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Everything posted by RichterX

  1. i claim the name Macross Lollipop
  2. so far I haven't watch Macross II cause it is not canon
  3. i foresee this thread getting closed. Any way I don't think Macross needs to be grab by any big movie study, if you are referring that they should make a life action movie that doing that would just cheapen the stories we all love.
  4. was i think there is still a chance of a big love going on Sheryl <-> Alto <-> Ranka <-? Nanase <-x Luca
  5. yeah I am not interested in none variable mechs, if they did any the variable glaug and any other variable enemy mecha that would be a maybe. Otherwise considering the toys would have I think it would be a waste of money.
  6. where is the option, no thanks not interested in enemy mecha.
  7. and the energy that was gathered from Ranka's song in episode 5 tank Vajra started to gather from his stomach.
  8. I liked Macross 7, but i am completely avoiding for a Macross anime marathon i am doing for a groups of friends that likes anime as it is a major WTF? fest...
  9. the remains of the Galaxy fleet are floating around the Vajra planet like Unicron's head in Transformers
  10. If anything Macross Frontier had the same effect on some us: http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/10/1/
  11. So back to the topic, was that hour special release in any of the compilations lately? i don't think i have ever seen it being still in my mother's womb during the original showing and in the other side of the world and all that....
  12. we all know that Gubaba wasn't born, he was put together with parts of lesser nerds
  13. ebay is starting to put caps on the maximum about one can charge for shipping.
  14. I am still waiting for the triple action images
  15. Also, was it necessary to repost by quoting such a big image...
  16. I think after drawing those two the artist forgot the proportions of the female body.
  17. oh wow i didn't notice it until i read your posting. I am planning a showing of Macross F for my friends. will probably start it next week.
  18. that looks terrible for the price... is the patch accurate?
  19. we already had a tough warrior race as the enemies... they were the Zentrans.
  20. If you guys recall in early episodes Vajra's that got their head blown off would still continue to fight. Also the belly of that Vajra Leon had in the containment tank started to shine as it regenerated and woke up again from Ranka's singing.
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