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Project Phoenix

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Posts posted by Project Phoenix

  1. I thought we're talking about a Transformers toy? :mellow:

    It's a robot from another world, does it matter what color it has or what kind of equipment it is carrying? They have lasers and beam weaponry so what do they care about what we humans think what color it should be and what F-15 it is based on. It is a robot in 'disguise' right? After all the backstabber couldn't care less if we humans think the colors are wrong/right/whatever. :lol:

    Great toy BTW, I dig it.

  2. I liked it. But they took too much artistic and historical license with it.

    Again, this is just a movie, but a good, clean fun movie. I just have to keep telling myself all the time and try not too nitpick every scene...

    BTW, Jennifer Decker is cute! :)

  3. Anyone else have problems remembering which German name is what? I almost always have to rack my brain to remember if the guy on screen with the long name has appeared before 16 episodes back and what did he do.

    Not just the fact that they have long names, but that there is a whole legion of minor characters.


    Not really. The name at the bottom of the screen for the first few times we see a character was a enough to get me to remember them later when they didn't show it.


    Man, how did I not post in this thread :p

    The names at the bottom are key... also alot of the main characters reappear alot. For your sake the main ones on the Empire's side are (These aren't really spoilers)

    Reinhard Von Lohengramm(musel)

    Siegfried Kircheis

    Oskar Von Reuenthal

    Wolfgang Mittermeyer

    Joachim Von Merkatz

    Paul Von Oberstein

    Neidhard Muller


    That bunch I can remember easy. Heck, after about 30 episodes I can spell em in my sleep. Its the 1001 other minor characters which confuses me. Everytime some guy pops up, I am never too sure if he had appeared 15 episodes earlier for 13 seconds or not.


    Try the nutty aristocrat name Landsberg. I think he appeared in the 2nd season and didn't show up until later in the 3rd and 4th season.

  4. A couple of years ago there was a site that calls for fans to sign for a petition to bring it over to the US in a subbed format. Kadokawa Shoten indicated that if they could get at least 1000 signatures, they will release all 110 episodes plus the Gaiden series in a limited release. If there is enough demand, they indicated a dubbed version might emerge as well.

    After all these years, let's just say the whole thing is deader then a corpse.

    You might be better off getting a bootleg off ebay or go to AnimeSuki to download the current releases. I've seen some of the new fansubs and they are definitely much better than the bootlegs.

    There are two versions of the LoGH main series, the original and the remastered edition with several scenes reanimated and the sound digitally restored. Good luck on locating those.

  5. G mode looks exquiste.



    What? No pics to back up that claim? :D


    Oh, there's pics, just can't show em.


    (Torturing Macross fans since 1999)


    That's evil!! :lol:

    But that's the price to pay for breaking news here ahead of others...

    We have to endure!!

  6. NICE! Like the GM Sniper and Gundam X. What form is the far right to that gundam X picture? Looks weird.


    That is the G-bit. Think of the funnels used in the Elmeth, Jagd-Doga, Sazabi, Nu Gundam, Quebeley, Q-Mantha and Alpha Azieru. You know, the small floating gunpods that is exceedingly fast and hard to hit?

    Imagine them in Mobile Suit form and armed with a satellite cannon and you have the G-bits.

    Maybe the Airmaster and Leopard with the G-bits is not far behind? One can only hope. :p

  7. Sweet pics!! Thanks GC!! :)

    So the GX can be switched to the X-DV and the G-bit! I might need to pick up a dozen of these so I can have a GX commanding a platoon of G-bits doing their final Satellite Cannon attack on the colonies ala the opening scenes of the first episode. :lol:

  8. Let's see...

    When my parents saw my valks and figures they go "Is that what you have been spending your paycheck on?"

    When my co-workers saw the collection they go "Cool, I bet you got more of those hidden in a storage place eh? Har...har...har..."

    When my girlfriend saw the collection "Wow! You have good taste!" That includes the slightly ero figures I have on display...

    When my best friend sees the Yamato valks he tells me that is why HG and the Homotech pirates will never succeed. :)

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