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Everything posted by AlphaHX

  1. what pictures do we have in hi res scans? i was actually under the impression we had hi res scans of those pics which is why i used them over and over again. if i knew which pictures we had in hi res scans, i could easily make more mock ups taht would be more useful to us.
  2. I took it slow to begin with. I'm only trying to go for the ones that I really really want but I have to admit... sometimes you take a splurge here and there cuz its a deal thats too hard to pass up. My collection aint that big but I'm probably gonna start selling 1 or 2 things here and there to keep me from going crazy. Hehe, I'm 20 and I'm into Macross. Just hope that he gets into anime and Macross is still around in 7 years. If he doesnt get into Macross, I hafta admit, you might want to start thinning down your display. At least you think ahead for your kid. Signs of a good father. Keep it up, he might still talk to you when he becomes a teenager.
  3. That looks more than a little familiar... eh? whatta mean?
  4. mmm... minmay... *drool* good question!
  5. aww... no battroid mode?
  6. werent the macross zero mig and f-14 limited edition too?
  7. umm... ok. I made this thread so you could share wallpapers that other people can use too. It'll be nice if you had bigger size wallpapers. Just a suggestion. Thanx for sharing tho.
  8. I've seen that one around online. Did you make it?
  9. I'm not a decal person. I just provide the pictures. Anyone want to shine some light on this? I'm interested too.
  10. Thats what I want to know!!... and why aint I getting any? I agree!!! Nice job!!!
  11. i wonder if i can still get one.
  12. i wish i had skills... period.
  13. u should buy Andy that beer. hahaha... hes a nice guy. but then again i think anyone who sells or finds something i want is a nice guy on my list! found me my yamato vf-19a. thanx again Andy! ill buy u that beer if im ever in Hong Kong!
  14. both their faces look funny? hahahah... just playing. Kawamori must like that lightening design.
  15. good point. i can see that. doesnt really mean that others will tho. like i said we all have different intepretations. i have nothing against it. i just dont see the point of getting worked up over it.
  16. To start off, I would like to say I like mzero... so I'm not just ranting to bash it. I found it different but I still enjoyed it. As far as this "magic" argument goes as I'm concern, when it comes down to it, it doesnt really matter if it was actually "magic" voodoo hocus pocus or not. The original sdf macross series began macross as a series with the usage of aliens techlogy we were able to make these "physically impossible" ships and spacecrafts. So basically it was based off "higher" technology that was unexplained and was up to our imagination on how an aircraft could perform in such absurb ways. By adding rocks related to antigravity technology, it kind of throws off the "technology" that we see it as today. is it possible? sure. in the technology standpoint of how we see it today, whats more believable? advance alien technology or song powered flying rocks? the "advance alien technology" has been used in books movies etc for awhile now and all we have to believe is that there are aliens out there and theres a possibility that they have the resources and intelligence to make something that is out of reach to us (at this time). flying rocks imo, is not a concept that is as easy to grasp. is the rock made of a material that is easily disrupted by sound waves and the particles expand and have it filled with more air so it eventually becomes so light it can fly? i dunno, you dunt know. its kinda hard to explain any of the details behind it. for sdfm, people can come up with random details for it, big rockets, special metal... etc etc. is it possible even with their absurb rockets and metal? still probably not but at least theres a half explanation for it. Also on top of all that in mzero, theres mao who can halographically display herself in shin's ship to help him. If she had some halographic machine she was using it would be a bit more feasible but like otheres, its hard for me to swallow as technology with no explanation. True, someone here may give me an explanation... but am I going to take it as some over analyzed theory... probably, unless there was some exteremely explicit in mzero that proves me otherwise. People are disliking it due to the lack of connection to the original sdfm story and the new take of "technology" that is used in mzero. I dont see why people are taking it so offensively when a "macross fan" dislikes a macross show. There are plenty of those, I think I can safely assume that a lot more people who dislike macross 7 than macross zero. So lets give this a rest and stop bashing the hell out of each other for something that cannot be solved by beating teh dead horse senseless. Some ppl think its magic and they dislike it... some think its magic and like it. Its their opinion... and I dont think you can create much "fact" to counter-argue out of either argument without over analyzing the living hell out of something so lets not go there. So its based on intepretation and other peoples are just different, lets not get worked up about it people.
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