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Everything posted by Impreszive

  1. Ok gang. I GOT IT!!!! I put it together last night and I must say that I am incredibly impressed with this plane. The toy fits so well together, and looks a lot more true to the line art. The lack of a sense of weight is a bit disconcerting after having so many of the older, heavier valks. I haven't transformed it yet. I am not sure if I will. I took a peek at the shoulder joints and didn't see any cracking, but I don't want to test that theory yet. I am definitely buying more of these. I think I may get the Hikaru 1-J when it comes out. Woe is me when the Max and Millia planes are made. I put the strike gear on. God, this plane looks amazing. I need a display stand now.
  2. AN old classmate from high school is in this movie. Definitely seeing it.
  3. I think I will check these guys out in the future. Cool. Thanks!
  4. How is the pricing? Is it a bit more? Are their shipping options quicker? I have a sad feeling that I am going to have to save up and get a Fokker 1/60 again at this point. Nice having to pay almost $300 for one 1/60th scale valk. I am incredibly disappointed with HLJ (and myself for picking SAL). I work in shipping and receiving, and I have never, ever seen a SAL package take this long to show up. The fact that I have to wait three friggin months to file a complaint is terrible terrible terrible! I was really looking forward to this plane. This has just been the biggest let-down. I am getting jealous of everyone here who has one now, and that is just wrong.
  5. I'm still waiting on a response. I e-mailed recently.
  6. 1/60 = 0 and still waiting for number 1.
  7. SAL. And It has never taken anything this long to get to my location. Lesson learned. I will never use SAL again. Personally, I think it was nicked. There is no reason for it to take this long to show up. Edit: Well. We're past two friggin weeks now. HLJ better be ready to replace this thing. I am f-ing pissed.
  8. Great. Now I am the only one who is STILL waiting for this friggin plane. I'm never ordering from HLJ again after this.
  9. That is definitely a way to look at it. Hmm. Didn't think of that.
  10. I'd be down for one of these.
  11. I would get the 1-J without the Fast Packs. Hikaru never used FPs with that valk, it just doesn't seem right to me to have them with it.
  12. Lucky. I'm still waiting for mine, and I had everything done on the same date. Maybe today is the day?
  13. Not me. It is still not here today either. I got my shipping notice last month. I am beginning to think it isn't showing up at all, and HLJ just made $140 off of me. Joy. Can someone friggin solve this BS crap with Harmony Gold, so I can find a domestic retailer?
  14. I'd be excited if my damn valkyrie would show up.
  15. STILL not here. I am getting extremely pissed now.
  16. I hope so. I really want this darn plane. Sigh.
  17. THIS is why I do not buy on e-bay.
  18. Yep. I am in Virginia. I changed the send to address to my office, since I am here more than at home. I did that long before they shipped the item though. It too nearly a week for them to fix the screw up with my payment. their system was telling me that I hadn't paid, whereas I had a boatload of information stating otherwise. I do shipping and receiving for my company. I know how long this stuff can take. If HMV can get me my friggin Macross Chronicle stuff in two days, this god-damned plane shouldn't take this long. I paid $140.00. That isn't a trivial sum to me. Argh. This is frustrating.
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