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Everything posted by boinger

  1. Sounds pretty good to me. It reminds me of a calm before the storm kind of music. Now you just need some orchestral epic mecha fighting music.
  2. It works! Hurray!! Cool motion DVD menu! I'm not sure why the aspect ratio of the movies are squeezed, but I can set videolan player as 4:3 and it works fine. Xvid codec is a little better than DivX for video quality. Would you be able to post your DVD cover for this very fine movie, please? Thanks ever so much to you and your team!
  3. boinger

    Macross AMV

    That was pretty cool! If you don't mind, I'll save that video for an upcoming Macross Fan Edit music video DVD. The video encoding gets a little blocky on a few transitions. There's so many cool mecha scenes that hit the beats of the music, that I get some kind of macross mental mecha overload. But, in a good way.
  4. S-47 Berkut has been getting very good results with Neatvideo sofware for grain removal for his japanese subtitle removal DYRL project. I'm not sure which software is better without screenshot comparisons. I keep thinking that the perfect edition dyrl would have been better as the basis for the remastered edition rather than the theatrical edition. But, your version does look like an improvement. This virtualdub plugin will also come in handy for the remastered SDF tv series that Gubaba and I are putting together. Thanks!
  5. I updated the Macross Special .ass subtitles for color changes. PM me if you have any subtitling suggestions or would like to help me and Gubaba to get the remastered SDF TV series subtitled. Feb. 8/09 Gubaba checked over a couple of punctuation mistakes and I shifted over the title cards a bit. I'll be uploading a new .mkv with muxed in .ass subtitle file that works fine with Media Player Classic and Haali Media splitter video codec.
  6. iMacross4 UPDATES: In celebration of February 7, 1982 premiere of the SDF Macross TV series, here is the remastered SDF Macross pilot episode with english subtitles SDF Macross Premiere Special TV episode english subtitled 720x480 http://rapidshare.com/files/200646163/rema...btitled.mkv.001 http://rapidshare.com/files/200651738/rema...btitled.mkv.002 http://rapidshare.com/files/200657664/rema...btitled.mkv.003 http://rapidshare.com/files/200664080/rema...btitled.mkv.004 http://rapidshare.com/files/200670786/rema...btitled.mkv.005 http://rapidshare.com/files/200678071/rema...btitled.mkv.006 http://rapidshare.com/files/200686519/rema...btitled.mkv.007 http://rapidshare.com/files/200694954/rema...btitled.mkv.008 http://rapidshare.com/files/200703873/rema...btitled.mkv.009 http://rapidshare.com/files/200713505/rema...btitled.mkv.010 http://rapidshare.com/files/200723390/rema...btitled.mkv.011 http://rapidshare.com/files/200733442/rema...btitled.mkv.012 http://rapidshare.com/files/200744007/rema...btitled.mkv.013 http://rapidshare.com/files/200754788/rema...btitled.mkv.014 http://rapidshare.com/files/200763619/rema...btitled.mkv.015 HJSplit muxed in .ass english subtitle tested with Media player classic and zoom player. Double check that vsfilter/directvobsub has "always load" subtitles under general settings. Translated by Gubaba Subtitled by boinger Video encoded by boinger with Handbrake software ************************** Enjoy!
  7. iMacross4 UPDATES: 1. SDF TV remastered !! a. SDF Macross Premiere episode .mkv, 11 parts, HJSplit (I'm working on the subtitles with Gubaba to be released hopefully tomorrow.) b. Super Deformed SDF Macross TV opening .mkv + .srt c. Lynn Minmay SDF Macross TV closing .mkv + .srt d. SDF Macross subtitles by ADV (not corrected for time or diction yet.) Gubaba and I both bought the SDF TV memorial DVD box set. Gubaba will be updating the remastered SDF TV subtitles and I'll be learning how to encode the video and time the subtitles with Aegisub. So, we just need to figure out how best to present the remastered episodes. The remastered SDF TV video detail is much improved, but the film grain is just as problematic as the remastered DYRL movie. 2. Robotech comics a. BIG UPDATE 3. Macross Frontier a. BD 1-13 english .ass subtitles by phunky204 winrar phunky204 needs a little help with episode 4 .ssa subtitle. The cell phone words change position from frame to frame. I don't know how to adjust Aegisub software to get the right positioning. b. Megumi_Nakajima_-_Tenshi_ni_Naritai.mp3, winrar c. May'n Street .mp3, winrar d. Frontier BD episode 14 english subtitle by THORA .mkv, 7 parts, HJSplit 4. DYRL a. Macross_DYRL_Long_Method_Subs_Patch_OpX_Version winrar I had to take down Xeros DYRL subtitle patch due to it was based on an old faulty subtitle file I made a while ago. Thanks OptimusX! 5. Macross 7 remastered a. episode 29, 30, 31, 32 english subtitle by VIP and Central Anime .mkv, 4 parts, HJSplit b. Spiritia dreaming english subtitle by VIP and Central Anime .mkv
  8. I'm slowly putting together an extended version of the DHE SDF Macross DYRL .avi. Just been really busy for the last 2-3 weeks with non-Macross related stuff, so the .avi won't be ready until the end of this month. I could put together a DVD version and a DVD cover after that's finished. It probably won't be as fancy as Hikuro's DVD though. Maybe, one of the recipients of the DHE DYRL DVD could upload their copy to asiandvdclub.org? This week, I'm working with Gubaba on putting together subtitles for the Macross Premiere episode for February 9.
  9. I was just browsing CDJapan to check on Macross DVDs and I found that there is a Macross Frontier Drama CD coming out in April. Could it be a bridging story to the movie?
  10. M7 29-32 VIP on mininova. I'm glad that they're still working on this.
  11. Macross Plus Remaster Box Disc 3 Special is now available on asiandvdclub.org. Enjoy!
  12. Macross: 2036 and Macross: Eternal Love Song are video game prequels to the Macross II universe that I would like to know more about, too.
  13. Big Bad Toy store still does not have the vf-25 alto and ozma toys in stock. I'll try to be patient.
  14. OptimusX doesn't have the 4th disc of the remastered Macross Plus DVD box set, I do. The 4th disc of the LE remastered Macross Plus box set has Macross Plus trailers for the OVA, movie and PSX game, PSX game remastered video footage (basically just scenes from the OVA), begining and end credits from the OVAs and Movie, and Shoji Kawamori documentary, where he gets to fly with in fighter jet to get a better understanding of flight combat. I posted the Shoji Kawamori docuementary as an .avi under the iMacross4 remastered Macross Plus folder. No translations were done for any of these videos. ***** Yes, the updated remastered Macross Plus movie and OVAs retain their original menu structure.
  15. So, if the perfect edition DYRL DVD could have the interlacing issues fixed up a bit with some colour correction, it might look nicer than the HD dyrl? I can imagine Xeros being asked to put together an english subtitle DVD patch package for the perfect edition dyrl.
  16. DHE DYRL extended .avi UPDATE: Hikuro's audio is matching up to the perfect edition DYRL very well, since both audio and video are timed for 30 frames per second. The DHE psx dyrl prologue is in place and lined up with its audio. I find the audio for the two extra dhe dyrl scenes to be a little louder than the main dhe dyrl audio, so I lowered the audio a touch for the two clips. I was thinking of overlaying the DYRL soundtrack and BGM to balance off DHE's voice acting and sound effects, but I'm not sure if doing that will make a big difference. I did do soundtrack audio overlays on the COTB fan edit, since the VHS audio was out of sync or just plain too quiet to hear in the vhs movie audio. I redid the Macross Fan Edit logo video clip with cyberlink power director (CPD). For some odd reason, the original snapshot of the logo was at 800x600 and the brightness and contrast did not fit in with the perfect edition dyrl black level. Also, I wasn't able to do a iris out effect on the logo in the video editor. Since, the iris out effect is a transition, I think I would have to put a snapshot at 864x480 of just plain black just before the macross fan edit video clip to get the iris transition to work. Instead, I just put together a straight forward fade in with a nice title transition on top with CPD. Then in Womble, I checked for aspect ratio, lowered the brightness and contrast, increased the hue and saturation a touch, put in a noise reduction filter to smooth off the edges of the macross fan edit logo and then added in a sharpening filter, so it wouldn't look blurry with the noise reduction filter. All that was done for 15 seconds of glory! The custom english dhe dyrl movie title scene was also redone in CPD and paint.net. The video clip is composed in three layers: the moving star background, the moving SDF-1 and the moving dyrl english title. I took a snapshot in the perfect edition dyrl of the SDF just before the main title to get the right aspect ratio and resolution. Paint.net was used to outline the sdf-1 and outlined the sdf-1 with a black background. I had already a previous background starscape found the internet. The DYRL english title was taken orinally as a snapshot from the HD dyrl. Paint.net was used to take out the Japanese writing while maintaining the same color consistency. English letters were then added in with paint.net. The new english dyrl title was scaled up to a higher resolution with a gaussian blur added to take off the pixel/blocky edge. I did a lot of measurements with a tape measure to maintain the aspect ratio between different video editors. But, once I plugged in the "finished" dhe dyrl english custom title into Womble video editor, I still had to pan the video clip out to make the SDF-1 to appear approximately as big as the previous frame of the perfect edition dyrl video. Then the brightness and contrast were also reduced to better match the perfect edition DYRL video. The end credits are half way done with all english credits just like the COTB fan edit. I also added in Hikuro as audio editor for his two years of work. The 2nd half of credits need to be typed and these will look the same as Hikuro's dyrl end credits. ********** I'm just re aligning the song subtitles for tonight. Tomorrow, I'll finishing getting the audio in place and take a look at what a black bar looks like over the japanese subtitles. I might be better off just to have a separate subtitle file like what Hikuro did and then see what options are on the dvdlabpro (dvd disc making software). I wonder if I'm getting better at this or I just know how to make things more complicated for myself? ******************* Jan. 19/09 I'm still working on aligning the song subtitles. Also, the black bar over the japanese subtitles looks a little odd. Every Japanese sentence is not quite center, since I'm compositing a black bar over each japanese sentence to give the largest possible video. I'll probably manually type in the english subtitles, once the black bar has been hard-encoded into the video. I'm not sure if I can type all the english translation inside of the black bar just yet. The cinderella song and Hikuro's dyrl dvd end credits also need subtitling. I work on this every day a little bit when I have the time; so, the dhe dyrl extended .avi could be ready in two weeks.
  17. If only the perfect edition laser disc or DVD could be remastered to high definition, instead of the non-original theatrical print used as the basis of restoration. The perfect edition dyrl looks to be closer to how the original dyrl looks like. It's even possible that the laserdisc could have better picture quality than even the 1999 perfect edition DVD. Some screenshot comparisons from the perfect edition laser disc and dvd and the HD dyrl dvd could show what specific video problems that could/not be fixed? I looked around on the internet to get an idea how laser disc movie restoration could be done. The laser disc restoration process looks like a lot of work. For example, the star wars X0project, from originaltrilogy forums, has been working on getting the original star wars laser discs properly remastered since 2004. Considering that it's unlikely DYRL will be properly remastered to BD in the near future, would anybody else have any thoughts on how to get a better HD remastered video than the LE dyrl boxset? S-47 Berkut 's japanese subtitle removal project does have a couple of screenshots that look like quite an improvement over the original HD dyrl video. But, I don't how exactly he does it, only that it's quite a lot of work fixing a few frames manually.
  18. iMacross4 UPDATES: 1. Frontier a. Macross Ace Frontier BGM .mp3, winrar updated by markcell b. Macross Frontier 01 DVD subtitles package by Xeros winrar All you need is the retail R2 Macross Frontier DVD 01. Works great! c. Macross Fonofia 1-7 subtitled by FLF avi d. BD Frontier 11,12,13 subtitled by THORA .mkv, 5/6/7 parts, HJSplit e. Frontier 16, 17 subtitled by Aone-Gekkostate-Menclave .mkv, 4 parts, HJSplit f. Hobby Japan 11 Macross Frontier special .cbr 2. Fan Edits a. Super Space Fortress Macross: Clash of the Bionoids special edition version 2.2 xvid avi, 29 parts, HJSplit 3. Audio and Drama a. Macross Digital Trip 1800 .mp3, winrar Thanks to Renato! b. Akino Arai: First Live Euro Tour (Sharon Apple singer) .mp3, 2 parts, winrar shared by markcell 4. Miscellaneous a. SDF Macross: Commanchero designed by Captain America .cbr
  19. Super Space Fortress Macross : Clash of the Bionoids special edition xvid .avi, 5.1 ac3 version 2.2 29 parts, HJSplit I'll fix up a new dvd of COTB when S-47 Berkut is able to finish his dyrl project. Now, I'll take a couple of weeks to put together DHE SDFM DYRL extended edition .avi. ************** One small video glitch can be seen in COTB 2.2 avi. It's not worth the bother of re-uploading a whole new .avi, but something to fix for the dvd. The macross fan edit logo doesn't merge into the background black picture. I figured out how to do this before for COTB 2.1. I just need to try a couple of things.
  20. Pretty neat! Would you be able to get the animation smoother at 24 - 30 frames per second? Would you be able to composite the toy models into SDF tv anime series?
  21. Thank you, Xeros for getting this project in motion. Thank you, Gubaba for your translation editing. Macross Frontier 01 english subtitled DVD works great!
  22. So, are the fastpacks for the DX toys limited edition or will they be reissued? I would like one for alto and ozma. I'll go look on overdrive then. ****** I just took a look at Toykohunter's website and the fastpacks come out in March 2009. I was worried there for a bit.
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