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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Disney needs to just tie everything together. The series has to be watched with the movies or nothing will make sense, then the rides have to have periodic content changes to give extra color to the movies. That way, people are sucked into an ecosystem. Then make sure people never want to leave the walled gardens, kind of like Apple.
  2. It is my hope that someday in the SW universe they stop doing the damned cutaways in the extended fight scenes. Those have made SW much worse. Kenobi v Skywalker in ep 3 should have been a stand alone fight without cuts into Yoda/Palp or whatever other garbage they put in.
  3. Does Sideshow Bob like money? Then he is going to milk this baby for all its worth.
  4. That image actually looks like the love child of an F-117 and an F-18. But sure, why not Legioss.
  5. I like it... I just hope they don’t stray too far from reality, I don’t really need the next gen Fighter in this, Maverick in F-18s would be enough. Ok, may be an F-35.
  6. I am just waiting for the circle to close here in an awesome display of screw the fandom. Imagine in this movie, somewhere, along the way, Rey and Ben hooks up, he knocks her up, and dies confronting Palp, then Rey offs Palp but as a final act of spite, Palp sends Rey back in time to Tatooine to give birth to Anakin. Whammm, immaculate inception, a whole crapload of weird and bizarre and finally an end to the Skywalker line. and then we get why Anakin was so strong, cause he was unnatural to begin with. This would certainly make George smile considering he had the brother French the sister. Then, with the reset complete, Disney waits three years and builds up Star Wars as it should be.... full of fun and loveable characters that can be a part of the house of the Mouse.
  7. May be they'll bring back Berry as Catwoman. There is always a way to go the cat route.
  8. You know, they could just reboot Star War altogether, and we could end up with... Brokeback Star Wars, where Luke is a sensitive boy from Tatooine, Han is the gruff smuggler that is a diamond in the rough with a heart of gold, and Leia really wants to be a nun, but has no choice but to fight the evil Empire, and the story will be about Vader eventually accepting his kids lifestyle choices (after he cuts off Luke's hand of course). Then there will also need to be all the usual social pressures. That'll make a lot of people happy, and get Star Wars critical acclaim. Or, ok, zombie Star Wars are good too.
  9. I know Solo was bad, but you saw the ending right? Solo is post clone wars after all. Anyway, Maul is as alive and kicking as he could be, he looked beefier too on Solo. Not the gaunt and skinny version on Rebels
  10. As corpses perhaps. they need to do a version of beach volleyball with Poe and Finn on one side and Han and Luke (at TFA age) on the other side. Then use BB8 sans its head module as the ball. As a homage to Top Gun, where Poe end up saying to Luke. “Bullshit, you can be my wingman.” Remember, if the desire is to stick a middle finger to the fandom, go all the way.
  11. I told you, Poe is the amalgamation of Tom Cruise characters. He is basically the reimagined version of Wedge except with all the Cruise character traits. i would so watch Space Balls 2, even if they digitally recreated John Candy.
  12. Nah, Poe is your various Cruise character rolled into one and put into the SW universe. That’s how I look at it. Think about it, the “I don’t take orders” attitude is Ethan Hunt, the pilot is Maverick, the sensitive side is from all of those nonaction Cruise movies. I actually hope they expand back into the movies through the side stories like the Mandolorian. Haha, may be we can get a series after that called the Corellian, focus: a Corellian smuggler that isn’t a Solo. After that a series called the Coursanti, about a politician in the heart of that world... and so on, may be a series focused on a Rodian bounty hunter that’s kind of inept. (Son of Greedo perhaps) Then wrap it all together in an ensemble movie... not like the Avengers... but you know... kind of like the Avengers but in SW verse. All led by Baby Yoda.
  13. Ha... so Poe is the Manly man of the trilogy. While Finn is the emo kid. I think the movie will still break $1B easily, and given the bar has already been set so low, I would think RoS would easily clear it. I am curious to see explanation for Palpatine.
  14. An alias could give a sense of immortality after all, there will always be a James Bond. A justification for MI6. The guy in Skyfall could have hinted at it. Silva could have literally meant he was a James Bond at one point with the “I was her favorite” remark. I wonder if the designation should change though
  15. Well, they got Lada back for a quick cameo. I can honestly get behind the idea that Bond is just a code name, that scene in the lobby could be an indication. Would be nice though to have a tradition of stripping the old Bond of the name by having the successor thoroughly beating up.l the old Bond. And Nomi could start by a swift and violent kick to the balls. Bond hunger games.
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