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Everything posted by Grayson72

  1. I think this is what you're looking for, and a VF-22 thrown in for good measure
  2. I'd be down for a set or two, I got your pilot set for SW and it's awesome! I'd want standing pilots and people in officers uniforms for diorama display.
  3. I only use that stuff on the areas that really need to be stuck down into cracks and stuff. I don't think it's really necessary to spread it all over the entire decal, you'll have much less trouble if you use it sparingly only where it's really needed.
  4. Grayson72


    The Q-Rau power armor should be a lot bigger than a Miria figure by itself. Also the Zentradi don't necassarily come out as the same size as a VF in battroid mode. Breetai was an unusually large Zen for example.
  5. If you're a beginner I think it's a good attempt. The thing about building models is always trying to up your game and try a new and more difficult technique on each attempt. So for your next build you might try filling and sanding the seams along with rescribing the panel lines that get erased when you fill them. Good effort, keep building and sharing.
  6. Wow the Defender looks awesome, I wanna know more about the background set and see more pics of it.
  7. You are correct, and yes the figures would have been a really cool touch or at least in their TV flight suits.
  8. 1/48 usually applies to Yamato toys. There's very few 1/48 models, the most common is the Club-M ultimate detail valk, which came with PE parts, but good luck finding one of those.
  9. PE or photo etch refers to the technique of creating finely detailed model parts from very thin sheets of brass. This usually results in extremely detailed parts not possible from regular plastic. However some people question the use of PE on 1/72 scale models stating the scale is too small to really benefit from added detail. Look here, www.eduard.cz
  10. Yeah let us know the ordering instructions, I'll probably want a setup just like you picture there.
  11. I still don't get why Bandai and not Hasegawa, they went with them for like four different series and did an awesome job, why change?
  12. Oops my bad. Hey Captain, how much cheaper would the kit be if you left the cockpit and pilot out of the deal and just made the thing one whole piece?
  13. So back to the Spartan for a moment, where there instructions created for it yet? Just making sure I didn't miss them some how.
  14. Oh I'm definately in for this one.
  15. That's what I would have thought as well.
  16. Oh wow man you really did the Cat's Eye justice, very brave man for building an original Tanmen model. I gotta start on mine.
  17. Is it even clear that the Gnerl has a canopy instead of just a hatch cover like all the other Zen Mecha?
  18. Does anyone have a picture of this kit, sounds like something I might like to have?
  19. Nope that's a VAB-3 Invader, too bad it's not in 1/72 I'd be all over that.
  20. Wow so this is the armored battroid VF-11 version, That's awesome I'll take one.
  21. That was a "no, do it yourself with a kitbash/custom build thingy"
  22. FYI, wave planned on releasing this kit which is why it was listed in the advertisement you mention and was up on HLJ for "pre-order" for a time. Ultimately the plans for the release of the model were cancelled and that's why there's no pics of it in existance. There is a conversion kit for the Hasegawa model kit to make a 1/72 VF-22s battroid, pics of which are all over the internet. Was originally a Wonderfest only item but then Psychodynamix recast it for the masses here on the boards.
  23. That sounds interesting Jorawar, I'd make the radar boom more oblong/oval shap instead of circle but the rest would be cool. Here's my buildup for reference.
  24. I'd be in, loved the first one.
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