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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Wait until thought control is possible; "You must think Russian..." "no,no no, you must think French..." "wait, wait, or is it, you must think in English..." "Dammit, don't forget, you have to think in Hindu too..." "Or if the aircraft happened to be build in China, or Japan, then Chinese and Japanese."
  2. Seriously, this reads like an ad written by Dassault.
  3. ha ha, I read that IGN review, you'd think they were expecting rainbow crapping unicorns. Or may be a broke-back Rambo. I wonder what they'll say about Dark Fate.
  4. That article was the ultimate, what could've been. I think the USAF should define a set of requirements and stick with it. It is all about planning for the future, not the last war. In the last decade, it's been all about COIN, so you get these cute propeller driven things that can lug bombs, and now all of a sudden, it's all about peer threats from China and Russia. The USAF should just remember it's in the air dominance business, I think part of it should be at some point, CAS should be turned over to the army and the marines. Because I damn well guarantee that the army would love to get their own little air force with A-10s and AC-130s in addition to attack helicopters. That way, they aren't subjected to the whims of the USAF when it comes to ground support.
  5. That would be so sweet if they could revive the F-23 in that format. May be they can get the USAF to buy a few hundred after the fact.
  6. It is going to be a Desler focused story? New Voyages was that, but wonder what this will be like.
  7. 2205 eh? Hopefully it’s better than 2202. They need to have a decent story here and not focus on new models for Bandai to pump out. Give me standard dreadnoughts and Andromeda class ships. That’s enough. Don’t need 50 new classes of ships.
  8. I do like the new Rev9 terminator. Looks like they thought it through, and there was that imagery where the terminators have an endoskeleton and a liquid part over them. Very cool. Although it does make me wonder why the damned thing doesn't have any guns, and is limiting itself to stabbing objects.
  9. sigh... it would have been awesome. But it is also a reminder why you do want some non-stealthy 5th gen fighters or may be 4.5 gens in the mix. Simply put, a plane like this is designed to kill stuff, not for the purpose of intercepting Mr. Bear in the cold of Alaska or to troll over the middle east against literally non-existent threat for the most part. You put a plane like the F-23 or F-22 in to achieve total air dominance, wipe out the enemy air capabilities, while eliminating enough of the ground based anti-air threat with assets like the F-35 to enable enough gaps in coverage so that the 4.5 gen non-stealthy bomb trucks can go in and do their job.
  10. Hmmmm, the weapons bay arrangement is interesting... does it mean you have to shoot the AMRAAMs before the sidewiders? In other news, I heard the Russians were trying to push the SU-57 for the Turks now that the latter have been kicked out of the F-35 program. What a mess. I can't foresee anything good happening on this front other than Turkey eventually leaving NATO unless somehow Erdogan gets removed from power in the next two to three years.
  11. Well, I can't say anything about the fleet... but as for who is in charge. That's easy. His name is Bob.... Sideshow Bob. He has been in charge since 2005. And in spite the botched attempts by some underlings, he is generally well regarded. Massive plot holes aside. But seriously, a trilogy with no force would be kinda cool.... I know you're listening Bob... you're always listening.
  12. Yeah, it would so distort the "narrative." I would be shocked if there was a turn to make Rey the bad girl. It would be a good turn IMO, it would also be the first major female villain Star Wars movie villian. (No, Phasma doesn't count) What Seto said in regards to Jar Jar. And very much agreed, if it was a trap. There are a few interesting scenes so far... but how do they square this whole Palpatine thing. I almost feel like these guys are all reaching here. I think the movie ends with Kylo redemption... but dead.
  13. OMG, that is hilarious. If only they had the balls to crap on Lucas in this way, and piss off the fan base... hmmm, hey Rian, got an idea. Ok, onto the D23 thing, is that Rey at the end? It wasn't so obvious to me, it looked like her. Now, to go overboard just a little, Rey's mom... Jar Jar. Don't tell me it's impossible, this is Star Wars. Slap in some genetic engineering, anything is possible. Even YY chromosomes.
  14. Oh man, now we're moving from the B-team to the C-team. Seriously, Moonkinght? She Hulk? What's next, US Agent? Hercules? I am seriously worried that Disney is burning through the Marvel characters too fast. They need to slow down and really milk these things. Set up an Iron Man series, the five years in between the Snap and Endgame. You can stick in marrying Potts (GP gets to milk more money) Evans need to come back and do more therapy sessions for the in-between period. Then, there is Rhodes and Rocket. Or the Nebula and Rocket show. We can have moody Hawkeye dishing out his brand of justice. Toss in Ms Marvel occasionally. The Asgardians, how Valkyrie had to deal with Thor as he got fatter. Don't forget the transition from Bruce to smart Hulk transition. Am I missing anyone? Seriously, at this rate, Marvel is going to get boring in another five or six years if all we get is B-team and C-teams.
  15. It is a very interesting paint job. I am still waiting for the hot pink SU-34 with Taylor Swift images plastered all over it. Hahaha.
  16. Ha, that’s because the songs in the soundtrack all comes from the 80s. Appropriate for the period piece. That was a fairly entertaining movie all things considered.
  17. I don't care about the skin color of Bond, but going over to a female Bond is just ridiculous. If they want to make a womanizing female Bond, there is actually a title for that one, it's called Atomic Blonde, and I found that very entertaining. And it was relatively original for Hollywood (since they at least adapted it from a book) As for gay Bond, remember, there was talk some years ago about that, right between the second and the third DC Bond I think. Then they threw in the innuendo in the third DC Bond film, but at least that was done in a reasonable fashion, because it felt like psychological warfare, rather than to deliberate forced focus on sex. Heck, if they wanted to do that, they could've had Bond oggling Q, or M (Ralph Finnes, not Judy Dench). But then, you'd just have the equivalent of Kevin Spacey in MI6.
  18. So, this is DC's last outing. Great. Hope it goes out on a high note. I rebel at the thought of James Bond not being a womanizing white dude. I'm sorry, stop trying to change the character of Bond to suit the modern sensibility, it's like the idea of gay Bond, or trans Bond, or animal fetish Bond, it just doesn't fit the character, if Hollywood wants to do one of those movies, go ahead, just don't use the Bond name. Were they going to call this new one, the transgender Bond? Or the sensitive Bond? Just to broaden their reach. Hello Bond, glad to see you got your balls cut off, I suppose at least that the rope to the balls trick won't work any more.... was that what you were thinking too?
  19. The problem with the SU57 is that it looks like they took the Flanker and mashed it together with an F-22. It's interesting, ever since the advent of the Raptor, every stealth fighter (concept or production) looks like it. It is as if all the engineering thoughts and efforts behind stealth aircraft have gone away. It is either an F-22 form factor for a fighter, or a flying wing form factor for a bomber. What happened to the innovators out there? Can someone at the old MCD or Northrop please knock off LMC as the sole producer of stealth fighters.... I'm starting to get sick of the same generic form factors.
  20. Yeah, it's a utter tragedy what limits they slapped onto JMS around B5. You can tell from the first few seasons, his story telling was great, even though there were some filler episodes. But then the restraints they put on him, and with what Scifi did, it was just tragic, how the suits mangled a fantastically fun universe.
  21. I agree... it should be someone who has worked on the franchise for a while, not someone who wants to make a name for himself. I'm not sure if offered, the Russo brothers would take it. Who knows, perhaps Johnson will make it something epic and really do a fantastic expansion on the SW universe. A full movie with zero reference to the Force would be interesting.
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