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Posts posted by TehPW

  1. From a Facebook commenter that posted on a group I follow: All can be explained easily. It is US scriptwriting for mass market performance. Fast food. Superficial instead of tight research, eye candy mass cgi instead of believable battle etc and way too many crew soap opera instead of logical plot developent. GREAT to watch but little to please the intellect. Be it Discovery or Elementary, in the end they will be cancelled. Quality is a dish served way too rately

    I had to borrow this. Does this comment seem accurate?

  2. 2 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    For my money, Discovery has already seized the top (bottom?) spot as "worst Star Trek".

    Star Trek: Discovery is bad, but it's bad in a way that's very different from the weak spots of previous generations of Star Trek shows.  It's most similar to TNG's first season, where you had the Enterprise crew journeying to worlds near and far and sitting in judgement of their cultures and values even though that was explicitly the opposite of their mission.  Burnham ended up being a lot like Wesley, a wunderkind who can do no wrong and for whom other characters exist simply to facilitate her displaying how awesome she is.  Even when she is clearly in the wrong, the writers bend over backwards so that she is still right.  Unlike TNG, which quickly realized Wesley was annoying as f*ck, STD doubled down on Burnham to the point that it's hard to argue that she isn't a Mary Sue.  She's also got a touch of Janeway syndrome, where the writers can't decide if she's a tough as nails action girl or a delicate and emotional wilting violet, so she whipsaws back and forth between the two extremes with nary a stop in the middle.


    Anson Mount did say he was open to the idea, but in the interview where he said so he made it pretty clear both in explicit terms and by implication that he found working for the CBS showrunners in charge of Star Trek to be a frustrating, exhausting, and unpleasant ordeal and not something he's really interested in doing again... which may be connected to the HR complaint that leaked into the news in which there was reportedly a physical altercation between Mount and a director working on the series.  If he does come back, he's made it very clear it'll only be on his terms.

    seems pretty apt.

  3. 2 hours ago, Chronocidal said:

    Ahhh, the Cheerio of Time. :lol: It's been a long time, but I think I do remember reading Imzadi.  I think I shuffled through the Riker/Troi material, but the temporal murder mystery angle was pretty interesting.  That, and I remember getting a few good laughs over Barclay having a series of aneurisms over seeing multiple copies of Data running around, while carrying the head of one of them and conversing with it about temporal mechanics.  Or something.  Like I said, it was a long time ago.

    One thing that still bothers me to this day however.. When they ripped Gillian Taylor, the whale specialist, out of the 80s, did anyone consider that they were wiping out any future descendants she would have had?  Granted, small price to pay for saving the planet in the grand scheme of things, but would have been interesting to return to the future and discover that a whole bunch of people they used to know suddenly never existed.

    There's always this 

    or this 


  4. 50 minutes ago, sumyumgoy said:

    Glad I could help! 

    I was taking a stab at painting the pilot for the cosmo falcon and had to whip them out because I was starting to get cross eyed trying to paint the details.
    Sorry, the colors aren't accurate at all and my first real try at painting a mini so it's not great lol.  


    quit complaining, it looks FINE! :D

  5. 3 hours ago, azrael said:

    Abrams expected the next directors to answer his stupid mystery box. He's done the same thing with his shows. "Here's my idea, now you flesh it out." WTF arshole???? Why doesn't he follow it through? He wasn't even planning on coming back to Episode 9 until Episode 8 got flak.

    I'm kinda agreeing with the talking head-&-torso video guy. Having Palpatine come back feels like a bad idea. But he came back as a clone in the EU. But he was a clone. I don't remember the story on that but the clone had to be taught that he was a evil prick. The Jedi learned to let go and die, but retain their consciousness. They became immortal. Being a clone means Palpatine couldn't retain his consciousness. But anyways, bringing back Palpatine now just ruins the last 2 movies. Snoak had no reason to be there then. And it cheapens his death in Episode 6.

    JJ said there was always plan to bring him back but they couldn’t find a story to do it. BS. If Rian hadn’t killed off Snoak, Palpatine would stay dead. And so, here we are. While we’re at it, let’s bring back Yoda, Luke, and Obi-wan to make sure Palpatine stays dead this time. 

    Did he get his effort's worth in merchandising (the main reason he jumped ship from Star Trek, once he realized Paramount lied to him)? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Master Dex said:

    True about that character in general but the overall truth is canon when it comes to Kawamori works is not as straightforward as you'd think. The answer to which is true, TV or movie events is basically, yes. (this refers both to DYRL and movie versions of Frontier and Delta). 

    More recently, and SK has said this also, it has been essentially decided both TV and movie versions are just different interpretations of the same "real" events we never actually saw. Thus differences are just artistic license and viewpoints. DYRL got the extra confusing bit of becoming an in universe movie (though there are hints that version itself might be different than what we saw) since SK did not decide on this overnight. 

    So as far as it matters the DYRL song is canon, it happened, even though we don't see it in the show which is for all intents and purposes more accurate in historical depiction. The real history is somewhere in between. 

    Sounds like a excuse for a soft or hard reboot... certainly would be a excuse to reprint old toys to support such an endeavor. I would be shocked if, when HG finally loses the license, TPTB declare a DYRL 2.0 coming to theaters near you...

  7. 5 hours ago, Tking22 said:

    What do millennials have to do with anything? Also, the first Rush Hour came out in 1998, so yeah, obviously we do. I had a two pack of the first two films on VHS. The third was entirely forgettable.

    Lets see... Millennials are currently the demographic still in vogue, what Nielson ratings still care about, etc... when you say the words V-H-S, you already certify that you are a AARP card holder (and possibly qualify for Medicaid) as far demographics are concerned. :D anyway...


    I suppose they are making this movie not because they Just want a paycheck but nostalgia? Remaking of decades old films is a thing...

  8. 2 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    Can't we just get a Netflix style reboot instead? 

    w...hy? We're waiting on pins & needles just in hope that common sense rules and HG is shown the door in 2021... why would we ever want a reboot of something that arguably should have never been created?

  9. 9 hours ago, Kanedas Bike said:

    So has there been an actual trailer, or non-fan made poster or anything at all worthy of the constant negativity?

    You guys could literally darken the sun with your consistent dark cloud of doom you bring in here. You don't like The Force Awakens after you saw it, fine. You don't like The Last Jedi after you saw it, also fine.

    But damn this movie has literally nothing but a few photos on set and yet you bring the same "I hate everything" into this thread. How about you go resurrect the respective threads for TFA and TLJ if you want to bitch about the Directors, Writers, Actors, Scripts and physics of a fictional work of art?

    It's exhausting trying to find even a single positive, or constructive comment...


    TFA wasn't bad. They killed off Han in a memorable way... But they could have done much better. What TLJ should have done was kill of Leia, forcing Luke into action. They didn't... it's very, very hard to find goodness in a room full of Chaotic Evil.

  10. 5 hours ago, kajnrig said:

    A lot of the salt in this thread fills me with life, but this...

    ...can kindly frakk off. How utterly childish.

    is it childish? Seto, on the STD thread explained it CLEARLY why the latest Star Wars movies have had issues. It's completely retarded... utterly. I'm just being honest about it: The current production staff that green lighted TLJ are/were complete morons. You can disagree as is your prerogative, I don't care personally.


    All we can hope is someone in the future (and deep pockets) redoing the movie ala 1990's reissue of the movie like it was done for IV, V & VI*... or Jar Jar hits IX out of the park...

    *although, as I recall, they did the reissue to fund the prequals as well as proof-of-concept for the CGI they wanted to use. It seems flimsy a idea to reissue a movie because it by itself is flaming poo...

  11. 2 hours ago, Mazinger said:

    You know what would make this better, is if a capsule pod pops in at the last minute in the last episode and out comes the combined form or Kirk and Spock carrying a katana answering to Sporks.

    I was totally Roflcoptering when I read this at work today...

  12. 59 minutes ago, mickyg said:

    Oh, undoubtedly.  Especially in the context of the movie.  I just want to believe it somehow has a place in the next movie, I guess.

    Actually, I'm sort of not caring anymore.  I saw TLJ more than once and really tried to give it a chance each time and just came away so apathetic in the end.  I'm hoping my enthusiasm returns but it may just be that I'm no longer the target age group for these movies or those nostalgia glasses just totally ruined anything "new" from here on.

    I don't hate these movies, but I don't really care about them that much either.

    it's likely because r*tards now drive the Star Wars bus... and I agree. there's nothing to care about, anymore.

  13. so I guess the Aquarians are the Protoculture* race of Yamato (21/22) timeline then. I know someone discussed the origins of the Galatians (and I consider them the Zentradi of Y22) but I suppose if they decide to create a 3rd series, would it be the Aquarians as the protagonists?


    * I suppose this a tropes question but is concept of a Older race creating/seeding younger races a common theme in SCI-FI? I know the idea sorta comes from Star Trek TNG (if not TOS)...

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