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Posts posted by TehPW

  1. 29 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Normally, a studio adapting an existing work wants to have at least some visual connection to the original if at all possible... which just isn't possible with Robotech, and is likely a large part of why nobody's willing to touch it.  That and not being able to actually adapt the story of the TV series.:rofl:

    Do you think that the Studios, like us, are waiting for 2021 before going directly to Japan to discuss the possibility of doing a Live Action Macross platform in the US? That assumes that the suits even think there's a market for it...?

  2. 1 hour ago, mikeszekely said:

    I'm wondering the same thing.


    EDIT: Google says it was a kids variety show that ran from 1968 to 1970, and was in syndication from 1971 to 1982, so I guess it's a little before my time (which, as I'm pushing 40, is becoming increasingly rare to have to say).  So the premise of turning it into a horror film is as ludicrous as taking a cartoon character (also from the '60s) and giving him a talk show.

    TBSS as a horror film? EVIIIIIL. I had to think hard to even remember this show... although honestly, I'd rather have a Ghoul Show parody instead...

  3. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    It's a bit much to ask us to wait until 16 June 2395 isn't it?


    One thing to say for Alex Kurtzman's tenure at the head of the Star Trek franchise... he's made Doomcock much more entertaining than Star Trek itself, by ensuring that he's never short of stupid decisions and highly visible incompetence to rage and storm about.

    +1,000. I was happily eating lunch when I watched his rant about Kurtzman. Totally agreed... and dismayed. Star Trek really is dead...

  4. 8 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    From what I've heard, "growing market" doesn't quite cover it... I've heard South America has proven to be an unusually receptive market for anime and manga in general.

    It'd probably be an especially fertile ground for Macross eventually, given that it's basically the last bastion of the Robotech franchise currently.


    I wonder what implications Big West's new trademark are going to have for Titan Publishing Group and their current (awful) Robotech comic.  They're based in the UK, and that comic is making fairly liberal use of the Macross name.

    Perhaps they are unaware... perhaps someone should tell them about it?

  5. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    This is a big win for Big West and Macross... and further proof that the end is in sight for Harmony Gold and Robotech.

    I PM'd Nerotic on FB. IDK if he'll mention it (he's not talked too much about Macross to my knowledge but between him and that Lawyer, they are the only two I know off who have in the past). I'm still wait & see on this (I'm old and I distrust everything until I see it on NPR LOL)

  6. 4 hours ago, slide said:




    ROFLCOPters………+1,000,000.00 As for the video...


    yet another reason I cry when I think about my brother. He LOVED Ghibi films. He would be weeping after this. As for Macross?

    They could either update the time to reflect modern concerns (in stead of some unknown war in the M1990's, how about a post 9/11 global civil war/Jihad when the ASS-1 visits now or soon-ish?) or stay the course and make the timeline changes AT 1999...

  7. *eats popcorn* Please, continue the Otaku stuff. Personally, I blame the translators for any confusion caused. When it comes to noting what careers the macross military follow, I assume that everything is patterned after how the JSDF is organized. But just to make things either crystal clear or complete muddy of waters, I ask this:

    1) Can a helicopter pilot that initially flies helicopters that are based aboard ships, transition to a helicopter that is based from what is considered a Japanese Air Force Base command? If so, then the Japanese kanji is used as is (F the translations). If not, then the distinction between Naval and Shore (or how ever you want to describe Army and AF) is important.

    2) Is the JSDF organized where the chain-of-command for Naval forces and Ground Forces are distinct commands, tied together only at the flag level? or are they treated as elements of the same combined command structure? (another way to look at this is how are they funded? together or separate? A good example of the latter is the US Navy, where we have both Aviation centric funding, Surface centric funding (including Amphibious units), Sub Surface, See Bees, SEALs, etc...)

    3) Why does it have to be Spacy? The term Cosmo Navy seems more... professional? It sounds better at least. 

  8. well, certain things will be the same as previous: The fleet will be mostly disposable because the human population is implied to be not large enough to support a fully manned Cosmo Navy...


    presumably with a very finite fleet amount because of the, again presumed, sacrifice of the Time Fault to rescue Kodai and Mori.


  9. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Nah, he wasn't really whiny... just really obnoxiously insistent.  The plot armor is something every force user gets, until they don't.  Y'know... destiny this, foreseen that, yadda yadda yadda.


    He's really more Yoda's student than Obi-wan's... if he were following in Obi-wan's footsteps he'd have cut off three of Ben's limbs, set his ass on fire, and left him to live the rest of his life as a 7'2" asthmatic chunk of burnt, leathery bacon in a robotic gimp suit. 

    oh man, so wrong, soooo hilarious.

  10. It must be... but I suppose (as many have lamented already) its a thing for 2202 to slap that Green Skip Card right after the Red Skip Card...


    I'm kinda sad at how Zoldar offs himself, laughing like a mad man into the singularity. At least in the original 2nd season (and presumably the movie the season was based on), Teresa melds with Zoldar, taking him and his toy where ever (and Zoldar being in abject FEAR of this). The way he dies (presumably) in this fashion seems... pointless, just proving that he really was insane and incapably of being reasoned with, completely wasting Kodai's time in trying the damnedest to not come to blows...


  11. Well, Doomcock is very happy in this review... I did not put much thought into this thread when it first appeared. I honestly thought this was going to be a movie (and not a web series).

    after listening to this review, I'm gonna fix that discrepancy.

  12. On 4/14/2019 at 11:00 PM, fenrir72 said:

    After Covenant what next? You mean to say David was the cause of all of this?

    it would explain why the company already seems to know about zenos and has employs so many skin-jobs to ensure they finally bag one (which they apparently did in Alien 4). Seriously, all the colony expansion crafted by W&Y? They are not trying to create the Inner Sphere or the Star league or the League of Non-Aligned Worlds: They are bait for David (perhaps the engineers as well, maybe even the Yuanti?).

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