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Everything posted by RichterX

  1. I want to see the VF-1S 001 in Episode 5, I don't like the VF-0S 301... Thinking it well I think Carl Macek will show up saying: "This is mine now and I name it Robotech Zero"
  2. They all went to the same place the fold system of the Macross went?
  3. Oh other good anime: Evangelion Candidate for the Goddess
  4. I finally completed my SDF Macross DVD set from AnimEigo!
  5. RichterX

    Yammies per user

    1/60s 4 and GBP kit on its way 1/72s 2
  6. I like the action scenes, i think the scenes are great. The only think i think this series mising is the music. You know, Macross is about action scenes, love triangules, mechas and music. The original series have great music, DYRL have great music too, M+ too, even M7 have music as a central part of the history. Maross Zero don't have any music at all. Thats my opinion!! Oh, Zero has music all right. It's just a different music than TV/DYRL and Plus. It's more cultured and more apt. And it's actually really good. This was after I actually didn't like the first Zero-OST at first listening. music? Doesn't Sara sing in French at the end of episode 2/ and begining of episode 3?
  7. RichterX

    1/60 Gbp

    Does the non Valkyrie included armor kit comes with the TV pilot?
  8. Wow! how the heck did Vietnam came into this?
  9. RichterX

    1/60 Gbp

    After seeing the box pictures I couldn't resist anymore and made my order!
  10. RichterX

    1/60 Gbp

    I wouldn't buy anything Yamato comes out, it just happens the GBP looks like a really pretty girl!
  11. RichterX

    1/60 Gbp

    I wonder about that as well..... Man...you're all yammie-whores. The "flame-effect" on the box is so amateurish photochop. I realise that some of their box art is quite crap like the 1/48 Fast/Strike packs, and the disco M&Ms.... Must resist.......... yammie-whores? does it mean Yamato is the whore or that we are the whores??
  12. RichterX

    1/60 Gbp

    no big fat hand to fit the gunpod in... It is so pretty! I am going to buy one
  13. Anyone has one of the bootlegs?? how good is the quality of the subtitles?
  14. I think we had enough with the VF-1, they have to put on sale soon the VF-0, the Variable Monster, YF-19 Fast Pack and of course... the VF-4, I want a VF-4!!!
  15. Maybe we got racists? But to quote a friend, "cool black guys NEVER die in the movies". I doubt Edgar will either. Edgar is not cool... Also for some reason in Japanese productions the black dude that rarely appears dies, thinking Resident Evil. don't hurt me I think that people want to make sure all of the characters are gone except for Roy that is the only one that appears in SDF Macross...
  16. No, that's because you're obviously an alcoholic. Cheers!
  17. My DVD player program in my Notebook can save snap shots of the movies I watch, I guess that is how the others do it too.
  18. So many toys, so little money...
  19. Is that a VF-11B in that picture?? http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=157528
  20. Are you planning to reproduce the parts that were changed for MWF members?
  21. Is that why each time I see DYRL i want to drink a beer?
  22. so it is just a preference use by the pilot, like te VF-1s that sometimes just pulled the legs out but keep the backpack and arms in fighter mode?
  23. Why is the gerwalk mode of the VF-17 different in Macross 7 than in VFX 2? In the VFX game the arms are extended while in Macross 7 they are folded
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