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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. well in that case, its kind of hard to answer. most stateside vendors get their prices based on how many they buy, and that number is based on how many pre-orders they get. its hard for a stateside vendor to offer a good price if they only order 4pcs. if no one is pre-ordering, then its not worth it to the seller to take the chance of stocking a high priced item and hoping people still come and buy at a higher price. honestly, it really depends on what the seller is willing to make per transaction. some sellers are more greedy than others, some less. if it was me, i'd try to get as many as i can, for as cheap as i can, then we'd all be paying a lot less and everyone wins. in theory its good, but when you factor in returns/exchanges/breakages, its impossible to keep in fair for everyone, especially the person doing all the leg work and fronting the majority of the money, hence why sellers have a markup.
  2. 100% agree. canceling a pre-order is sticking to the vendor, definitely not cool. i think he worded his topic wrong, and i don't think theres a way to edit a poll? at least not as a regular member.
  3. i know what hes trying to make, it was just worded wrong. canceling a pre-order on a dealer is a bit different from not placing a pre-order. the title should've been something like, "will you stop placing pre-orders if it means you'll get a lower price?"
  4. how would yamato lowering their wholesales price hurt overseas/local dealers? if anything, i would imagine it would help them since they could sell everything for less and in turn, sell a lot more of them. moving inventory at a lesser profit is far better than sitting on inventory and making nothing.
  5. pretty much. i think its really funny when the people say they placed a pre-order for such and such toy from HLJ, then bitch about how much they've been paying afterwards(though i'm sure i've been guilty of this in the past too). if you place a preorder at some ridiculous price, you shouldn't complain about paying too much. complaining about prices doesn't do nearly as much as keeping your wallet shut. 99.99% of the time, if no one buys it, the price comes down.
  6. who had that funny ass sig back in the day, it was something along the lines of, "collecting is not about what you got, its about what yo don't got". if its well built and has some play factor(lots of accessories to mess around with and such), i'm down to buy it. though sometimes when people post pics showing off something really cool, i might get sucked into buying it.
  7. if the blue one ends up being sold stateside with a stateside price(no import markup), i might break down and buy one.....but certainly not for $250+. it doesn't look like it comes with much of anything other than a gunpod and doesn't look like it has any real features for their asking price. time will tell but i can't see me buying this unless its under $200 if even that.
  8. these are the type of collectors every company loves. all they have to do is make it and collectors will buy it regardless of how ridiculous the price, which is pretty much whats been going on with every yammie release. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if everyone on MW stop placing pre-orders and just waited like 3 months to purchase stuff after its been released, we'd all be paying a lot less for these toys. but when fans place preorders and state that they're willing to pay $200+ after seeing the first round of prototype pics, it makes it too easy for any seller to take advantage. if its one thing i've noticed its that a lot of people here don't hold their cards close to their chests so to speak. they want to show you their hand and what they're willing to bet, before the first round of betting, even before its their turn.
  9. it didn't say on the yamato site and graham didn't mention it. i'm sure when graham gets clearance or it shows up in a magazine, we'll all be informed. this is macrossworld after all and all the late breaking news comes through here first!
  10. while releasing the FPs seperately would follow in yamatos previous footsteps, do you know how small a 1/60 scale FP kit would be? its pretty tiny, theres not much to it, and i doubt they'd be able to cram in the details of the 1/48 FP kit. for its size, i don't think they'd even want to bother creating box art for it, let alone seperate packaging. my hopes are they'll release every valk with the FPs as they could up the price and guarantee sales of the FP kits instead of hoping they sell individually for whatever ridiculous asking price they come up with.
  11. so how about that up and coming YF-21, its gonna be pretty sweet.
  12. someone better post up a pic before this guy breaks his VF-0. VF5SS, the backpack hinge tends to be fragile, i'd wait to see some pics before going any further.
  13. i was thinking of selling mine too but i didn't want to part with the FP's. if yamato re-releases the FP's by itself, i'd definitely sell my stealth giftset.
  14. i forgot about that one but i don't think thats because the valk is cool(theres plenty of them being sold by itself) but more so the dope fast packs. why they haven't re-released them yet is beyond me?
  15. the funny thing is scale changes all the time... i.e. if a girl is 5'6", and she has B size breasts, they wouldn't be big but they would be in scale to her frame. but if a girl was 6' tall and had the same B size breasts, they would look tiny and not in scale to her frame. whats my point? nothing other than i prefer size over scale.
  16. if were just talking about 1/48s, outside of the LV1 you mentioned, i'd say the Super VF-1J hikaru as it was only release one time. everything else is readily available from multiple vendors both stateside and overseas.
  17. being that they are the same scale and same model, i'm gonna take a wild guess and say that the new 1/60 VF-1 will be the same size as the old 1/60 VF-1.
  18. ^ i think a lot of the confusion is because people have a hard time understanding the differences between scale and size. damn noobs! j/k.
  19. its been repeatedly stated(like over 20 times now) that these will be about 10000 yen(straight from yamato's site) which is less than $100. i even put it in my sig.
  20. well i'm sure you've seen the vintage tread(beta fighter) here before. i believe there was an auction for one of them but the reserve wasn't met. a quick search under "lansay tread" or "gakken tread" should turn up some pics. as far as the CC valk, just imagine the 25th anniversary VF-1S valk without the gawdy gold trim. i think only 5 were made and given away when you signed up for some CC in japan.
  21. brasso and steel wool works well. or try the chameleon paint remover....google it.
  22. i beg to differ. while the legs might be a bit loose from the get go, you can get so many more poses out of a 1/60 VF-1 as opposed to the 1/48 VF-1. don't get me wrong, i think the 1/48 is better in a lot of ways but one thing that the 1/48 definitely lacks, its poseability IMO.
  23. no lego builder ever makes instructions, its mostly trial and error, more or less you just wing it. lego is all about tweaking/modding your design over and over until you reach a point you can't go any further, when its 4 in morning, your fingers tips are killing, and you're still sitting around in your underwear from the day before.
  24. these will never be rare considering theres nothing rare about toys that are readily available for purchase throughout the world. "rare" is just some catch phrase created by the collectors market in order to generate more sales. its the same thing as labeling something as "limited" or "exclusive", its all BS to get you to part with your money. there are only 3 rare macross items that exist IMO, them being the beta/tread, the 1/48 CC valk, and the bronze 1/144 YF-19. these are actually the only rare/limited macross toys as only a handful of them exists. i'd included the LV1 but considering theres more than 1000 of them, its far from rare but i will say it was limited even though theres no actual production number.
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