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Everything posted by yellowlightman

  1. F-Zero GX is a very expensive arcade cabinet, much more than your regular standup one. Thus you might have a hard time finding them at least for a while.
  2. The original for the Super Famicom WILL definitely be hitting Stateside in the form of the translated version of the PSX title. Also in the process of being translated for a US release on the PS One is Secret of Mana 2 Sounds good, any idea if they're going to be improving the graphics or adding any features? Square's Final Fantasy conversion from the SNES have always been upgraded a little, so hopefully we'll see something nice.
  3. Haven't read Alien, but I more or less got that impression from watching Alien. I think Gieger's original idea is better, but given the style of ALIENS, I think Cameron's idea works pretty well. Something about the few humans vs. huge hive idea that's cool.
  4. Twinkie, I think the second picture you uploaded (which you labeled as the FBZ-99g) is actually the Fz-109. Neither the FBZ-99G or the AZ-130A appear in the This is Animation: Macross 7 Animation Materials book. In fact, I'm not even sure if they have a gerwalk mode. The transformation outlines show modes that look like gerwalk, but nothing labeled as such.
  5. Just try saying it five-times-fast.
  6. I agree. While I resent the idiocy that was killing off Hicks and Newt, the rest of the movie is extremely enjoyable. Acting is certainly top notch, and returns to the style of the first. I think it was just a tad too bleak. There's a good film trying to break out in there. Maybe the new cut by Fincher will rectify some things. I've read that originally Cameron was intending to do a sequel to ALIENS himself, and that he had a lot planned for Newt and Hicks. I guess for whatever reason he ended up now doing that sequel himself (T2 maybe?) and some stupid studio exec decided to kill off Newt and Hicks for no reason. Ironic seeing as how in the first Alien 3 draft (by William Gibson) Ripley was in stasis for the entire movie because at the time she wasn't interested in doing a sequel.
  7. Seeing as how it's from SomethingAwful.com I'm guessing that it's just a basic PShop job, not like a convention add or anything. Or maybe it is? I dunno.
  8. "Similar figures go for hundreds of dollars." Heh. B) Wonder why there's so many bids on it?
  9. True collectors buy ALL the collector's sets. This DVD set sounds pretty good, so I'll have to think about picking it up.
  10. I'm assuming these are 1/55th scale? If so, I'd definately be willing to buy one or two, assuming you decide to recast them.
  11. That custom is sick, very nice job. Who/what is USV and any chance you could provide more info about your custom gunpod? BTW, if you'd like to host your pictures on something other than Yahoo (free, no ads, etc) check my signature.
  12. Supposedly there was a lot he wanted to put in or wanted to film, but the studio said no. It was his first studio movie and as such he didn't have much power, really. They told him what to do and how to do it, if he had full control over it I'm pretty sure it would have turned out quite different and for the better.
  13. This is pretty old news guys, it was discussed a while ago. Not sure exactly what you're referring to when talking about "presumptions" but believe it or not Harmony Gold has had a hand in bringing over some popular anime, as well as creating a large portion of early anime fandom through Robotech.
  14. Not much of a Transfan, but that toy looks awesome. Definately the coolest transformer I've ever seen.
  15. You use the D-pad to play SC? I'm damn impressed. Also a little surprised as I head nothing but bad things about fighting games on the Gamecube. Personally I just bought a good arcade stick and some converters, can't stand using d-pads... any d-pads.
  16. I'd kill to be able to take Wing Chun in Hong Kong. I haven't gone to classes in over a year but in high school I studied it, awesome martial art. How long did you study it for?
  17. I suppose I'm another car guy too, spend lots of time and money on my RX-7. Otherstuff I suppose woudl be video games. I don't play as much as I'd like, but I have a pretty nice collection. Six cats? How do you live? I have three at home and they drive me crazy.
  18. You like controllers big enough to double as full-sized DDR mats, eh? I'm surprised you don't like the GC controller, I realize that it stinks for fighting games but pretty much everyone I know find it comfortable. Although the Z-trigger gets very annoying after a while. Personally I don't mind the X-Box Controller S either, but the GC's analog sticks, buttons and triggers feel a lot nicer to me.
  19. Where's that shot from, Roycommi? A really zoomed-in screen grab from the video itself?
  20. I think it's important to look at the movie as a very low budget Hong Kong movie, rather than a modern Hollywood flick. You can make a movie for very cheap, but it'll probably suck... as I'm sure Shao Pai Loon did. It'd be even easier if the UN Spacy helped finance it, which makes a lot of sense. Either way, it's not totally impossible for a movie to be made in such a short time with such a small budget.
  21. I'm sure in a few years they'll have a PS2 emulator, but currently they do not.
  22. I'd say that Boba Fett goes against that hypothesis, as he's one of the three most popular Star Wars characters. Of course, it was that popularity that got Lucas to stupidly put him into the prequel's storys, so I guess he doesn't understand it either.
  23. I'd never heard of that, I though the Robotech toys were a purely toy-based venture and not actually planned to be included in the series. Interesting though...
  24. I remember the SNES game more than I remember the TV show itself, but I do remember catching it on a few Sunday mornings here and there. For whatever reason I never liked it much, I think the art style bothered me as a kid or something.
  25. Er, do you mean Capcom's Tenki? That "big controller" mecha game was for X-Box, not PS2.
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