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Everything posted by Saburo

  1. Thanks everyone. It was really frustrating when it broke, I was in the middle of photoshoot when it happened. I stopped and I just sat there pissed off staring at the break, then began disassembling it to get a better look at the break. I have had a chance to calm down, assess the situation and work out a solution thanks to mechaninac and aaajin for the tips on the glue! I have plastic weld and will go with what you have suggested. I don't have the modelling skill to try and clean up the break, so I will keep this one permanently in fighter mode and put Super Parts on it to cover the break. @Loop & @Valk-1S, that is pretty much what happened. When I was bending it down I noticed that hinge was bit tighter than the other, but got it to Battroid mode. When I was transforming it back it was even tighter almost frozen and that when it broke. @F360, I would check those hinges before hand and slowly work them to a few times to loosen the hinge before doing a full transformation. @Shukenzero, thankfully this was not my only copy. I hope no one else encounters this. Here I was avoiding the VF-171 CF because of the breakage issues, and now I have a broken VF-25S...
  2. I'd like to ask for a moment of silence... :( I was transforming my reissue VF-25S back to Gerwalk/Fighter mode, and something broke... Note: I am very careful when transforming but I am guessing there was probably a stress point I didn't notice when I first looked at it, that joint was extremely tight. Warning the pic posted is not for the faint of heart.
  3. Nice collection Spanner! Zero-G Love! Ok, that was a bad joke...
  4. The box art looks great! February can't get here soon enough.
  5. Glad the photo tips helped. The WFC Prime and G1 are my favorites. You planning to get the ED-209? That would make for one hell of a display!
  6. The only thing I bought from Black Friday, Corbot V War Axe for WFC Optimus Prime. Didn't feel like setting up my photo booth, so I just took some shots from my coffee table. There are some Valks in the background.
  7. That HT Robocop is nice! Must have a good amount of weight to it. As much as I like HT, the faces are way too realistic and kinda creep me out.
  8. Congratulations on getting your 25S! No 30th Anniversary Sticker on my reissue. Can't wait to see your weathered version.
  9. Yes, they are about the same size. *Update: took another look and Minmay is a little shorter.
  10. That's a nice present under the tree! Well... I mean next to the tree!
  11. Glad you realized before you completed your transaction or you have been in for a shock.
  12. Saburo

    Macross figures

    I am liking the Ranka and Sheryl in performance costume version. These might be the first Macross girls I pick up, with the exception of the Nendoroid Petite Macross girls I have already.
  13. No problem. Looking forward to seeing your low-vis Alto. I give you much credit, I would not have enought guts to do that.
  14. Yes, it comes with a extra set of head lasers.
  15. Yes, and yes they are very reputable. I have never had a problem ordering from them.
  16. I can provide you with the adapter that comes with one of my metal builds or even 2 if they are different after I get the new Metal Build coming out this month.
  17. Thanks for the update. I should have my display cases ready by the time the stands arrive. The adapters for the RG and GFF MC are great additions, any possibility for an adapter for Metal Builds?
  18. NICE! The GFF Metal Composite Unicorn Gundams are soooo nice! Congrats and welcome to the party!
  19. I never pay in advance for a pre-order for a reasons similar to what's going on with PA. I hope that everyone that did order through PA gets a full refund.
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