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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. This is the one thing that sideshow Bob realizes a while back when he took the helm of Disney. Creativity in Hollywood is dead, but he needed content, so he went on a buying spree that resulted in Disney owning Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars. We will see what he buys next. give it a few years and they will do a Frozen live action.
  2. Amazing they got something so big off the ground. The left side of that thing is unpressurized, and from the other pics looks like it went wheels down after the right side. i think the idea is ultimately to slight a rocket in the middle right? Look forward to the day when that happens.
  3. You know they are probably just teasing Palpatine's ghost long enough for him to be bitch slapped down. It's nice and all, but it'll be a total head fake. As for Rey needing a lightsaber... what for?
  4. I know what I thought for the briefest moment when the words: "The saga comes to and end" showed up. Thank God. Hmmm, may be I'm being too harsh, let's for one second imagine that Rey is the love child of Luke and Leia.... that would put a spin on things. Certainly takes star wars in a direction that conventional wisdom wouldn't have accepted. It would be JJ's redemption of that mess Rian made. Before anyone complains... remember, we're in the post.... whatever age... no one should be judgemental about these things.
  5. You never know, there is always hope that JJ can pull off a miracle after the Rian disaster... let's face it, TFA was actually pretty good in retrospect. Although, about that poster, are we sure it wasn't fan made? cause I just can't imagine 3PO going full HK on us.
  6. From the brief looks, it seem like the real King is slapping down everyone from Rodan to Mothra. I am curious where they take this afterwards. Because Hollywood really needs to milk the intellectual property while it can. Ideally, the King will live to fight another day... I mean you can see a few spin offs here or there. A spin off of Mothra is possible, she has had her own movie, Rodan is a bit unlikely since he is nothing more glorified chicken. I do wonder if we'll throw aliens into the mix at some point though.
  7. While 2202 had its moments, some of the space battles were not bad. It pales in comparison to the original. After 2199, I had high hopes for this one. But a combination of bad writing, and retconning Dessler made it strange. Don't get me wrong, I liked that Dessler has a future, but the way that came about just felt forced. As for Gatlantis, my one comment is "who cares." They were more interesting in 2199 than they were in 2202. All the attempts to make them interesting was just stupid, I didn't care about any of those characters, they would've been better off putting mech porn in place of Gatlantis character development.
  8. I wonder if this is the last chapter or not. After all, things just keeps escalating, we started with a Russian mobster, then, it goes to some super criminal organization, now, it's time for the high table. What happens if JW kills off the entire high table.
  9. And Sideshow Bob and Disney appreciates your warm welcome, we also invite you to partake in our new Netflix clone where you can participate in 24 hour Disney all the time. All kidding aside, I'm actually curious what happens to MCU next. There has been no news at all, Disney was good enough to have given us the future with when it was early on in Phase 2, but now, all is quiet. It's a bit unsettling.
  10. Not at all pertinent right beside the question of, hey Widow, the world is ending, why the heck are you spending time dying your hair again, or was that dye from before that just came out with the right shampoo.
  11. Well, I'm all happy at the thought of being so interconnected. I'm just waiting for the Cylons and/or Skynet to take advantage of this interconnectedness. If you look at the chart above, you start to think about where the critical points of vulnerabilities are, and then you start working on how to chop off those assets to throw the system into chaos. From both charts above, the biggest weakness appears to be the AWACS. So, may be the Russians and the Chinese have a good idea about using hypersonic AAMs to chop off support functions. No tankers means the strike package doesn't get the range it needs. No AWACS, fantastic, there goes command and control. The solution I'm sure someone will divine is going to be a distributed command system, like multiple drones handling info. Which will lead to people more interested in hacking those drones, and it'll keep going on and on.
  12. Well, Blue Thunder was nothing more than a glorified Apache with skids, but no missiles. Airwolf on the other hand is modeled on the beautiful Dolphin, and can fly higher than a Mig-25. And oh, carry more frigging missiles than an Apache. Ah the good old days, where ammo was infinite, and there was always some damsel in distress.
  13. In X3 , the phoenix was not an external entity that happens to borrow Jean's body, this one, it's not obvious. The only thing that we know for sure is that Grey is extremely powerful, how much of that is her, in AoA, vs a renter remains to be see.
  14. Hey, I have a copy of that book. I hope they actually release a version of the 2202 book. Would be interesting, if nothing else but the mechanics portion. I'm sure they'll do two just to suck my wallet dry.
  15. I really mean the movies with JLaw, DMcAvoy, and MFassbender (for some reason, when I say it that way, it reminds me of Bender from Futurama) Each of these movies are connected, but at the same time, they are self contained story. There is not as much an overarching theme as the MCU, where if you got dropped into the Infinity War, you would have no idea of the previous history. The First Class series you can kind of go in and at least be ok if you didn't see the prior movies.
  16. Because I'm sure there will be moments when Mystique is not blue and they need to slap JLaw's pretty face on screen. It's kinda screwy, in a world where mutants are more "accepted" and "national heroes" that one still has to go around using her power of camouflage. Besides, JLaw is a draw, otherwise, they could hire any low paid actress off of the streets in Hollywood and cover her up in paint.
  17. I honestly think there are two problems with these grand productions. One problem with all of these big screen production is that they tend to kill off the antagonist for the most part. So far, the only survivors on repeated showing have been Thanos, and Loki, I only look at guys with major roles, not the weirdo Hydra repeats that last a minutes on the screen in a subsequent movie. Oh, I suppose Jared Leto's Joker counts as well. But he hasn't had his second movie yet, nor the guys from Suicide squad. The second problem is that Hollywood still likes to make self contained movies because if it bombs, well, no sequel necessary. If you look at the First class series, these are all entirely self contained movies that if they failed, well, that's ok, and the stories are all centered around Mystique, Xavier, and Lensheer. Everyone else is just added on. Whereas the comics were more diverse, and the aforementioned characters were in support roles. Marvel succeeded I think in part because they figured out how to shoehorn in this Thanos arc sometime between Thor and the first Avenger movie, and then they were able to build on the success by laying out a plan for the long term. (mostly because of Disney bucks) You just don't see that for the X-men series. Fox never bothered to say there would be another five or six in the pipeline post the success of DoFP.
  18. I wonder how many of those drones will be directly controlled by the support assets. They could put a station onto the E-3 or the KCs right? I wonder if there is some form of free space communications system when multiple autonomous drones are operating at once in the same region to deconflict flight paths or such. But you know, the funny thing is, there is plenty of places to test this sort of stuff to prove things out.
  19. Oh poor JLaw, how horrible for her to be covered in make up so she can make millions. Wasn't she supposed to be done with the series after XMA? Yet here she is again, more money. She knows where her bread is getting buttered. Just put up with it like Craig has to put up with another Bond. Anyway, the movie doesn't look quite that bad. We'll have to see, they do tend to mangle the Phoenix movies.
  20. So that it'll betray them on the first chance the drone gets? I know, I know, it's Judas, not Judah. But it's hilarious how they picked the name. And besides, the question is always going to be how connected are these drones. You can imagine that they get hacked while on the ground, and turn in mid flight somewhere.
  21. Looks like they are still keeping things under control with a limited engagement, let's hope this ends it. It wasn't that clear to me if this happened during the Indian air strikes, or if the Pakistanis ambushed an Indian air patrol. My sense is the latter. The papers aren't laying out a good timeline of the incidents at this point. Anyway, hopping from one military subject to the next: https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/avalon/2019/02/27/boeing-unveils-loyal-wingman-drone/ I like this, it looks like soon we will have Lil' Drakens flying along side full Drakens. It'll also be hilarious if this thing can be scaled down, and fitted inside the 747 carrier that the USAF had in mind back in the 70s. I wonder though, if the idea of the loyal wingman is to protect logistical and support assets, how would they do that, would they act as some type of ECM platform, or would it be something else?
  22. Does anyone know what time it is? That's right. It's time to shoot, hit, stab, kill, maim Yuki again. Remember in each Yamato series, we must have at least one instance of such, the more the series advance along, the more Yuki must be abused so that we can traumatize Kodai and turn him into an emo kid, and make him scream "YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKIIIIIIIIII" This is like a running theme in SBY. If Yuki is not imperiled, something is wrong, like that episode of South Park when Kenny lived, and Cartman is left wondering what's wrong. Although it could be that Yuki is immortal, and they need to come up with a series that's titled SBY: The end of Yuki Mori. But perhaps I misunderstand the situation, somehow, Kodai might be secretly happy that Yuki i imperiled all the time, it gives him the excuse to act the way he does. Oh by the way, Kodai, you talked to Zordar again now, sure it was through Miru, but same difference, so please shot him on sight, and don't waste more time trying to reason with him
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