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Posts posted by TehPW

  1. 39 minutes ago, Hikuro said:

    I know a lot of people who won’t watch an anime unless it’s dubbed because it’s to difficult to read the subtitles and watch what’s on screen and process the story. 

    Not everyone is capable of multi-tasking...

    Seto: That advert IS a lie. What I find offensive is that they have to redub the whole effort. What is the official reason why?


    Given the sheer amount of forethought and ink expended on figuring out how all the tech actually works, I think Bellisario's Maxim is probably not applicable here regardless.


    We don't know that they necessarily can't... the VF-1s in DYRL? seemed to have a rather owl-like range of motion in the neck themselves.

    it should be nearly a range of 180 degrees motion that the Gun Camera Module have (at least in battroid mode) in order for the AMS laser to work (thank you, Macross Zero for making the purpose of those head lasers specific)…


    I was hammer you with some inane nonsense but then I thought about it: The GCM does rotate 180 degrees in the opposite direction in Fighter & Gerwalk modes. I suppose that it turns a specific direction during transformation limiting it to a hard 359 degrees? maybe that's why they did away with the positioning of the GCM in all later models: maintaining those cables must have been a pain in the arse to fix...


    Good. I like the energy and fun he put into the previous movies.

    The question is, Can He? He took a hella lot of PR damage for what? picks that R Kelly would think of as 'weak AF [no Golden Flow? Hell no!]'? Just because "he's back" doesn't mean he'll be back in form. Will a large dose of humble pie make for the same emotional impulse that made the first pair of films a success? Wait & See.

  4. On 3/1/2019 at 3:53 AM, kajnrig said:

    The Phoenix story just seems really... boring. At its heart, it's only ever told as a garden-variety "female empowerment and/or sexual freedom is baaaaad" morality tale, which aside from being tasteless as hell also lacks anything for anyone to do or be, including and especially the titular Phoenix of the story. There are thematic/metaphorical elements aplenty that can be gleaned from THE SYMBOL OF REBIRTH, but even setting that aside, all the goofy space alien shenanigans from the comics that feed into and out of the Phoenix story just goes completely to waste. I get the distinct impression that the franchise still has this lingering mindset from the very first movie that all of that stuff is somehow "beneath" it or something.

    I think you need to look and think about reading issue #137 back in the day, when we didn't have the intrawebs and google to totally spoil our imagination of Dark Phoenix doing a bit of Thanos stuff and kill a Galaxy.  Jean Grey (or her clone, as later on was determined to been, sadly) committed crimes beyond imaging to most 12-13 years who were reading the comics. Boring to you now? Sure, you're jaded AF, LOL. But back in the day, Dark Phoenix Saga was the &^%&. Sadly, Marvel pulled a Bobby Hueing-in-the-shower and it's been &^*& ever since... 

  5. 53 minutes ago, Sildani said:

    Knowing Cameron, that’ll be a theatrical release Director’s Cut. 

    I hope that cut is more violent. The one thing that wasn't implied in the movie was the disposability of the common scrap iron citizenry (although you get that impression once


    when the centurions nearly smear the dog as they marched...

    in fact, my feeling was that TPTB didn't give two craps, as long as the spice flowed, so to speak. The Hunter Warriors killed off the typical criminal element but otherwise the world turned...


    another thought I just came up with: They said that Zalem was the last sky city left (as to imply there was many, at least several)… but how could they pull off such numbers? In the manga, there was TWO cities, one set in the middle of the US and it's opposite set someplace in the Indian Ocean, connected by a orbital ring around the globe. during the moon fight  flashback, was there any glance panning shots that showed the earth (and presumably the orbital ring)?

  6. 2 hours ago, Thom said:

    I don't think they're going that route.

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    I think it is just a mark of a citizen of Zalam rather than anythin technical. Or if it is, it might be reasoned that it could be an augmentation to the organic brain, which would mean seeing Cheron's in the box would fit. But then Ido explains that he removed his, so I think that just makes it a status symbol in this iteration of Battle Angel.


    I agree. I think augmentation is the angle 


    because Ed Nova's (i demand that we all call him this :D) Teletubbie method involved a chip attached to the victim's brains.


  7. 17 hours ago, Thom said:

    Yeah, as I understand it, everything about her is artificial except for her brain, which in the manga was modified(?) but not replaced. I would like to infer that for the movie as well, except for Ido stating about her 'very human brain,' which would imply that it was not. But who knows? He may have been simply implying that her brain still at least organic even if nothing else was.

    As for how long she was in there... (shrug) Depending on how long her brain could last without sustenance, and being modified it could have lasted for a long, long time, she may have been in the scrap pile for three hundred years. Yes, she was found near the top but we can see the cranes that fish through and redistribute the pile around, and assume that she was stirred up from the bottom.




    there might be an issue here: When Cheron's 'remains' were shown in the box (LOL, what's in the box?), it's been a week but it was her brain behind her eyes. Now in LO, adult Zephranians are volentold to give up their brain for a Salem-brand CPU chip... which was to imply that the folks from up top once they get the triangle on their forehead implies they are now part of the network, chip wise. She had the triangle but she still had a brain... is that still gonna be a thing in the movies or is that gonna be something new that's introduced? perhaps a method to make Ed Nova (I coin this!) more dastardly (bruhahahahahahaha, I will win by removing everyone's brain for a CPU made by Mattel!) because most people wont get that Nova does crap for the LOLz and not pure evil deeds, per se.


  8. 8 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    There's really only a few things that bugged me, aside from those it was a good movie.

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    The scene at Kansas when Alita asks for help from the bounty hunters. After just signing up 5 minutes prior, and against some random dude who has no bounty on his head... That made very little sense, and the other hunters were completely justified telling her to pound sand.

    The scene in the manga made WAY more sense, as she had been a bounty hunter for some time prior, and the target had a huge bounty on his head, the other hunters were just too scared to go after him.

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    Nova being mustache twirling evil, rather than the agnostic agent of chaos he was in the mangas.

    In the manga, Nova's goal is to empower people to do whatever they want to, and watch as the consequences of their actions come back to them. He isn't trying to kill people, he's not really even evil, he's an amoral enabler.

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    He might still go that route. He's still in Zalem. He could very easily be kicked out... and thus go his traditional route?


  9. 5 hours ago, hachi said:

    Looks like reviews here are better than expected. I've gotten my pay now so maybe if it's still in the cinemas this weekend I'll watch it.

    DO. IT. the majority of us, who have said Bravo Zulu for A:BA, are fans who are well familiar with the manga, specifically, and probably have a moldy VHS *coff* (Maybe DVD?) of the anime somewhere.... at their dad's house. *ahem* When I saw it, it beat my expectations of what it should look like, either as a movie or TV series. The problem is, modern millennials? maybe the eyes freaked people out? *shrug* they should have spammed the clip 'I'll give you my heart' more, maybe? I don't remember that being in either the anime or manga (


    Alita calling Ido 'father' certainly wasn't but it's still awesome sauce...

    ) but it was MY hook into the movie, for shizels!

  10. I doubt its necessary for domestic receipts alone to determine if future films will get sequels or not, not with modern considerations for overseas viewership. The sequels WILL happen.


    what I do wish is that they go the TV route, preferably on something like Netflix where they can go full gore... 

  11. 1 hour ago, wwwmwww said:


      I saw the movie yesterday and really enjoyed it.  I was unfamiliar with the source material going in and found myself wanting to read more.  A quick scan of eBay and these are some of the sets I've found:


    Some say "Complete Series", some have "Last Order" in the title, but they all appear to be different lengths.  Some are just 9 comics.  But others are 5, 6, 7, 12, or 19 volumes.  Can someone clue me in on what all the differences are?  I'd like to read the original story in English and I'm currently not certain on what I should get.

    Also some questions about the movie... maybe some of these are answered in the source material:

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    (1) If Alita is 300 years old why is it stated that she has the mind of a normal teenage girl? Does her cyborg body somehow keep her mind from aging?

    [That's because when the Martians attacked, she was young then... that long fall apparently hit the pause button inside Alita's head]

    (2) It is pointed out that she needs to eat to support her human mind.  So how long was she in the scrap yard where she was found?  If this was 100s of years why didn't she simply starve?

    [Plot armor]

    (3) Does she now have more then one body?  The one she has at the end of the movie doesn't appear to be the one she found in the ship.

    [She's still wearing the Berserker suit at the end of the movie. This might change in a future movie but that's spoiler-rific at this point)

    (4) Does the source material have any more info on the backstory? The war? What the fight was about? How she ended up in the scrap yard?

    [That depends on which book series you choose to follow. The original book was somewhat vague about Alita's past. Last Order, on the other hand, eventually rights a thesis on her, so to speak. Suffice to say, back in the day, Mars told earth to eat a phallus, a very big phallus. they used canned sunlight and other methods to express that opinion to earth. What the movie does not mention is the big asteroid that hit the earth (in both book series, but it's specifically explained in BAA:LO)]

    (5) It is assumed that Alita fell from the floating city into the scrap yard and survived.  So shouldn't Hugo, who fell from a much shorter height have a fair chance of surviving the fall? 

    [Less than zero. Alita's body is a Cadillac. Hugo's body was a Yugo...]



    There are two specific manga titles [Battle Angel Alita and Battle Angel Alita: Last Order] They are two distinct stories that what-his-honorable-face created. BAA was the original story (one with a weird ending that he eventually decided to retcon with BAA:LO) and BAA:LO (commonly just referred to as Last order) was his attempt to correct certain flaws in BAA by changing a major event in the later portion of BAA, that spun LO into far more complicated matters.


    your other questions can be answered somewhat difficultly because it requires one to choose backstory elements from either BAA or BAA:LO....

  12. Spoiler

    I had a day to process what I felt about Ed Norton's Nova and now I think I understand what I did not initially like about that choice but now consider what was lacking: Him with a dinner dish of Jello. If they showed him taking a bite and smiling at the thought of Alita being pissed at him, that would have been FAAAAAAr better.


  13. 10 hours ago, slide said:

    Since it's not an operable airframe, do they require said specific sling to ensure they don't bend it? 

    If there's no engines [radar, avionics, fuel, etc] in her it would presumably be pretty easy... no?.

    Even with the load being less than a fully equipped plane, you still have to get the plane on the flight deck. that requires a crane and a sling of some sort. fabric bands could work but a proper sling used to bolt into lift points on the airframe is best...

  14. *claps* Oh, how I was such a NOOB to be even remotely worried. I saw it this evening with my daughter (as my wife refused to go, because of Alita's eyes, LOL)… and it was EXCELLENT. My daughter was OMG flipping


    when she kissed Hugo

    Now I'm totally wondering when they will introduce Den. 10 out of 10 halflings.

    6 hours ago, Dangard Ace said:

    Saw Alita today and as a fan I loved how they intermingled some of the first few story arcs together.  

    Now I'm gonna pull out the old mangas and read them again.  


    I especially liked how they changed/altered Ido's and Cheron's specific back story, making them former lovers. It made things happen better later on...


  15. I'm shocked someone bothered to keep/maintain at least one of the F-14's AC slings. I've only seen the sling once (when I was stationed at Point Mugu, a flight of F-14's was operated by VX-9, so AIMD owned and maintained most of the PSE required to support the F-14)… and it was renown to be a pain to dissemble for a 52 or 104 Week PM...

  16. On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 5:58 AM, Big s said:

    Without giving away too much, does the movie have an ending that doesn’t need a sequel? 

    I’m just worried that I’ll actually like it, but if it needs a second movie and the cash doesn’t come in then I’ll just be forever frustrated.

    If the 1st movie only hints of Desty Nova... can I slap you now? *huge grin* OF course, there has to be at least a trilogy, when you have as much story to tell as Gunmn. My only question is, what current actor, Hollywood-based or otherwise, could play a convincing insane-evil Desty Nova? or will they even include him? That dude was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY into brains... it is even possibly to do a modern PG-13 movie involving brains? They could go a completely different route because of license limitations aka 25% different from Paramount Star Trek IP. 

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