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Everything posted by boinger

  1. Galaxy Network Web Log by Gubaba has also been added to the iMacross Server list for Macross bittorrents. Gubaba is working on translating Macross as much as possible, as well as updating the translations for the remastered SDF TV series. I have posted a lot of these under the Macross Fan Edits thread. iMacross4 UPDATES: 1. remastered SDF TV subtitled subtitle translation by Gubaba, timing by boinger a. episode 00 premiere combination of episode 1 and 2 .mkv, 20 parts, HJSplit b. episode 01 .mkv, 9 parts, HJSplit c. episode 02 .mkv, 9 parts, HJSplit 2. Chad Dunham's Macross Fan Edits Macross Video upgrade projects! a. remastered SDF episode 00 subtitled .mkv, 25 parts, HJSplit b. remastered SDF episode 01 subtitled .mkv, 14 parts, HJSplit c. remastered SDF episode 02 subtitled .mkv, 14 parts, HJSplit Chad has done more episodes, but I'm uploading them when I can get the subtitling done and his video muxed together into an .mkv video. d. Macross II OVA part 1 .m2v, 38 parts, HJSplit e. Macross Flashback 13 .m2v videos, 20 files, HJSplit f. DYRL perfect edition .m2v, 48 parts, HJSplit g. remastered DYRL video .m2v, 52 parts, HJSplit 3. remastered Macross Plus (720x480) a. OptimusX DVD subtitle patches remastered Movie, OVA 1,2 and OVA 3,4 remastered M+ DVDs can be found on asiandvdclub.org b. remastered Movie, OVA 1,2 and OVA 3,4 .ass subtitles I'm re encoding the remastered M+ videos into .mkv with subtitles. c. remastered Macross Plus Movie Edition subtitled .mkv, 35 parts, HJSplit 4. Macross Audio and Drama a. Akino Arai 20th annivesary album (Sharon Apple!) .mp3, 2 parts, winrar b. Sakamoto Maya (May'n) " Kazeyomi " .mp3, 2 parts winrar c. DYRL cover song .mp3 5. Macross Games a. YSflight with VFX models WINRAR 6. Macross Frontier a. BD episode 16 subtitled by THORA .mkv, 6 parts, HJSplit b. BD episode 17 subtitled by THORA .mkv, 6 parts, HJSplit b. BD episode 18 subtitled by THORA .mkv, 8 parts, HJSplit c. HD Broadcast episode 15 subtitled by AonE-Menclave-Gekkostate .mkv, 4 parts, HJSplit d. HD Broadcast episode 16 subtitled by AonE-Menclave-Gekkostate .mkv, 4 parts, HJSplit e. HD Broadcast episode 17 subtitled by AonE-Menclave-Gekkostate .mkv, 4 parts, HJSplit f. HD Broadcast episode 18 subtitled by AonE-Menclave-Gekkostate .mkv, 4 parts, HJSplit g. HD Broadcast episode 19 subtitled by AonE-Menclave-Gekkostate .mkv, 4 parts, HJSplit 7. Macross miscellaneous video a. Ishiguro SDF TV interview part 1 subtitled .mkv, 7 parts, HJSplit b. Ishiguro SDF TV interview part 2 subtitled .mkv, 8 parts, HJSplit from the Animeigo SDF TV series c. SDF TV music video by Anime Friend DVD .vob, 2 parts, HJSplit from the Animeigo SDF TV series Chad is going to look to see if he can fix this up a bit. 8. Macross miscellaneous a. Macross: Throbbing accident manga scanlation by yellowlightman, etc. .cbr b. Animeigo SDF TV DVD liner notes .cbr *********************************** I'm also working on updating the DYRL subtitles into .ass format, remastered SDF episode 3,4 subtitles, M+ OVA subtitled dual audio .mkv videos and DHE M0 episode one v. 1.0 .mkv.
  2. Remastered Macross: Flashback 2012 project by Chad Dunham and OptimusX 13 .m2v videos, 20 files, HJSplit Chad and OptimusX are representing the remastered Flashback with improved video and updated english subtitles in a do-it-yourself DVD package. You will be able to buy the Region 2 Bandai Macross Flashback 2012 DVD in good conscience and have the subtitle Macross DVD that you've been looking for as well! OptimusX's DVD subtitle patch will be available withing the next couple of weeks! So, support the Macross series by buying retail Macross DVDs, please! **************** I watched Xeros subtitled M7 disc 2 and Frontier disc 2 for quality checks. DYRL is subtitled up to 1 hour 38 minutes, so I'm almost finished. I handed over a lot of Macross scanned stuff to TwinkiePlatter for hosting. I'll get back to subtitling remastered SDF next week. So, every day, I'm doing something Macross related.
  3. Don't be afraid to buy the R2 Bandai Macross Frontier DVDs! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...amp;hl=frontier
  4. Macross II OVA disc 01 .m2v, 38 parts, HJSplit video upgrade by Chad Dunham Chad is working on M II disc 02 now. If I can get MII subtitles ripped from the Manga MII movie, then I can time out the subtitles for a remastered MII dvd. Or split the videos into 6 .mkv videos with dual audio and subtitles. That's another big project. I'll try to get some DYRL fan edits done first.
  5. remastered SDF Macross episode 2 subtitled .mkv, 9 parts, HJSplit SDF Macross TV episode 02 Special Edition video upgrade by Chad Dunham subtitles by Gubaba .mkv, 25 parts, HJSplit I'm still working on the DYRL subtitles and sdf episode 3 this week. I hit an ice patch on the way home from work this morning and slid right over a median curb at an angle which wrecked my car's front steering. I'm putting together a bunch of my toys and comics for ebay sale this week to pay for car repairs.
  6. He's also put together video footage of PSX1 Macross Plus and PSX2 Macross DYRL!
  7. remastered PE DYRL by Chad Dunham .m2v, 48 parts, HJSplit So, the perfect edition DYRL has been improved, but since the PE DYRL DVD was only single layer, there was not as much detail in this version of the movie than the dual layer remastered DYRL DVD. PE DYRL DVD can be found on Macross Share and asiandvdclub. I'll pm OptimusX about getting the PE DYRL DVD subtitled once I finish up the DYRL .ass subtitles. I just had to know! Thanks Chad! *************************** Chad's next project is remastering the Bandai Macross II DVD9 disc 1 and disc 2 OVAs. I hope to get the Macross II subtitles and timed into 6 .ass subtitle files to hand over to OptimusX. Both Bandai Macross II DVDs can be found on asiandvdclub. If Bandai gets around to reselling MII DVDs, then please buy the offical DVDs. I would if I could. As well, I'll be uploading remastered SDF tv episode 2 and Chad's updated version soon.
  8. Re-remastered DYRL video by Chad Dunham .m2v, 52 parts, HJSplit I updated the Macross Fan Edits project list. You'll see that Chad's m2v will work quite nicely with the retail remastered DYRL DVD and OptimusX's DVD subtitle patch once I get the subtitling retimed. I'm slowly plugging along getting DYRL .ass subtitles fixed up for all the upcoming DYRL fan edits. Then next week, I'll get SDF episode 3 subtitles retimed and ready. If anybody else would like to make any Macross fan edits or even make custom DVD covers for the upcoming Macross fan edits, then send me a pm. Macross Fans who have Japanese to English translation skills can contact Gubaba any time. ****************** Also, if you know of any Macross interviews (I don't have listed) or Macross toy transfomation videos or really good Macross Music videos, then send me a pm. 14. Macross Music video DVD projects current Macross Music video list http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=681230 15. Macross Interviews DVD: Pulling together as many video and audio interviews together and getting them subtitled. I have these videos on hand. Frontier Specials Itano and Kawamori, M+ documentary interview, M0 cast interview, SDF tv Ishiguro audio interview, Ishiguro AWO audio interview 16. Macross Toy Transformation Guide DVD: An audio-visual reference for those who need help transforming their Macross toys! I have these videos on hand in varying quality. a. 1/60 v1 by graham b. 1/60 v2 c. 1/60 yf-19 by graham d. 1/60 yf-21 e. 1/60 sv-51 f. 1/60 vf-0s g. 1/65 vf-17 (low resolution stop motion video) h. 1/60 vf-25 i. 1/48 VF-1X j. Wave SDF-1 in 2 modes I'm still looking for these other toy transformation videos: Any assistance would be appreciated! Otherwise, I might do these myself. Excepting for, I don't have the 1/72 yf19 anymore. * Yamato Monster VB6 in all 3 modes * 1/72 yf-19, yf-21, vf-11b in all 3 modes * 1/60 vf-1j armored battroid * 1/5000 SDF-1 Bandai x2
  9. Re-remastered DYRL by Chad Dunham .m2v, 34 parts, HJSplit The film grain reduction does look better to me. Thanks, Chad! There's a dvd subtitle patch in the works, once I get through fixing up an .ass subtitle file. Then all you would need is the .m2v + patch + retail Bandai Macross DYRL DVD! ************ Thank you, S-47 Berkut for working on fixing up the remastered DYRL! Just from the test clips, I can see that you put a lot of love into your video upgrading. You can have a look at what Chad has come up with avisynth on DYRL. You can use Raptor, which is a good free rapidshare downloading software. Weblink is in my signature. S-47 Berkut's dyrl project could be released in the same way as an .m2v + DVD subtitle patch, just to encourage people to buy the original DVD while it's still being sold in retail stores. Maybe, somebody would like to make custom DVD covers for these DYRL fan edits? Chad's fixed up Bandai remastered SDF tv episodes are looking better than the original Bandai episodes to me and definitely better than the Animeigo sdf tv episodes. I'm going to be posting up both original and Chad updated SDF episodes in the Macross fan edits thread, so everybody won't feel missed out.
  10. SDF Macross TV episode 00 Special Edition video upgrade by Chad Dunham subtitles by Gubaba .mkv, 25 parts, HJSplit This sdf episode has the video sharpened with minimal film grain. Subtitles are basically the same with minor color change and slight song repositioning. I just finished timing episode 2 and sent it off to Guaba for approval. So, I'll be uploading remastered SDF episode 2 and the special edition soon. I'll work on episode 3 in the next 2 weeks. I tend to work 1 week+ of nights and then I have 4-7 days off. Slow going, but we'll get there eventually. Chad has been working on upgrading the perfect edition and remastered DYRL. You can download test clips that are posted on the first page of this thread. OptimusX has finalized his remastered M+ movie and OVA disc 2 subtitle patches and .ass subtitle files. I've posted them up in the iMacross4reamastered M+ folder. I noticed that the M+ OVA .mkv videos have disappeared. I'm not sure if I deleted them because the same episodes are up on Macross Share website or what. I was thinking of using OptimusX's/Gubaba's/EricF's/? subititles and putting them together with english audio and remastered M+ video into .mkv videos. We'll see how long that takes me to do, since practically all the posted Macross videos on iMacross4 could have better video encoding and subtitles.
  11. BD Macross Frontier episode 12 part 1 uploaded. Just forgot to copy over the file to the Frontier folder. Fixed.
  12. Macross Frontier Live Concert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed0g_BcajYw slideshow photos of frontier goodies and concert and great duet of may'n and megumi
  13. It looks like WinNY is like WinMX file sharing, but I don't know what any of that japanese website says.
  14. I uploaded the subtitled remastered SDF TV episode 1 to the iMacross4 rapidshare folder. I'm also re-encoding the extra remastered SDF TV videos and adding in subtitles after in .mkv format. If it has the word "subtitles" in the .mkv file name, then it's subtitled. Chad Dunham's completed subtitled Macross video upgrade projects will be posted in the Chad Dunham's Macross Fan Edit rapidshare folder. You can pm Chad if you would like to get just the .m2v files, but the posted .mkv files will have have Chad's m2v video muxed in already. If you have any questions about Chad's video projects, then you can ask him in his thread here. I'll see if I can get episode 2 and 3 subtitling done by the end of next week. Gubaba is working on translating episode 4. I've been doing a lot of preproduction planning, co-ordinating with other people on Macross video projects and typing, so I'll try to post when I have something available and stay focused on the actual video edting, etc. And have fun!
  15. iMacross4 UPDATES: 1. remastered SDF Macross remastered SDF TV episode 1 subtitled .mkv, 9 parts, HJSplit 2. Chad Dunham's Macross Fan Edits remastered SDF TV episode 1 subtitled Special Edition by Chad Dunham .mkv, 14 parts, HJSplit Chad has created better video quality for the remastered episode 1 like the Macross Special. There's also episode 1 and 2 .m2v files that I'll probably delete today. Chad's mkv actually has the .m2v muxed in. **************** If you downloaded the Macross Special from RapidShare, then you'll have to rename the Macross Special to what Gubaba named his Macross Special bittorrent. I use utorrent for bittorrent filesharing. I'm doing a lot of encoding, uploading and downloading to iMacross4 just now, so I'm not much help for bittorrents. Thank you for being a "distro"!
  16. All filesharing starts with one generous person. Out of those 400 leechers will be a couple of guys who will seed and most likely redistribute the bittorrent and video file to other bittorrent websites. So, I'm not overly concerned about initial distribution. ****************** Try RapTor for easy, free rapidshare downloading. Rapidshare is only slow if your internet connection is slow.. ***************************** I posted all the direct rapidshare links on the my Feb.7/09 post above (15 parts, HJSplit) and you can also go to the remastered SDF TV series folder on iMacross4. This rapidshare folder is where I'll be putting all the rest of the remastered subtitled SDF TV episodes on rapidshare and Gubaba will getting the bittorrents initally seeded. . Also, you can see the beginning of this thread for Chad Dunham's Macross Fan Edits folder, where he'll be upgrading many Macross videos soon enough. If you snag a copy of the Macross Special off bittorrent or rapidshare, then by all means pass it around through other channels: irc, edonkey, etc.
  17. Happy Macross Launch Day! February 7, 2009: The Complete Macross Translation Project has begun! subtitled SDF Macross Special is now on bittorent at Nyaatorrents Seeding 1:1 would be appreciated. The latest Mega Macross Bittorrent Collection news can be found on Gubaba's blog website: galaxynetwork.blogspot.com remastered SDF Macross TV episode 1.mkv is almost ready, too. Then. we'll probably have episode 2 .mkv ready in the next 2 weeks. So, every two weeks a subtitled remastered sdf tv episode is the schedule we'll try to keep. Then there's all the other Macross stuff that Gubaba has in store for sharing on bittorrent throughout this year!
  18. see above for new Macross Special rapidshare weblinks. It's a keeper.
  19. A lot of progress has been made in getting the .ass subtitle file muxed properly into the sdf remastered sdf tv .mkv video files. To mux in the .ass into the remastered .mkv, I had to just add in the .mkv without demuxing the audio and video and then add in the .ass subtitle file. No more problems with video frame per second being off. Thanks OptimusX! Then I figured out why Zoom player was not displaying the subtitles properly on subtitled .mkv. Thanks Zoom player forums! It's vsfilter/directvobsub! I have to open vsfilter settings: "general", always load. Now the subtitles in the mkv appear in Zoom player and Media player Classic!! Gubaba is just looking over episode 1 retimed subtitles that I sent him. I forgot to add in "super dimension fortress" in the title card for episode 1. Macross Special can now be uploaded with the .ass subtitle file and it'll work fine. I have a lot of uploading to do.
  20. remastered SDF TV UPDATE: Macross Special .mkv has been take down due to a video glitch with MKVtoolnix. The video Frames per Second were not encoded properly with MKVtoolnix due to the video being 23.98 fps and not exactly 24 fps. The audio and video were slightly off. I'm re-encoding a new Macross Special .mkv with Handbrake and uploading asap. I'll see if Handbrake video encoding software can merge in the .ass subtitle files as well. That would keep everything properly sync'd up. Episode 1 subtitles and remastered sdf tv episode 1.mkv have been retimed and sent to Gubaba for approval. I have episode 2 and 3 subtitles on hand, but I agree with Gubaba that 1 episode every 2 weeks seems to be the right speed. boinger
  21. Super Space Fortress Macross Answers: I bought a SSF Macross vhs tape of the full Hong Kong english dub from Amazon.com and transferred the vhs onto dvd. Then I had to do some audio filtering because the vhs audio had some background hiss and pops: audacity audio sofware and then in later dvd versions SoundSoap sound filter was used. Additional audio was used from the perfect ediiton dyrl dvd and Macross soundtracks to fill out the sometimes hollow sounding vhs audio. DAPDX said okay to me using their commentary, but it needed retiming/editing/filtering. The video used was from the remastered DYRL DVD and the remastered FlashBack 2012. I didn't notice that there was a name change for the edited DYRL: Clash of the Bionoids, so I just used both titles in this fan edit project. I suppose if somebody wants to edit out the violent parts and call it Clash of the Bionoids Restored, then that's up to them. I worked on this fan edit for over a year before there were video editors that could handle .avc video files, so xvid .avi files were the standard that I used. .h264 / .avc is a video format that I'm just getting used to this month. Handbrake video encoding software is working fine for me and you'll be seeing more macross fan edit releases in the .h264, .mkv format. Xvid avi are still more compatible to most media players and computers, though. Rapidshare has been the most dependable download site that I know of. Demonoid is closed to most people unless you have an invitaion. asiandvdclub.org is only for full dvds. Mediafire and MegaUpload are just not convenient or as affordable for me, especially when I have 95 GB of Macross files on iMacross4. I have been perpetually seeding on MiniNova for over a year and most people don't bother seeding, but they are vocal about me seeding. ********************** Chad Dunham is working on a couple of Macross fan edits. I will be posting his fan edits initially as .mkv/.h264/.avc videos with subitles. DVD versions could follow after. 1. remastered SDF tv special edition The Macross Special episode had video improvements over the rest of the grainy remastered sdf tv seris. Chad has been using an avisynth file he picked up from originaltrilogy.com forum and producing really nice results 2. perfect edition dyrl remastered the test file on the first page of this thread speaks for itself. 3. DHE DYRL special edition remastered DYRL Chad **** Gubaba and I are putting subtitles to the remastered SDF TV series. He fixes up the english translation and I get the rest done. I'm waiting to see how Chad's Perfect Edition DYRL turns out and then I'll use that video for the DHE DYRL Extended Edition. I hope that answers a few questions.
  22. Real life kept me busy for the last month or so from finishing up the DHE extended DYRL that I had planned. In the meantime, Gubaba and I picked up the discounted SDF memorial DVD set from cdjapan. And now we're planning to put together the whole remastered SDF TV series as .mkv videos with Gubaba updating the translations. So, I spent some time getting the translation timed to the Macross Special and then coloring and positioning the subtitles with Aegisub. So, the Macross Special is posted on imacross4 and will be posted as a bittorrent by Gubaba in the next week or so. Then Chad Dunham, who has sent me a DVD copy of his DHE DYRL special edition, pointed me out this Handbrake video encoding software. So, it took me a week to get the hang of handbrake for video encoding the remastered SDF TV episodes and next the BD Macross Zero episodes. This week, I'll be finally getting back to subtitling the DHE DYRL extended edition and timing out the remastered SDF TV episode 1. I hope so. I updated the Macross Fan Edit project list in the first post to reflect the upcoming projects. *** I have been requested a couple of times for anime sound fx. But, I don't really have any. If you have a good selection of anime sound fx and you would like to share, then I could keep a copy of anime sound fx in the imacross4 fan edits folder for any future fan editors.
  23. I like it! The acting is a little flat and I couldn't figure out what everybody was saying. But, that could be fixed up by re-doing the audio with better voice actors and a more coherent script. Loved the walking tanks!
  24. I'm re doing the 1920 x 1080 BD Macross Zero .mkv episodes encoded by QTS into video edit-able 1920 x 1080 xvid avi videos with Handbrake software. I've been getting excellent results with video encoding the remastered SDF tv series so far with Handbrake. I'll send over a copy of the HD M Zero episodes to Hikuro once I finished encoding and uploading. Keep plugging along Hikuro and we'll keep watching you and your team's work!
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