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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. It's working for me now, but it was prety boring over the weekend, as my otehr favorite forum has been down for the past month+
  2. The FP version has redone hips with a metal rod i beleve. That and teh fact that from what I've read, it is actually quite easy to repair the non FP version hips with a metal pin.
  3. Isnt a putty with such a low viscosity rather hard to sculpt? I was assuming you were using something more along the lines in terms of workability like Sculpey or anotehr more clay-like material. Most impressive. Gotta love the 'action features' that figure has right now
  4. I agree... altho the packaging job really selas the deal for a MISB one, as it is a gorgeous setup. As a colector's piece, it makes a nice bit. too bad I took mine out as fast as I could to play with it
  5. Godzilla? I'll marry you. I love your Macross collection and can accept the fact that you're even more obsessed with it than I am. I have but one question: Are you hot? Or does EXO's sig say it all? Oh yeah.... all that and I'm a guy. I cant stop drooling over your gorgeous collection. My 1 single 1/48 feels very insubstantial right now... it's probably gonna go out and buy a big sports car to overcompensate.
  6. Wow! The Soundswave reissue is up to $120? I got one for Xmas last year when it came out. It's a really nice figure, great packaging setup.
  7. OOOOOOOH! That will rock Calvin. Super cool, cant wait to see some WIP pics. You are a far braver man than I for repainting it.
  8. Are you making scale Prop replicas or scrathcbuilt models? Sorry for not knowing your work or the source material, but I am interedted on what you do with it.
  9. Haha Graham... glad you liked it! Altho... Minmay's Underwear is rather disturbing as well....
  10. Graham... you're always so depressing when you post. I'll admit that right now things look bleak, but it seems like you always manage to hammer the crap outta everything you can. On the note of this topic.... what kind of Mook were we expecting? A design compendiumy thing? Personally, I wish there were mangas of all the Macross series as I love reading more than watching TV anyways....
  11. www.wheeljackslab.com Best friggin original TF site ever. Chris is a great guy, and i've bought alot from him.... including all the parts to complete a mint condition Metroplex. Great prices, great shipping,and great contact.
  12. HWR- I'm painting PVC with acryllic paints after applying a coat of Krylon Auto Primer and then sealing that paint with Krylon Matte Finish. I don't use oil paints
  13. promethuem5

    Takatoku fix

    tell him you want your money back FIRST, adn tehn dont send it back.
  14. Hey, that would actually be a nifty idea... you'd need a plain one for the one type, and the uber cool slide out blade one for the Blosperior, and there's prolly one other I'm fogetting.
  15. so who from Japan is gonna buy a bunch for us US people to buy from?
  16. promethuem5

    Takatoku fix

    Yes, it should be a no problem fix. Just unscrew the screw and slip a very small machine screw washer onto the screw that will fit in the assembly. If you ahve trouble finding one, i could probably hook you up with one as my dad has loads of mechanicl stuff, and we have a big sorted container of small washers and such.
  17. I have the same thing happen with some soft PVC toys i had.... they asre all sticky feeling now... I think it is sopmething to do with the paint reactiong with the plastic... is it sticky before you paint it?
  18. I've got an issue on mine as well regrettably.... On the cannons, they are attached by a split end peg thing... kind hard to descreibe. Well, out of the box, one of the halves of the split end on one of my cannons is cracked, like it got forced down too far one way at an awkward angle, so the gun is a bit loose and not quite correctly fitting.... There's not really anyways to fix this and it still works, so I guess i;ll just ahve to leave it.
  19. yes, but the mecha fan in me wants just a TAD bit more action in the middle, like in TF: the Movie. I still hafta agree with that one guys comment about fast forewarding through the talking like in a prono lol....
  20. You bastard! I read that as real. dammit! I fricken almost wet myself at the thought. I agree that 1/72 would be nice for the BT Jets, bc/ then they could make out with... er... i mean fight my Mac+ Valks.
  21. Hi all, I recently purchased one of the small Gakken Alphas that only transformers to Armo Soildier and Armo Diver. Its is in moderate condition, but there is some metal chipping, the right arm is waaay loose, and the left arm was painted white by someone to be accurate. I would like to compeltely disasemble the figure and strip it down, and then give it an anime accurate model kit quality paint job complete with markings and weathering. If anyone has any tips to start, or some advice on how to match the mettalic blue used on teh plaistic... (I'm sorta hoping to save this, but I will ahve to repaint the die cast legs and torso to match) Thanks alot, I would like to do this as a walkthrough, so as I begin, I will try to get up some pictures.
  22. Hmmmm...I must admit that I would most certainly be interested in recasts of just the skeleton for some modeling and conversions.... depending on teh pride if this idea ever pans out, I would porbably be interesed in somewheres from 4 to 6.
  23. Sure mate, that one looks great. I have no idea waht it is lol, but it looks really nice... good clean and simple dramatic background. Well done, I would love to see more.
  24. Wow... looking at that Mac+ auction... all I can say is I'm glad I got mine for what I did... all I need is the VY-11BFP... apparently I overpayed for a YF-21FP sealed for 90 bucks... but meh, its still better than the poor sap is gonnapay in that auction.
  25. Mate, turn the flash off and use some indirect light to iluminate your shots... the glare is too harsh to make out much of anything, but from what i can see in teh first pic, they are gorgeous.
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