different endings.

    Also, if you have AC04 and AC5 clear files, you will get to unlock the Falken and X-02.

  5. Let's just say that my sources tell me it is most probably going to be a limited run deal. It will be more so if they print "Limited Edition" on those boxes when they ship next month. We will find out soon I guess.

    At the same time, I think the GBP ver.2 as well but that is also speculation on my part.

  6. I think either way 1/48s are great investments. the 1/60 VF-0 is another great buy but if you are willing to wait, hold off on the Zero and grab the 1/48s, especially the current limited run LV2 and Stealth valks. The VF-0 will eventually be reissued along with future variants.

  7. Here is my take.

    Why is it that some people are so devoid of a sense of humor? Naturally, I'm referring to Mr. Carl Macek's latest expositions. The points I plan to make in this letter will sound tediously familiar to everyone who wants to upbraid Mr. Macek for being so prissy. Nevertheless, his reason is not true reason. It does not seek the truth, but only abusive answers, churlish resolutions to conflicts. He has it all wrong; he says that our unalienable rights are merely privileges that he can dole out or retract. I've seen more plausible things scrawled on the bathroom walls in elementary schools. Even by Mr. Macek's own account, I want to unify our community. Mr. Macek, in contrast, wants to drive divisive ideological wedges through it.

    I really don't know what Mr. Macek's problem is, but he doesn't want us to know about his plans to provide effete, illiberal knuckleheads with a milieu in which they can reduce human beings to the status of domestic animals. Otherwise, we might do something about that. To most people, the idea that Mr. Macek's supercilious indiscretions induce paralysis of the cerebrum is so endemic, so long ingrained, that when others conclude that I've catalogued all of his foibles -- and the list is pretty big -- this merely seems to be affirming an obvious truth. Mr. Macek prefers defamation to dialogue. Let's remember that.

    Even with the increasing number of macabre dweebs, Mr. Macek seems to assume that there should be publicly financed centers of sesquipedalianism. This is an assumption of the worst kind because if he could have one wish, he'd wish for the ability to transform our little community into a global crucible of terror and gore. Then, people the world over would be too terrified to acknowledge that it's easy to tell if Mr. Macek's lying. If his lips are moving, he's lying. Before Mr. Macek spews any more psychoanalytical drivel, let me assure him that the police should lock him up and throw away the key. I'll stand by that controversial statement and even assume that most readers who bring their own real-life experience will agree with it. At a bare minimum, when Mr. Macek tells us that clever one-liners are a valid substitute for actual thinking, he somehow fails to mention that his bedfellows have cooperated closely with putrid, pea-brained publishers of hate literature on several projects. He fails to mention that I, hardheaded cynic that I am, am tired of listening to his unconscionable bilge. And he fails to mention that his suggestions are built on lies and they depend on make-believe for their continuation. I'd like to finish with a quote from a private e-mail message sent to me by a close friend of mine: "We are becoming a nation of pudibund, combative sciolists".

  8. Lets do it like they did it in the movie "Heat?"
    Wow.  I looked at the pic, and didn't like it...read all teh posts, got to the end, looked at it again, and it really has grown on me. 

    Damn it.  I am going to have to rob a bank soon.



    I like the way they do it in 'Ronin'.

    Seriously, the lime green GBP is just plain weird. Then again, who am I kidding? I am a completist. So...

  9. I think Yamato is trying to boost LV2's sale by releasing this green GBP.

    Again, it could be that someone in China accidentally dipped the GBP set into lime-green paint instead of dark blue. :p

  10. Newbie thread is like the beginner dungeons in RPGs. You gotta go there, kill some rats and insects before you come out to the big bad world of macross. God knows what would happen to you if you came across AgentOne, the ultimate Boss character.  ;)

    Welcome aboard.


    Huh? I thought the final boss is Carl Macek? B))

  11. The question now is the Stealth FP gonna be a TV or DYRL type?


    Then the next question is what will the pilots look like in both version? Common, Yamato, don't disappoint us. :rolleyes:


    From the pics I think I saw a red TV figure inside the Stealth's cockpit. Can't tell about the LV2 though. I only hope the Stealth comes with white-outlined markings besides the red-and-white kite. Now THAT is stealth-looking. :p

    I will get both because I am a completist I guess. But I think I'll detail up my LV2 with a sharkface sticker on the nose, just like a Phantom. :)

    If nothing else, I'll add Vietnam era stickers on it.

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