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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. Cool, my flickr feed has a bunch of other fun things on there. After taking the pics, I wish they had made Ozma 29 gunpod in a darker color.
  2. The P34 would be awesome to photograph! hehe My dad would love to see it (he's a die cast car collector). I only have one car in my collection. Ebbro 2010 Super GT 300 - IS350 I got my waterslide decals in the mail today. Thanks again Falcon18 for the link.
  3. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, that is exactly the look I was trying for. Ozma is a Bad-ass. Here's the full view pic.
  4. Very nice, dual arm option for the stand!
  5. Yes, one of the many lessons we learned from cartoons. I can't wait for the all of them, the last one will be released summer of 2015. Next round of toy buying for you. I was very impressed with the FP Dinobots, and I am glad they are making them. I really like the design direction they took. Not-slag is looks really good too, can't wait to get him. The gaps in the legs are not too bad, and yes the head sculpt and detail is really good. He's a solid figure and from what I can tell the wing parts in bot mode are diecast. I am guessing because they are cold to the touch.
  6. I had a similar problem when setting the Alto squadron shot, I did have YetiStands but I was 1 short so I had to use the YF-29 Focker stand so the placement of the naked VF-25F wasn't as good as I would have liked. I would recommend getting YetiStands. 4 of them is a nice number.
  7. The Dinobots are a favorite of mine. 3P refers to 3rd party manufacturers. From what I have been reading and seeing there are few 3P companies releasing a Grimlock. Fansproject (the maker of figure I posted a pic of) will be releasing a Grimlock and another company will be releasing their own MP class of Grimlock.
  8. Thank you both. @happy_spike, its a really cool figure. Slag/Slug is supposed to be released this month so hopefully I'll have another dinobot to photograph soon.
  9. Thanks! Sludge was the first release by Fansproject, so it will be a while till all the dinobots are all released But once all are released, I'll take a group shot.
  10. Got this guy a week ago, but didn't have a chance to get the photos processed till yesterday. I present Fansproject Dinobot Sludge!
  11. No problem. I'll take a comparison pic of the crotch plate and light gray this weekend. I am too lazy to transform the 29 right now.
  12. Green Giant! Awesome addition to you collection. I curious to see what you come up with for a stand adapter for him.
  13. Nice additions everyone! @Whatever_Guy, thank you! @Jefuemon: Very nice, looking forward to seeing pic of them completed in the future. @brouken: Oooh. VF-27 @spanner76: That McLaren F1 GTR LM is so sexy!
  14. I hope you get it resolved with NY soon. I'll see if I can get you a good comparison shot tonight with my camera phone.
  15. Thanks, I hopefully be shooting the 29 this weekend. I needed take down my photography setup to organize and I needed a break, took a bunch of shot this past weekend. As for NY, not sure what's been going on. they have been getting slower recently. MJ the light grey on the super parts is a lighter compared the the light gray on the shins and the paint on the super parts is matte. That kinda suprised me and I after looking at the parts they are a slightly darker shade of grey then the Valk. You can really see it in fighter mode when the shield cover is attached. I like it is give a subtle contrast.
  16. I got my Super Parts today. I am not sure if its me and this not a nitpick, just an observation, but do the super parts seem a bit darker?
  17. WOW!! MJ that is amazing!! MJ and WM you both post the most awesome weathered Valks and SDF-1.
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